Southern Star, v. 1, issue 2, June 1941
Page 17
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The Telecaster SOUTHERN FAN -- News Southern fandom forges forward! We think that beautifully alliterative, even if saying it is rather like trying to recite "Sallie sells sea shells" in a clear, ringing voice around a mouthful of oatmeal. And it's true, too, for since the first issue of the STAR the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION has not only grown, but Southern fandom has been showing definite and encouraging signs of waking up and really going to town. To the new DFF members L. R. Chauvenet, Billy Bradford, Milton Rothman, Lee B. Eastman, Virginia Allen, John Cunningham, and F. Lauder Lawson, welcome! Remember that, just as the STAR is your magazine and the DFF your organization, this is your corner and we want to hear from you very much indeed. All the news, your activities, hobbies, experiences -- let's have them all for publication herein. You are the beginning of the new Southern fandom, and as such your activities are news. And speaking of news -- The Columbia Conference date has been set for June 1. May fourth on was the original date. But due to Mr. Hanson's inability to be in Columbia at this time the date has been shifted. At the Conference the boundaries of the DFF will be set, plans made for the group trip, arrangements made for the election of officers for the preceding year and the 1942 "Dixiecon" discussed. Full details of the conference will appear in the next SOUTHERN STAR; members, however, who are unable to attend the meeting will receive election blanks and details of the Southern group trip by mail as soon as possible after the affair. Naturally we would like to see every member who can come to Columbia at the time of the Conference, and quite as naturally we want every Southern fan who is able to do so join the Southern group trip to the official world science-fiction Convention in Denver this fourth of July. The more the merrier, and we promise everyone who does come a time that he'll never want to forget. To assist in the obtaining of the "Dixiecon", and to band Southern fanzine publishers together in an association designed for purpose of mutual publicity and assistance, the "Dixie Press" has been formed. Publishers in the association so far are Gilbert, Jenkins, Warner, and Eastman. Stickers will be printed with the names of thos associated with the group on them ass soon as it is known who will be represented in the organization. The South is becoming, in fact, a publishing center in itself. There is the SOUTHERN STAR -- loud cheers from the gallery ---- Harry Jenkins' Jinx, which is boring hectographed with the aid of Phil Bronson, Joe Gilbert's Sound Off! and Unfamous Fantastic Masterpieces and Lee Eastman's as yet secret publication -- all these printed for the Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Harry Jenkins' also has his new publication, "Fanart", which is a most unique magazine featuring only fan art work, an editorial, and an article on fan art. The magazine will sell for a dime, and is obtainable from Harry at 2408 San-
The Telecaster SOUTHERN FAN -- News Southern fandom forges forward! We think that beautifully alliterative, even if saying it is rather like trying to recite "Sallie sells sea shells" in a clear, ringing voice around a mouthful of oatmeal. And it's true, too, for since the first issue of the STAR the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION has not only grown, but Southern fandom has been showing definite and encouraging signs of waking up and really going to town. To the new DFF members L. R. Chauvenet, Billy Bradford, Milton Rothman, Lee B. Eastman, Virginia Allen, John Cunningham, and F. Lauder Lawson, welcome! Remember that, just as the STAR is your magazine and the DFF your organization, this is your corner and we want to hear from you very much indeed. All the news, your activities, hobbies, experiences -- let's have them all for publication herein. You are the beginning of the new Southern fandom, and as such your activities are news. And speaking of news -- The Columbia Conference date has been set for June 1. May fourth on was the original date. But due to Mr. Hanson's inability to be in Columbia at this time the date has been shifted. At the Conference the boundaries of the DFF will be set, plans made for the group trip, arrangements made for the election of officers for the preceding year and the 1942 "Dixiecon" discussed. Full details of the conference will appear in the next SOUTHERN STAR; members, however, who are unable to attend the meeting will receive election blanks and details of the Southern group trip by mail as soon as possible after the affair. Naturally we would like to see every member who can come to Columbia at the time of the Conference, and quite as naturally we want every Southern fan who is able to do so join the Southern group trip to the official world science-fiction Convention in Denver this fourth of July. The more the merrier, and we promise everyone who does come a time that he'll never want to forget. To assist in the obtaining of the "Dixiecon", and to band Southern fanzine publishers together in an association designed for purpose of mutual publicity and assistance, the "Dixie Press" has been formed. Publishers in the association so far are Gilbert, Jenkins, Warner, and Eastman. Stickers will be printed with the names of thos associated with the group on them ass soon as it is known who will be represented in the organization. The South is becoming, in fact, a publishing center in itself. There is the SOUTHERN STAR -- loud cheers from the gallery ---- Harry Jenkins' Jinx, which is boring hectographed with the aid of Phil Bronson, Joe Gilbert's Sound Off! and Unfamous Fantastic Masterpieces and Lee Eastman's as yet secret publication -- all these printed for the Fantasy Amateur Press Association. Harry Jenkins' also has his new publication, "Fanart", which is a most unique magazine featuring only fan art work, an editorial, and an article on fan art. The magazine will sell for a dime, and is obtainable from Harry at 2408 San-
Hevelin Fanzines