National Fantasy Fan, v. 9 , issue 6, December 1950
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effecting [i.e. effective?] campaigning, and Parliamentary confussion [sic], it was overwelming [sic] defeated. They then made plans for a second NFFF Portfolio with Don Day as Chairman... The artwork would have been the reproductions of your favorite drawings from the Pro's. The Norwescon came along and took up Mr. Day's time. We hope to start this up again soon. Next they approved the addition of Bill Venable's ALPHA-NULL to the list of NFFF sponsored fanzines.. Bill's zine, like FUTURIST and POSTWARP is a sub-zine, but with the NFFF assuring that it won't go in the red. After many months of talk the Directors finally took the fatefull step and approved the appointment of a committee to edit and re-issue the FANCYCLOPIDA. The famed book, that tells all there is to know about fandom and it's past. C.S. Machette took over the job as editor, but do [sic] to added school work, he had to give it up just a short time ago. Chairman Taurasi though has offered to take it over, but will need HELP.... If you have any suggestions, correction or additions - send them in to him. Next the Directors approved the ordering of NFFF stationary and seals, to be given yo [i.e. to] new members, (Regular members can buy them in quantity from K. Martin Carlson.); also three color bookplates with the N3F emblem. The latter has not been done due to the difficulty in finding a printer that would do it less than $10 a 1000. Those would have to be resold, and at 10/10c, we would be loosing money on postage. Do any of you members know a cheap but good printer? Roger N. Dard was next appointed NFFF Representative to Australia and New Zealand. This is the job that Capt. Ken Slater is holding down in England so splendidly. Their job is not only to get new members in their country, but to find ways of getting dollar credits in this country. Janie Lamb was next appointed to the new Card Index of fandom, that is taking over where the Fan Directory to have the name of every active fan in the world, and his address, where he is a NFFF member or not. If you know of any fans that you think are not listed in it, please send their names in. It's files are open to all fans wanting to locate an old friend, or fans in their locality. Then came a swarm of appointments. Bill Venable to the Manuscript Bureau, Stan Skirvin to Regional Conference Coordenator [sic], Art Levine to Copyright Bureau, Emili Thompson to head the Welcommittee. Then they approved the NFFF sponsoring a year book for 1950. Here again Chairman Taurasi volunteered to act as editor. Here again Taurasi will need lots of HELP. The Boggs/Wilson Fantasy Annual for 1948 was one of our best.... and it took lots of work, with many helpers. We NEED members to do research work... stencil work... and perhaps mimeographing. IF YOU WANT AN ANNUAL EACH AND EVERY YEAR - OFFER TO HELP NOW! Just now we have set up Committees to study plans to put the N3F on a war-time footing if the need arises, and to study and suggest possible changes in the Constitution. And of course besides all of this, we have the many things that come up daily to take care of. The monthly Round Robin letters where we thrash out various suggestions... some discarded, some approved..... always something. We have been doing our best for you. I'm sure next years officers will do as much or more.... Until then... "A Happy New Year to Everyone." Rick Sneary, President. [page number] 3
effecting [i.e. effective?] campaigning, and Parliamentary confussion [sic], it was overwelming [sic] defeated. They then made plans for a second NFFF Portfolio with Don Day as Chairman... The artwork would have been the reproductions of your favorite drawings from the Pro's. The Norwescon came along and took up Mr. Day's time. We hope to start this up again soon. Next they approved the addition of Bill Venable's ALPHA-NULL to the list of NFFF sponsored fanzines.. Bill's zine, like FUTURIST and POSTWARP is a sub-zine, but with the NFFF assuring that it won't go in the red. After many months of talk the Directors finally took the fatefull step and approved the appointment of a committee to edit and re-issue the FANCYCLOPIDA. The famed book, that tells all there is to know about fandom and it's past. C.S. Machette took over the job as editor, but do [sic] to added school work, he had to give it up just a short time ago. Chairman Taurasi though has offered to take it over, but will need HELP.... If you have any suggestions, correction or additions - send them in to him. Next the Directors approved the ordering of NFFF stationary and seals, to be given yo [i.e. to] new members, (Regular members can buy them in quantity from K. Martin Carlson.); also three color bookplates with the N3F emblem. The latter has not been done due to the difficulty in finding a printer that would do it less than $10 a 1000. Those would have to be resold, and at 10/10c, we would be loosing money on postage. Do any of you members know a cheap but good printer? Roger N. Dard was next appointed NFFF Representative to Australia and New Zealand. This is the job that Capt. Ken Slater is holding down in England so splendidly. Their job is not only to get new members in their country, but to find ways of getting dollar credits in this country. Janie Lamb was next appointed to the new Card Index of fandom, that is taking over where the Fan Directory to have the name of every active fan in the world, and his address, where he is a NFFF member or not. If you know of any fans that you think are not listed in it, please send their names in. It's files are open to all fans wanting to locate an old friend, or fans in their locality. Then came a swarm of appointments. Bill Venable to the Manuscript Bureau, Stan Skirvin to Regional Conference Coordenator [sic], Art Levine to Copyright Bureau, Emili Thompson to head the Welcommittee. Then they approved the NFFF sponsoring a year book for 1950. Here again Chairman Taurasi volunteered to act as editor. Here again Taurasi will need lots of HELP. The Boggs/Wilson Fantasy Annual for 1948 was one of our best.... and it took lots of work, with many helpers. We NEED members to do research work... stencil work... and perhaps mimeographing. IF YOU WANT AN ANNUAL EACH AND EVERY YEAR - OFFER TO HELP NOW! Just now we have set up Committees to study plans to put the N3F on a war-time footing if the need arises, and to study and suggest possible changes in the Constitution. And of course besides all of this, we have the many things that come up daily to take care of. The monthly Round Robin letters where we thrash out various suggestions... some discarded, some approved..... always something. We have been doing our best for you. I'm sure next years officers will do as much or more.... Until then... "A Happy New Year to Everyone." Rick Sneary, President. [page number] 3
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