Southern Star, v. 1, issue 3, August 1941
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WANTED! All copies of Operator Five magazine before '37. Must be in excellent condition. BEN SLOANE, 2405 Cypress St.. Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------- Mimeograph equipment. Stylus screens, styluses, stapler, paper-trimmer, letter guides. Shading screens are especially needed. I will trade for copies of the STAR or pay cash. In the latter case, prices must be quite reasonable. All equipment must be in good condition. JOSEPH GILBERT, 1100 Bryan St, Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------- The first issue of the Southern Star. DAREL LE FEVER, Inks Dam Residence, Center, Burnet, Texas. ------------------------------- FANTASIA Block prints, the best mimeographing job in fandom, lithoed interiors, good fan fiction, and articles, and perfect technical work All this is FANTASIA. Got three for a quarter or one for a dime from Lou Gold - Stone, 269 Sixteenth Ave., San Francisco, Calif. ------------------------------- Join the NFFF The entire staff of the STAR join in arging every fan to support and join Fandom's great new Federation, the NFFF. Got details the president L. R. Chauvenet, Esmont, Virginia. Join Now! ------------------------------- FANATIC Dear Fan: Do you want to read the lousiest fan magazine published anywhere, 4 poorly hektoed pages of putrid material, issued twice a year, for 25¢?? If so, then don't read any further. But if you want to get between 14 and 25 pages of the best material published today, well-mimeographed, bi-monthly; wih a column by D. D. Thompson, lessons in esperanto y Ackerman, a sparkling new feature, "Hell's Corner", quizzes, poetry, and articles by Tucker, Warner, Thompson, and Ackerman, well you'd just better send 5¢ for (or six for 25¢) to fandom's biggest nickel worth, FANATIC, the new quality fanzine; published by: CHARLES A. BELING LA ROCHE AVENUE HARRINGTON PARK, N.J.
WANTED! All copies of Operator Five magazine before '37. Must be in excellent condition. BEN SLOANE, 2405 Cypress St.. Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------- Mimeograph equipment. Stylus screens, styluses, stapler, paper-trimmer, letter guides. Shading screens are especially needed. I will trade for copies of the STAR or pay cash. In the latter case, prices must be quite reasonable. All equipment must be in good condition. JOSEPH GILBERT, 1100 Bryan St, Columbia, South Carolina. ------------------------------- The first issue of the Southern Star. DAREL LE FEVER, Inks Dam Residence, Center, Burnet, Texas. ------------------------------- FANTASIA Block prints, the best mimeographing job in fandom, lithoed interiors, good fan fiction, and articles, and perfect technical work All this is FANTASIA. Got three for a quarter or one for a dime from Lou Gold - Stone, 269 Sixteenth Ave., San Francisco, Calif. ------------------------------- Join the NFFF The entire staff of the STAR join in arging every fan to support and join Fandom's great new Federation, the NFFF. Got details the president L. R. Chauvenet, Esmont, Virginia. Join Now! ------------------------------- FANATIC Dear Fan: Do you want to read the lousiest fan magazine published anywhere, 4 poorly hektoed pages of putrid material, issued twice a year, for 25¢?? If so, then don't read any further. But if you want to get between 14 and 25 pages of the best material published today, well-mimeographed, bi-monthly; wih a column by D. D. Thompson, lessons in esperanto y Ackerman, a sparkling new feature, "Hell's Corner", quizzes, poetry, and articles by Tucker, Warner, Thompson, and Ackerman, well you'd just better send 5¢ for (or six for 25¢) to fandom's biggest nickel worth, FANATIC, the new quality fanzine; published by: CHARLES A. BELING LA ROCHE AVENUE HARRINGTON PARK, N.J.
Hevelin Fanzines