Tympany, v. 1, issue 13, September 1, 1947
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ALL QUIET ON STF FRONT, AUSSIE THEATER. From Australia, Graham Brice Stone reports: "There is nothing to report on the stf front at all. It looks as if it's going to take a reintroduction of magazine stf to get anything going. There is one thing of interest. In a locally produced comic book, some run-of-the-mill fantastic strips appear, with numorous bits swiped from stf mags of other days. Ihave a copy here in which are copies od Paul's cover for 'Captives of the Crater', his 'City on Titan', the flying plants that first illustrated Williamson's 'Green Girl', some typical Paul spaceships, and some very familiar monsters, notably a swarm of rather large Worseloids attacking a ship..." #Ackerman recently met a girl (non-fanne) from Down Under who, about a month before, in SYDNEY, had seen a copy of Erle Cox' classic, Out of the Silence, in a bookstore window -- complete with cover jacket! -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. THE FAN WORLD. Jay F. Chidsey, Green Springs (Ohio) fantasite, paid a visit to Tom Jewett recently. He stayed only half an hour, but Tom was glad to discover that fans are human after all. Chidsey was the first fan he'd ever seen....D. B. Thompson, now at Imperial, Nebr., writes tha Nicholas Carr of Chicago spent about a week at his place during June -- but it never occurred to him to mention it before.... William Rotsler and his associates are planning to film a homr-movie on a fantasy theme.... The newsstand where "Astra" Zimmer buys all her fantasy magazines is the Ackerman News Room. Recently, while looking through some old sheet-music, she found a song called "California, I Love You" by A. F. Frankenstein.... Donn Brazier spent part of August in Canada, filming wild life for the Milwaukee Museum, of which he is an employee. FANTASY FOUNDATION NEWS. A letter has been received by the Director of Fantasy Foundation from H. F. Heard stating: "Under separate cover you will find a copy of Doppelgangers. I agree with you it is unsuited for your collection of Fantasia ((This refers to FJAckerman's dubious review in Tympany #5. Eds.)) because it is not a Weird in the sense of a tale meant solely to amuse by giving the creeps. It's a weird though in the sense tha the Scotch coined the word, for to 'Drei your weird' is to find youself driven along your destiny willy nilly" This holograph will be inserted in the copy for the Master Collection. -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. BOUCHER LIKES AVON FANTASY READER. There is a healthy sign of revitalization in the fantasy field, according to Anthony Boucher, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle for July 27th. One of its manifestations is Avon Fantasy Reader, edited by Donald A. Wollheim. Says Mr. Boucher : "So far this is using almost entirely reprints... but Wollheim is choosing interesting reprints, including reasonably unhackneyed specimens of Lovecraft, Merritt, Moore and Wells, a chilling little item of his own, and -- to crawl out on a limb -- two of the finest fantasy stories ever written: John Collier's 'Evening Primrose' and Ray Bradbury's 'Homecoming'. The continuance of this sort of good reading... at a quarter depends on only one thing -- the still shaky state of the whole pocket sizemarket. And that depends on you readers. Look around, sample, see what you like -- and support it." Mr. Boucher made no mention of the fact that Avon Fantasy Reader has always cost, not a quarter, but 35¢. -- CARROLL WYMACK -3-
ALL QUIET ON STF FRONT, AUSSIE THEATER. From Australia, Graham Brice Stone reports: "There is nothing to report on the stf front at all. It looks as if it's going to take a reintroduction of magazine stf to get anything going. There is one thing of interest. In a locally produced comic book, some run-of-the-mill fantastic strips appear, with numorous bits swiped from stf mags of other days. Ihave a copy here in which are copies od Paul's cover for 'Captives of the Crater', his 'City on Titan', the flying plants that first illustrated Williamson's 'Green Girl', some typical Paul spaceships, and some very familiar monsters, notably a swarm of rather large Worseloids attacking a ship..." #Ackerman recently met a girl (non-fanne) from Down Under who, about a month before, in SYDNEY, had seen a copy of Erle Cox' classic, Out of the Silence, in a bookstore window -- complete with cover jacket! -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. THE FAN WORLD. Jay F. Chidsey, Green Springs (Ohio) fantasite, paid a visit to Tom Jewett recently. He stayed only half an hour, but Tom was glad to discover that fans are human after all. Chidsey was the first fan he'd ever seen....D. B. Thompson, now at Imperial, Nebr., writes tha Nicholas Carr of Chicago spent about a week at his place during June -- but it never occurred to him to mention it before.... William Rotsler and his associates are planning to film a homr-movie on a fantasy theme.... The newsstand where "Astra" Zimmer buys all her fantasy magazines is the Ackerman News Room. Recently, while looking through some old sheet-music, she found a song called "California, I Love You" by A. F. Frankenstein.... Donn Brazier spent part of August in Canada, filming wild life for the Milwaukee Museum, of which he is an employee. FANTASY FOUNDATION NEWS. A letter has been received by the Director of Fantasy Foundation from H. F. Heard stating: "Under separate cover you will find a copy of Doppelgangers. I agree with you it is unsuited for your collection of Fantasia ((This refers to FJAckerman's dubious review in Tympany #5. Eds.)) because it is not a Weird in the sense of a tale meant solely to amuse by giving the creeps. It's a weird though in the sense tha the Scotch coined the word, for to 'Drei your weird' is to find youself driven along your destiny willy nilly" This holograph will be inserted in the copy for the Master Collection. -- FORREST J ACKERMAN. BOUCHER LIKES AVON FANTASY READER. There is a healthy sign of revitalization in the fantasy field, according to Anthony Boucher, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle for July 27th. One of its manifestations is Avon Fantasy Reader, edited by Donald A. Wollheim. Says Mr. Boucher : "So far this is using almost entirely reprints... but Wollheim is choosing interesting reprints, including reasonably unhackneyed specimens of Lovecraft, Merritt, Moore and Wells, a chilling little item of his own, and -- to crawl out on a limb -- two of the finest fantasy stories ever written: John Collier's 'Evening Primrose' and Ray Bradbury's 'Homecoming'. The continuance of this sort of good reading... at a quarter depends on only one thing -- the still shaky state of the whole pocket sizemarket. And that depends on you readers. Look around, sample, see what you like -- and support it." Mr. Boucher made no mention of the fact that Avon Fantasy Reader has always cost, not a quarter, but 35¢. -- CARROLL WYMACK -3-
Hevelin Fanzines