Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1970-09-11 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 9
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Selling Out the People by AMERICAN DOCUMENTARY FILMS, INC A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 336 WEST 84th STREET - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10024 - (212) 779-7440 16 July, 1970 AIN'T I A WOMAN? Sisters, I read about you in Off Our Backs, and would really appreciate it if you'd put the following short blurb in your publication for us soon: AMERICAN DOCUMENTARY FILMS HAS JUST RECEIVED NEW FILMS AND AUDIO TAPES ON WOMEN'S LIBERATION. BESS MEYERSON GRANT TELLS US THAT " YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY WAR, MRS. SMITH " IN THE FILM. OUR NEW WOMEN'S LIB TAPES ARE FROM KMPX AND KSAN IN SAN FRANCISCO. WE ARE A NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION, SPECIALIZING IN FILMS AND AUDIO TAPES WHICH DEAL WITH CURRENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS INCLUDING WAR, RACISM, WOMEN'S LIBERATION AND ECOLOGY. FOR A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF MATERIALS PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A.D.F. OR IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, WRITE: New York Office: 336 West 84th St, NYC, NY 10024 212-799-7440 San Francisco Office: 379 Bay, San Fran. Ca. 94133 415-982-7475 We also need new tapes on all of the above topics, but most relevant to your readers, tapes on abortion, child care, job discrimination, etc. We are struggling to create an alternative to commercial mass media. Our films and tapes are aimed at helping people understand what's happening around them, and at stressing that action is not only possible but crucial. Enclosed is our catalogue. We are in the process of revising the whole thing, and of putting out a separate tape flyer - I'll send the new stuff on when they're done. Could you send us a sample of your paper? Thanks in advance for your help. In the struggle, JERRY STOLL President SALLY PUGH Secretary MARIE RUNYON Treasurer BOB LA BRASCA HENRY HOFFMANN Distribution MARILYN CASSELMAN Administration SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 379 Bay Street San Francisco California 94133 (415) 982-7475 "BEWARE OF THE DESIRE TO HAVE PROTEST PERFORM THE DIFFICULT TASKS OF ART" Berthold Brecht This begins the policy statement in the ADF catalog. Brecht was an artist not a revolutionary. What can his statement mean to us. Art says something and looks nice but it does not kill, destroy, build, neutralize power. Beware of the desire to have art perform the difficult tasks of protest! UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ACTION STUDIES PROGRAM Schedule of Courses Fall Semester Centering Organizing Free Child Care Why Women's Liberation - 2 workshops Film and Social Change Surrealism's Illegitimate Children Theories of Handicapping Horses Lots of Bags Going on Drugs: Their Nature, Action and Use Destruction of the Feminine Myth Black History Seminar: Black History and Movements Political Action: 1970 Study of Radical Theories of Political Economy The Vietnam War and Conflicting Images of America People's Symphony Science Fiction Historical Background: Women's Liberation Black Action Theatre Revolution Through Alternate Institutions ACTION STUDIES PROGRAM 303 Jefferson Bldg. 353-3610 DAYCARE CENTERS: YOU ARE NEEDED: There are 3 free community controlled childcare centers in Iowa City. These centers need more volunteers to take some responsibility for society's children by coming several hours a week to be with the children. Please contact: Pat Pringle at 351-2670 Sponsors for the Premiere of SONS AND DAUGHTERS - Names of Organizations for Identification Only REV. DAVID BAAR, Grace Cathedral - ALVAH BESSIE, Author - WILLIE BROWN, State Assemblyman San Francisco - JOHN COLLIER, Photographer, Anthropoligist - MORRIS EVENSON, Secretary, Painters Local No. 4 - HERMAN GALLEGOS, Mission Council on Redevelopment - DR. CARLTON GOODLETT, Publisher - FLEX AND ELENA GREENE, Film Director, Producer - RABBI IRVING HAUSMAN, Temple Emanu-el - STERLING HAYDEN, Author, Actor - ART HOPPE, Journalist - ROBERT M. HUTCHINS, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions - EDWARD M. KEATING, Publisher - RICHARD LIEBES, Research Director, Building Service Employees - ALAN MEYERSON, The Committee - PERCY MOORE, Executive Secretary, Bay Area Council for Civic Unity - LINUS PAULING, Chemist - SID ROGER, Labor Commentator, KPFA - DR. PHILIP SHAPIRO, Psychiatrist - STANLEY SHEINBAUM, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions - NICOLAS SIDJAKOV, Designer - PETE STEFFENS, Associate Professor U.C., Berkeley - RICHARD STROHMAN, Associate Professor U.C., Berkeley Everytime a slick letterhead request for a plug comes in from some non-profit organization (as if declaring yourself non-profit is to wave a white flat) I want to puke my guts out. I want to puke cause you don't yet see that non-profit and corporation is a contradiction in terms, cause you don't see making films and tapes about people's misery and then peddling them for a price is unforgivable, cause you don't see the insult in referring to us as Women's Lib as if liberation is just another catch phrase to be abbreviated and mangled by your alternative to the commercial media, cause you define the liberation of women as a social problem. War is a social problem, Racism is a social problem, Women's Liberation is no social problem. You don't see your request for tapes as insulting as it is. You don't care that if women can make tapes, they can also distribute them and probably for free or for cost to their sisters.You would have us think we need a non-profit corporation with letterhead and an office and a hierarchian staff with a man-president to distribute tapes. Or that some kind of media is needed to "stress that action is not only possible but crucial". There is a lot of work to be done and it would get done a lot quicker if people would act instead of making films about acting, if people would devote the energy it takes to bring about a revolution instead of forming non-profit corporations which rent films for prices that only middle class intellectuals would rent for a weekend one nite view of misery. You even felt compelled to identify every one of your sponsors by his!!! pig profession. Authors, Psychiatrist, Executive Secretary. I want to puke cause you don't see how disgusting it is to flaunt those names with all their ritzy middle class privileged jobs, cause you don't see your division of labor as repulsive cause it is uncollective, cause you don't see it as sexist cause you employ Sally Pugh as a secretary and Jerry Stoll as a president. I want to puke cause you are peddling our misery without even beginning to understand it. There are a lot of middle class, college educated people around who don't want pig jobs cause pig jobs stink so they get pig jobs or if they are really privileged start pig corporations that just don't sound like pigshit and try hard to convince us that they are serving the people. A sales pitch is a sales pitch. Lucky Jerry Stoll. How much nicer it sounds being president of American Documentary Films, Inc., working over time to get the message to the people, than being president of Jerry's Office Supplies. Much higher on the left-liberal status latter, huh, Jerry? After all, we have to live and a salary is a salary to those who are use to earning one. Well, you got your blurb -- now choose your sides -- you can't be part of the solution (revolution) when you are part of the problem sitting behind a corporate desk selling out the people. Next time take out an ad. A WOMAN? September 11, 1970 9
Selling Out the People by AMERICAN DOCUMENTARY FILMS, INC A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 336 WEST 84th STREET - NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10024 - (212) 779-7440 16 July, 1970 AIN'T I A WOMAN? Sisters, I read about you in Off Our Backs, and would really appreciate it if you'd put the following short blurb in your publication for us soon: AMERICAN DOCUMENTARY FILMS HAS JUST RECEIVED NEW FILMS AND AUDIO TAPES ON WOMEN'S LIBERATION. BESS MEYERSON GRANT TELLS US THAT " YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY WAR, MRS. SMITH " IN THE FILM. OUR NEW WOMEN'S LIB TAPES ARE FROM KMPX AND KSAN IN SAN FRANCISCO. WE ARE A NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION, SPECIALIZING IN FILMS AND AUDIO TAPES WHICH DEAL WITH CURRENT SOCIAL PROBLEMS INCLUDING WAR, RACISM, WOMEN'S LIBERATION AND ECOLOGY. FOR A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF MATERIALS PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY A.D.F. OR IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, WRITE: New York Office: 336 West 84th St, NYC, NY 10024 212-799-7440 San Francisco Office: 379 Bay, San Fran. Ca. 94133 415-982-7475 We also need new tapes on all of the above topics, but most relevant to your readers, tapes on abortion, child care, job discrimination, etc. We are struggling to create an alternative to commercial mass media. Our films and tapes are aimed at helping people understand what's happening around them, and at stressing that action is not only possible but crucial. Enclosed is our catalogue. We are in the process of revising the whole thing, and of putting out a separate tape flyer - I'll send the new stuff on when they're done. Could you send us a sample of your paper? Thanks in advance for your help. In the struggle, JERRY STOLL President SALLY PUGH Secretary MARIE RUNYON Treasurer BOB LA BRASCA HENRY HOFFMANN Distribution MARILYN CASSELMAN Administration SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE 379 Bay Street San Francisco California 94133 (415) 982-7475 "BEWARE OF THE DESIRE TO HAVE PROTEST PERFORM THE DIFFICULT TASKS OF ART" Berthold Brecht This begins the policy statement in the ADF catalog. Brecht was an artist not a revolutionary. What can his statement mean to us. Art says something and looks nice but it does not kill, destroy, build, neutralize power. Beware of the desire to have art perform the difficult tasks of protest! UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ACTION STUDIES PROGRAM Schedule of Courses Fall Semester Centering Organizing Free Child Care Why Women's Liberation - 2 workshops Film and Social Change Surrealism's Illegitimate Children Theories of Handicapping Horses Lots of Bags Going on Drugs: Their Nature, Action and Use Destruction of the Feminine Myth Black History Seminar: Black History and Movements Political Action: 1970 Study of Radical Theories of Political Economy The Vietnam War and Conflicting Images of America People's Symphony Science Fiction Historical Background: Women's Liberation Black Action Theatre Revolution Through Alternate Institutions ACTION STUDIES PROGRAM 303 Jefferson Bldg. 353-3610 DAYCARE CENTERS: YOU ARE NEEDED: There are 3 free community controlled childcare centers in Iowa City. These centers need more volunteers to take some responsibility for society's children by coming several hours a week to be with the children. Please contact: Pat Pringle at 351-2670 Sponsors for the Premiere of SONS AND DAUGHTERS - Names of Organizations for Identification Only REV. DAVID BAAR, Grace Cathedral - ALVAH BESSIE, Author - WILLIE BROWN, State Assemblyman San Francisco - JOHN COLLIER, Photographer, Anthropoligist - MORRIS EVENSON, Secretary, Painters Local No. 4 - HERMAN GALLEGOS, Mission Council on Redevelopment - DR. CARLTON GOODLETT, Publisher - FLEX AND ELENA GREENE, Film Director, Producer - RABBI IRVING HAUSMAN, Temple Emanu-el - STERLING HAYDEN, Author, Actor - ART HOPPE, Journalist - ROBERT M. HUTCHINS, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions - EDWARD M. KEATING, Publisher - RICHARD LIEBES, Research Director, Building Service Employees - ALAN MEYERSON, The Committee - PERCY MOORE, Executive Secretary, Bay Area Council for Civic Unity - LINUS PAULING, Chemist - SID ROGER, Labor Commentator, KPFA - DR. PHILIP SHAPIRO, Psychiatrist - STANLEY SHEINBAUM, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions - NICOLAS SIDJAKOV, Designer - PETE STEFFENS, Associate Professor U.C., Berkeley - RICHARD STROHMAN, Associate Professor U.C., Berkeley Everytime a slick letterhead request for a plug comes in from some non-profit organization (as if declaring yourself non-profit is to wave a white flat) I want to puke my guts out. I want to puke cause you don't yet see that non-profit and corporation is a contradiction in terms, cause you don't see making films and tapes about people's misery and then peddling them for a price is unforgivable, cause you don't see the insult in referring to us as Women's Lib as if liberation is just another catch phrase to be abbreviated and mangled by your alternative to the commercial media, cause you define the liberation of women as a social problem. War is a social problem, Racism is a social problem, Women's Liberation is no social problem. You don't see your request for tapes as insulting as it is. You don't care that if women can make tapes, they can also distribute them and probably for free or for cost to their sisters.You would have us think we need a non-profit corporation with letterhead and an office and a hierarchian staff with a man-president to distribute tapes. Or that some kind of media is needed to "stress that action is not only possible but crucial". There is a lot of work to be done and it would get done a lot quicker if people would act instead of making films about acting, if people would devote the energy it takes to bring about a revolution instead of forming non-profit corporations which rent films for prices that only middle class intellectuals would rent for a weekend one nite view of misery. You even felt compelled to identify every one of your sponsors by his!!! pig profession. Authors, Psychiatrist, Executive Secretary. I want to puke cause you don't see how disgusting it is to flaunt those names with all their ritzy middle class privileged jobs, cause you don't see your division of labor as repulsive cause it is uncollective, cause you don't see it as sexist cause you employ Sally Pugh as a secretary and Jerry Stoll as a president. I want to puke cause you are peddling our misery without even beginning to understand it. There are a lot of middle class, college educated people around who don't want pig jobs cause pig jobs stink so they get pig jobs or if they are really privileged start pig corporations that just don't sound like pigshit and try hard to convince us that they are serving the people. A sales pitch is a sales pitch. Lucky Jerry Stoll. How much nicer it sounds being president of American Documentary Films, Inc., working over time to get the message to the people, than being president of Jerry's Office Supplies. Much higher on the left-liberal status latter, huh, Jerry? After all, we have to live and a salary is a salary to those who are use to earning one. Well, you got your blurb -- now choose your sides -- you can't be part of the solution (revolution) when you are part of the problem sitting behind a corporate desk selling out the people. Next time take out an ad. A WOMAN? September 11, 1970 9
Campus Culture