Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1970-08-21 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 1
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Ain't I a Woman? a midwest newspaper of womens liberation vol. 1 no. 4 August 21, 1970 25c published by the publications collective, iowa city W.L.F. [photo] "I CALL EACH PLANT IN THE MORNING ABOUT 9 O'CLOCK AND I TELL THEM, THIS IS DELORES CARRILLO, COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME HOW MANY MEXICAN-AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE IN YOUR PLANT,' AND THEY SAY 'NONE.' SO I SAY, 'HOW MANY BLACKS DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR PLANT,' AND THEY SAY, 'NONE.' WELL, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. THE NEXT DAY THIS GIRL'S THERE PICKETING WITH HER CROWD BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING A FACTORY WITH NOTHING BUT WHITES IN IT." WOMEN'S HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER c/o Laura X, 2325 Oak, Berkeley, Calif. 94708 Running catalogue of library: $1 10/68-7/69; $5 10/68-10-69; $2 10/68-1/70; $4 10/68-8/70 SPAZM newsletter, 4thru 12/1969 - Very useful as long historical record of the movement at the time. 30 issues $15 to individuals and small groups. HERSTORY SYNOPSIS - Women in world history. $1 including free poster & postage. The sisters in Omaha have an action group together. They welcome any sisters who want to join. Also, anyone traveling through Omaha should stop to see them. Contact; Dotti Cohen, 1158 Howard St., Omaha Neb. 68102 FEMALE LIBERATION in Minneapolis is located at 1416 2nd St. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 THE FEMALE LIBERATION NEWSLETTER 25¢ published by-weekly by the Female Liberation Group P.O. Box 14061, University Station Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. SOCIALIST REVOLUTION Agenda Publishing Company 1445 Stockton Street San Francisco, California 94133 Single Issue $1.50 Subscription (6 issues) $6.00 Next issue of Ain't I A Woman? Sept. 14, 1970 AIN'T I A WOMAN? is published on the second and fourth Fridays of each month by the Publications Collective of the Iowa City Women's Liberation Front, P.O. Box 1169, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 The voice of the Midwest needs to be heard in the Women's Liberation Movement. Ain't I A Woman? will print without any editing any laid-out page from a Midwest (New Mexico thru Ohio) Women's Liberation group. We would like to encourage other women to start working collectively to avoid elitism and distructive power relationships that pit us against each other. We will send details on deadlines, page size, column length, etc. if you would like. If your group wants to receive bundles of AIN'T I A WOMAN?, send 15¢ per copy. Minimum bundle: 20 copies Making a big deal About subscriptions seems horribly capitalistic! $4.00 for 24 copies box 1169 Iowa City, IA 52240 "The Radical Therapist" A Journal of Opinion a publication by professionals seeking radical changes in mental health fields--has devoted a special third issue to WOMEN. Single copies available for $1; subs $6 per year (six issues). The Radical Therapist, P.O. Box 1215, Minot, North Dakota 58701 SUGGESTED READING The Feminists Literature List $3.50 for literature + poster. The Feminists, 120 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. 10006 The Small Group: Three articles - by Pam Allen, Lyn O'Conner, and Liz Bunding. 15¢ Introduction to Women's Liberation-by Peggy White, 5¢ Sisters in Oppression - by Karen Burt - 10¢ available from: WOMEN'S LIBERATION BASEMENT PRESS P.O. Box 6322, Albany, Calif. 94706
Ain't I a Woman? a midwest newspaper of womens liberation vol. 1 no. 4 August 21, 1970 25c published by the publications collective, iowa city W.L.F. [photo] "I CALL EACH PLANT IN THE MORNING ABOUT 9 O'CLOCK AND I TELL THEM, THIS IS DELORES CARRILLO, COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME HOW MANY MEXICAN-AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE IN YOUR PLANT,' AND THEY SAY 'NONE.' SO I SAY, 'HOW MANY BLACKS DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR PLANT,' AND THEY SAY, 'NONE.' WELL, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT. THE NEXT DAY THIS GIRL'S THERE PICKETING WITH HER CROWD BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING A FACTORY WITH NOTHING BUT WHITES IN IT." WOMEN'S HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER c/o Laura X, 2325 Oak, Berkeley, Calif. 94708 Running catalogue of library: $1 10/68-7/69; $5 10/68-10-69; $2 10/68-1/70; $4 10/68-8/70 SPAZM newsletter, 4thru 12/1969 - Very useful as long historical record of the movement at the time. 30 issues $15 to individuals and small groups. HERSTORY SYNOPSIS - Women in world history. $1 including free poster & postage. The sisters in Omaha have an action group together. They welcome any sisters who want to join. Also, anyone traveling through Omaha should stop to see them. Contact; Dotti Cohen, 1158 Howard St., Omaha Neb. 68102 FEMALE LIBERATION in Minneapolis is located at 1416 2nd St. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 THE FEMALE LIBERATION NEWSLETTER 25¢ published by-weekly by the Female Liberation Group P.O. Box 14061, University Station Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. SOCIALIST REVOLUTION Agenda Publishing Company 1445 Stockton Street San Francisco, California 94133 Single Issue $1.50 Subscription (6 issues) $6.00 Next issue of Ain't I A Woman? Sept. 14, 1970 AIN'T I A WOMAN? is published on the second and fourth Fridays of each month by the Publications Collective of the Iowa City Women's Liberation Front, P.O. Box 1169, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 The voice of the Midwest needs to be heard in the Women's Liberation Movement. Ain't I A Woman? will print without any editing any laid-out page from a Midwest (New Mexico thru Ohio) Women's Liberation group. We would like to encourage other women to start working collectively to avoid elitism and distructive power relationships that pit us against each other. We will send details on deadlines, page size, column length, etc. if you would like. If your group wants to receive bundles of AIN'T I A WOMAN?, send 15¢ per copy. Minimum bundle: 20 copies Making a big deal About subscriptions seems horribly capitalistic! $4.00 for 24 copies box 1169 Iowa City, IA 52240 "The Radical Therapist" A Journal of Opinion a publication by professionals seeking radical changes in mental health fields--has devoted a special third issue to WOMEN. Single copies available for $1; subs $6 per year (six issues). The Radical Therapist, P.O. Box 1215, Minot, North Dakota 58701 SUGGESTED READING The Feminists Literature List $3.50 for literature + poster. The Feminists, 120 Liberty St., New York, N.Y. 10006 The Small Group: Three articles - by Pam Allen, Lyn O'Conner, and Liz Bunding. 15¢ Introduction to Women's Liberation-by Peggy White, 5¢ Sisters in Oppression - by Karen Burt - 10¢ available from: WOMEN'S LIBERATION BASEMENT PRESS P.O. Box 6322, Albany, Calif. 94706
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