Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1970-10-30 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 16
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Available at Action Studies office 303 Jefferson Bldg. Iowa City Birth Control Handbook- McGill Students Society FREE Century of Struggle-Eleanor Flexner-paperback $3.10 Marxism: A syllabus for women by Kitty Bernick .10 Motive Magazine- Special issue on women $1.00 No More Fun & Games, #3, The Dialectics of Sexism $1.00 Women: a pamphlet introducing Iowa City WL Free NEWSPAPERS BY & FOR WOMEN--256 25 cent each Current issues & some back copies available Ain't I A Woman? (Iowa City) Off Our Backs(Washington, D.C) It Ain't Me Babe(Berkeley) RAT (New York City) Special issues on women you can send for: Radical America- Feb.,1970-75 cent Racdical America 1237 Spaight Street Madison, Wisc. 53703 Leviathan-excellent special issue on women-50 cent Leviathan 968 Valencia San Francisco, Cal. 94110 The radical Therapist- special issue- $1.00 P.O Box 1215 Minot, North Dakota 5801 [photo] FEMALE LIBERATION and the SEXUAL CASTE SYSTEM All 24 Items 35.25 _(10 cent) Isaac Asimov-Uncertain, coy, and hard to please _(30 cent) Jack Belden-Gold Flower's story: women's liberation in revolutionary China _(10 cent) Margaret Benston- The political economy of women's liberation _(20 cent) Dana Densmore - Sex roles and female oppression _(10 cent) Roxanne Dunbar- Female liberation as the basis for social revolution _(2/5 cent) Roxanne Dunbar- Poor white women _(40 cent) Friedrich Engels- The origin of the family _(10 cent) Felix Greene- A divorce trial in China _(15 cent) Joan Jordan- The place of American women: economic exploitation of women _(20 cent) Beverly Jones & Judith Brown- Toward a female liberation movement _(10 cent) Anne Koedt- The myth of the vaginal orgasm _(10 cent) Laurel Limpus- Liberation of women: sexual repression and the family _(5 cent) Pat Mainardi- The politics of housework _(15 cent) Juliet Mitchell- Women: the longest revoltuion _(10 cent) Marge Piercy- The grand coulee dam, about women in the movement _(5 cent) Poor black women _(15 cent) Evelyn Reed- the myth of women's inferiority: women's role in pre-historic societal development _(2/5 cent) Betsy Warrior- Women and welfare _(10 cent) Naomi Weisstein- Kinder, Kirche, Kuche; or, Psychology constructs the female _(25 cent) Lyn Wells- American women: their use and abse _(25 cent) Llene Winkler- Women workers, the forgotten third of the working class _(25 cent) Off Or Backs, a woman's news-journal _($1) No More Fun and Games: a journal of female liberation- by Boston-area women __($1.15) Women: A Journal of Liberation- by Baltimore-area women Bibliographies Women: a bibliography by Lucia Cisler-14 categories, annotated reading list of 600 items, 16 pages. By mail 25 cent/copy. From Lucinda Cisler 102 W. 80 St. New York, N.Y. 10024 Women's Liberation: A Bibliography-PM #2 Send a 6 cent stamp for single copy to Tallahassee Women's Liberation_-PM 308 S. McComb Tallahassee, Fla. 32301 Copies for lending & persual at Action Studies Office We have copies of all articles on women from the New England Free Press and the Radical Education Project- for lending or perusal at Action Studies Office- 303 Jefferson Bldg. or send to Radical Education Project Box 561-A Detroit, Michigan 48232 I Am Furious (Female) covers the influence of Freud & Christianity in idealogical 15 cent oppression of women. Diggs, Cantrow, et al Political Economy of Women's Liberation A basic statement of the material conditions in capitalist (and other) societies which define the group "women". Focus on the nature of work performed in and by the family. 10 cent by Margaret Benston Bread and Roses Argues the centrality of the struggle for women's liberation in a revolutionary movement. Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood 10c Women: The Longest Revolution - good historical 15 cent essay on women. Juliet Mitchell The Place of American Women: Economic Exploitation Some facts & figures on economic conditions 15 cent of women. by Joan Jordan THE POLITICS OF FOOTBALL & OTHER WARr GAMES Definitions: a CAPITALIST pig is a greedy "man who has everything" and wants to keep it that way; hence the "protection racket." a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG is still a pig though he may not be protecting anything more abstract than his potency. MALE CHAUVINISTS, PIGS, display their united strength in aggregate usually called "teams". Their uniform in the jock strap. JOCK STRAP -- Big Brother's holding company ATHLETIC SUPPORTER -- a member of a "Booster's Club" for a "team" NUT CUP -- a trophy, given to novice MCP's in recognition of their initiation into a "team" BALL -- that which is supposed tO be kicked but is most of the time held onto with the hands FIELD -- a battle-field, on which lines are drawn and games are fought (or, fights are played). Each team has its own field, yet is not content and, in true pig, style, teams fight on their own and others ' fields; but nothing is over resolved and fields do not change hands. POSITION -- not a geographical location, but a status. Regardless of where he is, a team member must fight in, and maintain, the same position. A LINE-MAN, for instance, tries to act consistently with his line. There are also QUARTERBACKS and HALF-ASSES, among others. GOAL POST -- at the end of the fight, the ideal is to tear up the goals. It figures. Mail to: NEW ENGLAND FREE PRESS, 791 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 02118 (phone 536-9219) for LITERATURE as checked; please add 15% for postage (10% for orders of $5 or more) 3% for sales tax (Massachusetts residents) 16 Vol. I No. 8 Ain't I
Available at Action Studies office 303 Jefferson Bldg. Iowa City Birth Control Handbook- McGill Students Society FREE Century of Struggle-Eleanor Flexner-paperback $3.10 Marxism: A syllabus for women by Kitty Bernick .10 Motive Magazine- Special issue on women $1.00 No More Fun & Games, #3, The Dialectics of Sexism $1.00 Women: a pamphlet introducing Iowa City WL Free NEWSPAPERS BY & FOR WOMEN--256 25 cent each Current issues & some back copies available Ain't I A Woman? (Iowa City) Off Our Backs(Washington, D.C) It Ain't Me Babe(Berkeley) RAT (New York City) Special issues on women you can send for: Radical America- Feb.,1970-75 cent Racdical America 1237 Spaight Street Madison, Wisc. 53703 Leviathan-excellent special issue on women-50 cent Leviathan 968 Valencia San Francisco, Cal. 94110 The radical Therapist- special issue- $1.00 P.O Box 1215 Minot, North Dakota 5801 [photo] FEMALE LIBERATION and the SEXUAL CASTE SYSTEM All 24 Items 35.25 _(10 cent) Isaac Asimov-Uncertain, coy, and hard to please _(30 cent) Jack Belden-Gold Flower's story: women's liberation in revolutionary China _(10 cent) Margaret Benston- The political economy of women's liberation _(20 cent) Dana Densmore - Sex roles and female oppression _(10 cent) Roxanne Dunbar- Female liberation as the basis for social revolution _(2/5 cent) Roxanne Dunbar- Poor white women _(40 cent) Friedrich Engels- The origin of the family _(10 cent) Felix Greene- A divorce trial in China _(15 cent) Joan Jordan- The place of American women: economic exploitation of women _(20 cent) Beverly Jones & Judith Brown- Toward a female liberation movement _(10 cent) Anne Koedt- The myth of the vaginal orgasm _(10 cent) Laurel Limpus- Liberation of women: sexual repression and the family _(5 cent) Pat Mainardi- The politics of housework _(15 cent) Juliet Mitchell- Women: the longest revoltuion _(10 cent) Marge Piercy- The grand coulee dam, about women in the movement _(5 cent) Poor black women _(15 cent) Evelyn Reed- the myth of women's inferiority: women's role in pre-historic societal development _(2/5 cent) Betsy Warrior- Women and welfare _(10 cent) Naomi Weisstein- Kinder, Kirche, Kuche; or, Psychology constructs the female _(25 cent) Lyn Wells- American women: their use and abse _(25 cent) Llene Winkler- Women workers, the forgotten third of the working class _(25 cent) Off Or Backs, a woman's news-journal _($1) No More Fun and Games: a journal of female liberation- by Boston-area women __($1.15) Women: A Journal of Liberation- by Baltimore-area women Bibliographies Women: a bibliography by Lucia Cisler-14 categories, annotated reading list of 600 items, 16 pages. By mail 25 cent/copy. From Lucinda Cisler 102 W. 80 St. New York, N.Y. 10024 Women's Liberation: A Bibliography-PM #2 Send a 6 cent stamp for single copy to Tallahassee Women's Liberation_-PM 308 S. McComb Tallahassee, Fla. 32301 Copies for lending & persual at Action Studies Office We have copies of all articles on women from the New England Free Press and the Radical Education Project- for lending or perusal at Action Studies Office- 303 Jefferson Bldg. or send to Radical Education Project Box 561-A Detroit, Michigan 48232 I Am Furious (Female) covers the influence of Freud & Christianity in idealogical 15 cent oppression of women. Diggs, Cantrow, et al Political Economy of Women's Liberation A basic statement of the material conditions in capitalist (and other) societies which define the group "women". Focus on the nature of work performed in and by the family. 10 cent by Margaret Benston Bread and Roses Argues the centrality of the struggle for women's liberation in a revolutionary movement. Kathy McAfee & Myrna Wood 10c Women: The Longest Revolution - good historical 15 cent essay on women. Juliet Mitchell The Place of American Women: Economic Exploitation Some facts & figures on economic conditions 15 cent of women. by Joan Jordan THE POLITICS OF FOOTBALL & OTHER WARr GAMES Definitions: a CAPITALIST pig is a greedy "man who has everything" and wants to keep it that way; hence the "protection racket." a MALE CHAUVINIST PIG is still a pig though he may not be protecting anything more abstract than his potency. MALE CHAUVINISTS, PIGS, display their united strength in aggregate usually called "teams". Their uniform in the jock strap. JOCK STRAP -- Big Brother's holding company ATHLETIC SUPPORTER -- a member of a "Booster's Club" for a "team" NUT CUP -- a trophy, given to novice MCP's in recognition of their initiation into a "team" BALL -- that which is supposed tO be kicked but is most of the time held onto with the hands FIELD -- a battle-field, on which lines are drawn and games are fought (or, fights are played). Each team has its own field, yet is not content and, in true pig, style, teams fight on their own and others ' fields; but nothing is over resolved and fields do not change hands. POSITION -- not a geographical location, but a status. Regardless of where he is, a team member must fight in, and maintain, the same position. A LINE-MAN, for instance, tries to act consistently with his line. There are also QUARTERBACKS and HALF-ASSES, among others. GOAL POST -- at the end of the fight, the ideal is to tear up the goals. It figures. Mail to: NEW ENGLAND FREE PRESS, 791 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. 02118 (phone 536-9219) for LITERATURE as checked; please add 15% for postage (10% for orders of $5 or more) 3% for sales tax (Massachusetts residents) 16 Vol. I No. 8 Ain't I
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