Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1970-11-20 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 11
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continued from p. 10 so obsessed with personal liberation, have been unable to see the contradiction in turning to attack (as utopian, apolitical and bourgeois) women who are doing no more than the same thing, only with more boldness originality and courage: women refusing to marry, women setting up liberated communes, women concerned with raising children collectively, women who have tried to show the possibilities of experimentation with free lives. Male supremacy is a man's problem, and they are either with us or part of the problem -- the solution is their responsibility. What is important is building an army that will attack the brutal inhumanity and injustice of a capitalist society at every weak point of its abusive exploitation of the powerless, that will spread the idea of liberation through all the web of contradiction and oppression that destroys human beings before they are half begun in life. The arrogance, duplicity and culpability of men who will not admit the power and authenticity of a mass movement based upon the oppression of women - all women - is to be condemned, in the name of revolutionary discipline, for they weaken and abort the liberation of a people. These men are dupes and victims of their own society, containing within themselves the image of a ruling class, for they exhibit contempt for human beings, opposition to the freedom of human beings, an absolute refusal to stop benefiting from the exploitation of human beings. Let them come along or get out of the way. The Feb. 1970 issue of Radical America on women can be ordered for 75¢ from Radical America 1237 Spaight Street Madison, Wisc. 53703 WOMEN SEEKING ABORTIONS Call FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICE 212-777-1504 CLERGY CONSULTATION CENTER local branch - or telephone national offices: 212-477-0034 254-6230 466-0351 LOCAL WOMENS LIBERATION GROUPS WOMEN'S MEDICAL GROUP REFERRAL SERVICE for under 12 week pregnancies call 212-744-5640 212-472-9164 Specific CLINICS trying to meet the needs for all women WOMENS MEDICAL GROUP EASTSIDE MEDICAL GOUP 133 East 73rd St., NYC both groups serve women under 12 weeks only - using the vacuum aspirator or "suction" method. These groups also do followup counselling and fit for birth control. $200 or less 212-472-9676 or 7 UNI 9000 DR. MICHAEL BERGMANN CLINIC (name may be changed) 80 Irving Place, NYC Women must have medical confirmation of pregnancy before going here. WOMENS MEDICAL SERVICES takes referrals from Clergy Consultation Centers $200 As final resort, call Women's Health and Abortion Project c/o Women's Center, 36 West 22 St., NYC 691-1860 or 1 The Women's Health and Abortion Project in New York, 36 West 22nd Street, NYC, is finding out more about details of cost, capacity, residency restrictions, etc., as well as doing abortion referral. They do not regard themselves as a social work agency but want to help their sisters in need and work in the most political way possible - i.e. to help build a strong broadly based women's movement, to change the health system, to give women control over their bodies and lives. Local women's liberation groups into abortion counselling and referral are asked to contact WHAP and to send literature and information to them so that they can help out-of-state women. They suggest pressuring doctors, Planned Parenthood, and other institutions to set up high quality-lowcost clinics in the State. The Men The Men They did it again. The Bastards. --A woman in SNCC, 1964 GAY SISTERS GET TOGETHER Midwestern Gay Women are having a retreat to talk, Nov. 27-29. We have discovered a place called the Cedar Lake Retreat Home just outsideof Milwaukee, RR#4, West Bend, Wisconsin. It can be had for a reasonable cost and would be a beautiful place for us to hold a retreat over the Thanksgiving holidays. We would stay in a large farmhouse on a large piece of land, have access to a beachhouse and exclusive use of the lakefront (not much use to us in November). In short, after being welcomed by a representative of the place we would enjoy complete isolation. We would have to bring out own food and do our own cooking, of course. Share of the cost is 3.50 per person. Plan to arrive in early afternoon of Nov. 27. For any further information on this, contact Ain't I A Woman? Please Tell Us Who You Are When you send information or announcement stuff, it's important for us to know who's doing it and whether it's by women and for women. Women who are 14-22 weeks pregnant have no other legal choice than to try to get into a hospital for a "salting-out" or saline type abortion. This involves direct injection into the uterus of a 20% saline solution to induce labor, a method for more complicated than the simple "vacuum aspirator" or "D and C" type used for earlier pregnancies. The Board of Health recently (Sept. 9) did a non-routine investigation of the materials used in this procedure, and then suppressed the findings. Because a brother was able to rip off this report, we are able to relay at least some of the data: In 23 City (all-borough) hospitals, the saline solution percentage ran from 17-23.4% in contrast to the 20%. Sterility was a serious question. Samples of saline solution were found to be contaminated with: 45 pieces of blue thread-like fibers (synthetic); 1 human hair (3" long); 20 blue micro. synthetic fibers; 14 pieces of glass; 1/8 inch in size; traces of formaldehyde; 12 pieces micro glass - 15cc in size; white crystalline sediment on standing; micro and insoluble numerous foreign particles - wood, cotton, synthetic fibers, and also black microscopic carbonaceous particles! Reprinted from RAT The trapped woman is at the mercy of the man's technology. What can a woman do? COSTS: Costs vary with the length of the pregnancy and where the operation is performed. For early abortions the following applies: Available to NYC Women Only: Municipal hospitals - $160 Voluntary hospitals - $150-300 Available to all women: Voluntary Hosp. private patients - $350-$650 Proprietary (private) hospitals - $350-$800 Doctors' offices and clinics - $50-$300 Right now, richer women go to private hospitals and poorer women go to non-hospital clinics and doctors' offices. By forbidding abortions in offices and low-cost clinics a residency restriction is imposed on poor women only while rich women continue to have free access. NO step forward to meed womens' demands for abortion has been made. Our demands for abortion care are: FREE, LEGAL, SAFE, ON DEMAND!!! DISARM RAPISTS! WOMEN'S HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER, INC. 2325 Oak, Berkeley Open most anytime call (415) 524-7772 A research, lending, corresponding, and selling library of women's literature. Work done by women using it. A running catalogue including addresses to order materials in available at cost to other groups to avoid having to start from scratch. For $1, a bibliography of items in our files with addresses (as of July, 1969) for ordering the material; for $5, a packet of action project ideas, and periodical, paper, book and book review bibliographies (as of Sept, 1969) of WL interest; for $2 addenda to bibliography to Jan., 1970; for $4, addenda to bibliography to Aug., 1970. A synopsis of women in world history is available for $1 including poster and postage. A paper on the suffrage movement in Western Europe is 15¢ plus stamp, Redstockings Manifestos East and West likewise. A SPAZM newsletter of women's news, April to December 1969 (personal statements, news events, reviews, etc) is available: 30 issues for $15 to individuals, $20 to institutions. A WOMAN? 20 NOVEMBER 1970 11
continued from p. 10 so obsessed with personal liberation, have been unable to see the contradiction in turning to attack (as utopian, apolitical and bourgeois) women who are doing no more than the same thing, only with more boldness originality and courage: women refusing to marry, women setting up liberated communes, women concerned with raising children collectively, women who have tried to show the possibilities of experimentation with free lives. Male supremacy is a man's problem, and they are either with us or part of the problem -- the solution is their responsibility. What is important is building an army that will attack the brutal inhumanity and injustice of a capitalist society at every weak point of its abusive exploitation of the powerless, that will spread the idea of liberation through all the web of contradiction and oppression that destroys human beings before they are half begun in life. The arrogance, duplicity and culpability of men who will not admit the power and authenticity of a mass movement based upon the oppression of women - all women - is to be condemned, in the name of revolutionary discipline, for they weaken and abort the liberation of a people. These men are dupes and victims of their own society, containing within themselves the image of a ruling class, for they exhibit contempt for human beings, opposition to the freedom of human beings, an absolute refusal to stop benefiting from the exploitation of human beings. Let them come along or get out of the way. The Feb. 1970 issue of Radical America on women can be ordered for 75¢ from Radical America 1237 Spaight Street Madison, Wisc. 53703 WOMEN SEEKING ABORTIONS Call FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICE 212-777-1504 CLERGY CONSULTATION CENTER local branch - or telephone national offices: 212-477-0034 254-6230 466-0351 LOCAL WOMENS LIBERATION GROUPS WOMEN'S MEDICAL GROUP REFERRAL SERVICE for under 12 week pregnancies call 212-744-5640 212-472-9164 Specific CLINICS trying to meet the needs for all women WOMENS MEDICAL GROUP EASTSIDE MEDICAL GOUP 133 East 73rd St., NYC both groups serve women under 12 weeks only - using the vacuum aspirator or "suction" method. These groups also do followup counselling and fit for birth control. $200 or less 212-472-9676 or 7 UNI 9000 DR. MICHAEL BERGMANN CLINIC (name may be changed) 80 Irving Place, NYC Women must have medical confirmation of pregnancy before going here. WOMENS MEDICAL SERVICES takes referrals from Clergy Consultation Centers $200 As final resort, call Women's Health and Abortion Project c/o Women's Center, 36 West 22 St., NYC 691-1860 or 1 The Women's Health and Abortion Project in New York, 36 West 22nd Street, NYC, is finding out more about details of cost, capacity, residency restrictions, etc., as well as doing abortion referral. They do not regard themselves as a social work agency but want to help their sisters in need and work in the most political way possible - i.e. to help build a strong broadly based women's movement, to change the health system, to give women control over their bodies and lives. Local women's liberation groups into abortion counselling and referral are asked to contact WHAP and to send literature and information to them so that they can help out-of-state women. They suggest pressuring doctors, Planned Parenthood, and other institutions to set up high quality-lowcost clinics in the State. The Men The Men They did it again. The Bastards. --A woman in SNCC, 1964 GAY SISTERS GET TOGETHER Midwestern Gay Women are having a retreat to talk, Nov. 27-29. We have discovered a place called the Cedar Lake Retreat Home just outsideof Milwaukee, RR#4, West Bend, Wisconsin. It can be had for a reasonable cost and would be a beautiful place for us to hold a retreat over the Thanksgiving holidays. We would stay in a large farmhouse on a large piece of land, have access to a beachhouse and exclusive use of the lakefront (not much use to us in November). In short, after being welcomed by a representative of the place we would enjoy complete isolation. We would have to bring out own food and do our own cooking, of course. Share of the cost is 3.50 per person. Plan to arrive in early afternoon of Nov. 27. For any further information on this, contact Ain't I A Woman? Please Tell Us Who You Are When you send information or announcement stuff, it's important for us to know who's doing it and whether it's by women and for women. Women who are 14-22 weeks pregnant have no other legal choice than to try to get into a hospital for a "salting-out" or saline type abortion. This involves direct injection into the uterus of a 20% saline solution to induce labor, a method for more complicated than the simple "vacuum aspirator" or "D and C" type used for earlier pregnancies. The Board of Health recently (Sept. 9) did a non-routine investigation of the materials used in this procedure, and then suppressed the findings. Because a brother was able to rip off this report, we are able to relay at least some of the data: In 23 City (all-borough) hospitals, the saline solution percentage ran from 17-23.4% in contrast to the 20%. Sterility was a serious question. Samples of saline solution were found to be contaminated with: 45 pieces of blue thread-like fibers (synthetic); 1 human hair (3" long); 20 blue micro. synthetic fibers; 14 pieces of glass; 1/8 inch in size; traces of formaldehyde; 12 pieces micro glass - 15cc in size; white crystalline sediment on standing; micro and insoluble numerous foreign particles - wood, cotton, synthetic fibers, and also black microscopic carbonaceous particles! Reprinted from RAT The trapped woman is at the mercy of the man's technology. What can a woman do? COSTS: Costs vary with the length of the pregnancy and where the operation is performed. For early abortions the following applies: Available to NYC Women Only: Municipal hospitals - $160 Voluntary hospitals - $150-300 Available to all women: Voluntary Hosp. private patients - $350-$650 Proprietary (private) hospitals - $350-$800 Doctors' offices and clinics - $50-$300 Right now, richer women go to private hospitals and poorer women go to non-hospital clinics and doctors' offices. By forbidding abortions in offices and low-cost clinics a residency restriction is imposed on poor women only while rich women continue to have free access. NO step forward to meed womens' demands for abortion has been made. Our demands for abortion care are: FREE, LEGAL, SAFE, ON DEMAND!!! DISARM RAPISTS! WOMEN'S HISTORY RESEARCH CENTER, INC. 2325 Oak, Berkeley Open most anytime call (415) 524-7772 A research, lending, corresponding, and selling library of women's literature. Work done by women using it. A running catalogue including addresses to order materials in available at cost to other groups to avoid having to start from scratch. For $1, a bibliography of items in our files with addresses (as of July, 1969) for ordering the material; for $5, a packet of action project ideas, and periodical, paper, book and book review bibliographies (as of Sept, 1969) of WL interest; for $2 addenda to bibliography to Jan., 1970; for $4, addenda to bibliography to Aug., 1970. A synopsis of women in world history is available for $1 including poster and postage. A paper on the suffrage movement in Western Europe is 15¢ plus stamp, Redstockings Manifestos East and West likewise. A SPAZM newsletter of women's news, April to December 1969 (personal statements, news events, reviews, etc) is available: 30 issues for $15 to individuals, $20 to institutions. A WOMAN? 20 NOVEMBER 1970 11
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