Tympany, v. 1, issue 13, September 1, 1947
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STF WITER PUBLISHES MAG. Richard Tooker, author of a large number of stf stories, is now publishing a magazine of a revolutionary character. In the course of the fisrt issue he says: "Readers seldom see their writers, and when they do, both may wish it had never happened. John Taine said that it would be better that readers never knew their favorite writers. The illusion and glamor might be dispelled and spoiled. Writers are often eccentric and incomprehensible, and sometimes they are bums and worse. John Taine was right, NOW, but Equity would have made the sittuation different. Taine is a fantasist and fantasy is a hard and narrow market. Equity hopes to make even fantasy lucrative and dependable for all fantasists by sharing profits equally." For info about what Equity is , send 25¢ for sample copy of Tooker's mag. Morgue and Mount, P. O. Box 148, Phoenix, Ariz. First issue also has an obit on Otis A. Kline. -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. RUSS AGENTS INVESTIGATE "DISC" MISTERY. Soviet agents in the United States have been ordered to solve the mistery of the "flying saucers" it was claimed recently by a Los Anfeles newspaper. While the national guessing game caused by the reported sghting in 43 states of the flying discs has burned itself out, the Soviet Union continues to be interested in the phenomena, according to the newspaper. The Kremlin believes that the flying saucers may be conected with Army experiments in devices to decommission enemy radar during bombing raids. THE CURRENT SCENE. The first big-scale survey of the scetion of this Atlantic Ridge, underwater mountain range in the vicinity of legendary Atlantis, is being made in the mid-Atlantic. The expedition is chartinf a 50,000 square mile area, seeking basic information on the Ridge. A special camera is being used to picture the type of fish and sea creatures that live in the underwater mountain valleys. (Hart)...Ground has been broken for the $20,000,000 atomic power laboratory project near Schenectady. The plant, to be operated by General Eletric scientists for the Atomic Energy Comission, will be completed in 1949. (Zimmer)....Science has discovered a new explosive, named penolite, which is powerful enough to hurl steel cones beyond the pull of gravity, according to Dr Fritz Zwicky, Mt Wilson astronomer. He said scientists already have attempted to toss projectiles high enough to become artifivial sattelites, but first attempts have failed. (Carlson).... The Russians claim discovery of a new north pole in ana almost inaccessible area of the Arctic. In fact, they claim to have found two new magnetic poles, but did not disclose the location of either discovery. (Woolston). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYMPANY is published biweekly by the Neotoric-Redlance Press at 2215 Bnejamin St NE, Minneapolis 18, Minnesota. Subscription rates: 5¢ a copy; 6/25¢; 12/50¢. Advertising rates: Full-page: 75¢; half-page: 40¢; quarte- page: 20¢. Remittance may be made to either editor. Trades arranged with other fanzines. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the editors. News and articles should be sent to Bob Stein. Other Neotoric-Redlance publications: Astronaut. CO-EDITORS Robert L. STEIN 514 West Vienna Ave. Milwaukee 12, Wis Redd Boggs 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis 18, minn -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -2-
STF WITER PUBLISHES MAG. Richard Tooker, author of a large number of stf stories, is now publishing a magazine of a revolutionary character. In the course of the fisrt issue he says: "Readers seldom see their writers, and when they do, both may wish it had never happened. John Taine said that it would be better that readers never knew their favorite writers. The illusion and glamor might be dispelled and spoiled. Writers are often eccentric and incomprehensible, and sometimes they are bums and worse. John Taine was right, NOW, but Equity would have made the sittuation different. Taine is a fantasist and fantasy is a hard and narrow market. Equity hopes to make even fantasy lucrative and dependable for all fantasists by sharing profits equally." For info about what Equity is , send 25¢ for sample copy of Tooker's mag. Morgue and Mount, P. O. Box 148, Phoenix, Ariz. First issue also has an obit on Otis A. Kline. -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. RUSS AGENTS INVESTIGATE "DISC" MISTERY. Soviet agents in the United States have been ordered to solve the mistery of the "flying saucers" it was claimed recently by a Los Anfeles newspaper. While the national guessing game caused by the reported sghting in 43 states of the flying discs has burned itself out, the Soviet Union continues to be interested in the phenomena, according to the newspaper. The Kremlin believes that the flying saucers may be conected with Army experiments in devices to decommission enemy radar during bombing raids. THE CURRENT SCENE. The first big-scale survey of the scetion of this Atlantic Ridge, underwater mountain range in the vicinity of legendary Atlantis, is being made in the mid-Atlantic. The expedition is chartinf a 50,000 square mile area, seeking basic information on the Ridge. A special camera is being used to picture the type of fish and sea creatures that live in the underwater mountain valleys. (Hart)...Ground has been broken for the $20,000,000 atomic power laboratory project near Schenectady. The plant, to be operated by General Eletric scientists for the Atomic Energy Comission, will be completed in 1949. (Zimmer)....Science has discovered a new explosive, named penolite, which is powerful enough to hurl steel cones beyond the pull of gravity, according to Dr Fritz Zwicky, Mt Wilson astronomer. He said scientists already have attempted to toss projectiles high enough to become artifivial sattelites, but first attempts have failed. (Carlson).... The Russians claim discovery of a new north pole in ana almost inaccessible area of the Arctic. In fact, they claim to have found two new magnetic poles, but did not disclose the location of either discovery. (Woolston). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYMPANY is published biweekly by the Neotoric-Redlance Press at 2215 Bnejamin St NE, Minneapolis 18, Minnesota. Subscription rates: 5¢ a copy; 6/25¢; 12/50¢. Advertising rates: Full-page: 75¢; half-page: 40¢; quarte- page: 20¢. Remittance may be made to either editor. Trades arranged with other fanzines. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the editors. News and articles should be sent to Bob Stein. Other Neotoric-Redlance publications: Astronaut. CO-EDITORS Robert L. STEIN 514 West Vienna Ave. Milwaukee 12, Wis Redd Boggs 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis 18, minn -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -2-
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