Walt Daugherty's Directory of Fandom, April 1942
Page 22
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My manny thanx to all of the fans who helped to make this first issue possible. Especially to Julie Unger, Forrie Ackerman and E. E. Evans. This, like all first issues is very inadequate, but it is a start. Your corrections and additions are more than welcolm. Many of the addresses are wrong, but it is impossible when you get started to stop and go back and correct all the errors. Time has had me on this directory for over three months and no claim is being made or should be infered that this should be a milestone in fandom, but I hope that it does open up some new avenues of what can be done with some of the standard things of fandom. Due to the shortage of time to get this directory in the mail it is impossible to complete the list of foreign fans and to include the list of Pro-mags. Also the clubs must be left out, all of these will be included in the suppliment with the next FAPA mailing. In closing, I would like to say that if each fan who receives this directory takes it down from his fan mag shelf and uses it only once as a reference, it will have served the purpose for which it was intended. Progressively yours, WALT DAUGHERTY 846 1/3 WEST 82nd STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 15c a copy --- Free to FAPA --- No subscriptions please ---
My manny thanx to all of the fans who helped to make this first issue possible. Especially to Julie Unger, Forrie Ackerman and E. E. Evans. This, like all first issues is very inadequate, but it is a start. Your corrections and additions are more than welcolm. Many of the addresses are wrong, but it is impossible when you get started to stop and go back and correct all the errors. Time has had me on this directory for over three months and no claim is being made or should be infered that this should be a milestone in fandom, but I hope that it does open up some new avenues of what can be done with some of the standard things of fandom. Due to the shortage of time to get this directory in the mail it is impossible to complete the list of foreign fans and to include the list of Pro-mags. Also the clubs must be left out, all of these will be included in the suppliment with the next FAPA mailing. In closing, I would like to say that if each fan who receives this directory takes it down from his fan mag shelf and uses it only once as a reference, it will have served the purpose for which it was intended. Progressively yours, WALT DAUGHERTY 846 1/3 WEST 82nd STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 15c a copy --- Free to FAPA --- No subscriptions please ---
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