Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1971-01-29 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 8
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WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BOD PHYSIOLOGY OF SEX AND HYGIENE AND HEALTH Much of the misunderstanding about sexuality in men and women stems from incomplete and frequently incorrect knowledge of sexual physiology. This article will deal with the physiology of sex and with sex-related hygiene and health care. I. Sexual Excitement Many of the myths about the physiology of sex are very old: vaginal orgasm myths, clitoral stimulation myths, penis size myths, and all have contributed unnecessary tension and unhappiness for men and women. Sexual response in general is very much alike in men and women. In both, sexual excitement comes physical reactions over the entire body: flushed skin and muscle tension with hardened nipples and flow of blood to the pelvic area. In women the vaginal walls begin providing lubrication. Orgasm brings involuntary muscle contractions and a (usually rapid) flow of blood away from blood-engorged body areas. Usually, in men, ejaculation of semen accompanies orgasm; in women, the minor labia may turn bright red. The pattern of male orgasm varies from person to person, mostly in duration of the various stages of excitement (plateau prior to orgasm, orgasm, and resolution), In women three main types of orgasm are common: (1) rapid excitement to orgasm with almost immediate resolution, (2) excitement to plateau stage which continues for a while then rises rapidly to orgasm with slower resolution (3) excitement to plateau with a series of "smaller" orgasms and slow resolution . If you don't seem to respond any of these ways, don't worry about it. Whatever feels good to you is good. After orgasm for men there is a refractory period (which varies with different people) during which you cannot be re-excited to orgasm. For many women, if stimulation is continued during the resolution phase of one orgasm, you can again have orgasm. Orgasm, although frequently assumed to be mainly pelvic in nature, is in both sexes total body response. Many women prefer continuation of stimulation during orgasm; many men prefer deep vaginal penetration and cessation of movement during his peak of orgasm. When a man and a woman with these preferences get together, it throws new light on the unrelieved marriage-manual glorification of "mutual orgasm" Find what's best for you; that's right for you. For women, our sensual response is, thank God, usually closely linked with our emotional response to whoever we're in bed with. If all your sexual excitement is concentrated in your pelvis and breasts, it may be because you're resisting making love with that person and should more closely explore how you're feeling about him or her and the situation you're in. Now to the common myths: Myth #1: Vaginal Orgasm. Masters and Johnson's research proved interesting on this Freudian mainstay: There ain't no such animal. The clitoris serves the express purpose of receiving and transferring sexual stimuli, regardless of whether it's applied through intercourse, masturbation, or any other means. There is no physiological difference between orgasm which results from either direct or indirect clitoral stimulation. Myth #2: Sexual excitement is concentrated mainly in the pelvic area, and the breast in women. Experimentation is beginning to show that all areas of the body are potentially equally sensitive. Also, Masters and Johnson argue that there is no physiological reason why men's breasts are not usually proclaimed to be as sensitive as women's. Remember what it was like when you were very small and enjoying your body was not so frowned upon. We all have bodies capable of good feelings. Your body is enjoyable and knowing and enjoying your own body are prerequisites to being able to give pleasure to others and enjoying them. Myth #3. Intercourse during menstruation is (choose your own) dirty, unhealthy, unsanitary, taboo. As long as people want to, there is no reason not to have sexual activity during a woman's menstrual period. Menstrual blood is as "clean as semen or vaginal lubricants. For some women who have temporary swelling of the pelvis intercourse might be uncomfortable, However, many women enjoy sexual activity then because the swelling increases pleasure and the utrerine contractions which accompany orgasm help expel the menstrual flow and relieve cramps. Myth #4: Breast and Penis size are important; there is also a "correct" penis shape. Size and shape are important only in so far as the people involved are prejudiced one way or another, There's more to making love than "correct" bodies and if two people like each other and what you're doing you'll find out how to play together happily regardless of common notions about bodies and sensuality. Myth #5: Circumcision makes a difference. Circumcised and uncircumcised men are equally sensitive and have equal ability to control orgasm. (The above section contains a very brief overview of common problems, questions, and fears. If you want more detailed information read Human Sexual Response, Wm H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson, 1966, Little, Brown & Co. or An Analysis of Human Sexual Response, Ruth & Edward Baker, eds. 1966 Signet Books, 75c in paperback.) II. Hygiene and Health (especially for women) Cystitis Cystitis is a painful, but not uncommon, infection of the urinary tract. Although most women will probably never get it, those few who find themselves prone to the inflammation can be forwarned by some advance information. The major cause of cystitis is intercourse, often long and/or frequent, but it may be connected with other factors such as extreme tiredness (low resistance), alcoholic beverages or pregnancy. Some women get it so regularly that they must take medication after intercourse; older women often contract it from unknown sources which are not necessarily connected with sexual activity. The basic problem is that the female is constructed with too many organs crammed into too small a space. Urethra, vagina and anus are all within two inches of each other, and lots of activity, like the friction of intercourse, or even the movement of an unborn child, will irritate the lower end of the urinary tract. The resultant pain may just be that of irritation or it may indeed be an infection which should not go untreated. Because the female urinary tract is only two inches or so long, such infections are not usually very serious (that is, there isn't too much of them, as compared to a similar infection in the male which is a greater problem) but will become serious if the infection is left untreated and spreads to the bladder. How to know you've got it: first, it hurts, especially when you urinate and you feel like urinating all the time. You know the pain is down there somewhere, so try to determine if it's forward of the vagina, yet behind the clitoris. Itching & burning sensations are common. If you begin to have blood in your urine, you've got it for sure. Get to a doctor. The inflammation is not bizarre and should respond readily to simple treatment: analysis of a urine specimen, some antibiotic for a week or so if you have the infection, then another analysis to make sure it's cleared up. The really painful symptoms should stop within four to eight hours after beginning medication - ending the pain will be your immediate concern at that point. Go easy on screwing till its cleared up, about ten days after you begin treatment. [hand drawing of spine, uterus, cervix, urinary bladder, clitoris, labia, vulva, vagina, rectum female pelvis normal anatomy (lateral view) ] Douching Douching is one of those very unclear and somehow mysterious activities that most women think they should be doing something about, but are not sure what to believe. Most doctors now take the stance that douching as a hygienic measure has been overemphasized to the point of sometimes causing more harm that it's supposed to prevent. 8 Vol . 1 No. 11 Ain't I
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BOD PHYSIOLOGY OF SEX AND HYGIENE AND HEALTH Much of the misunderstanding about sexuality in men and women stems from incomplete and frequently incorrect knowledge of sexual physiology. This article will deal with the physiology of sex and with sex-related hygiene and health care. I. Sexual Excitement Many of the myths about the physiology of sex are very old: vaginal orgasm myths, clitoral stimulation myths, penis size myths, and all have contributed unnecessary tension and unhappiness for men and women. Sexual response in general is very much alike in men and women. In both, sexual excitement comes physical reactions over the entire body: flushed skin and muscle tension with hardened nipples and flow of blood to the pelvic area. In women the vaginal walls begin providing lubrication. Orgasm brings involuntary muscle contractions and a (usually rapid) flow of blood away from blood-engorged body areas. Usually, in men, ejaculation of semen accompanies orgasm; in women, the minor labia may turn bright red. The pattern of male orgasm varies from person to person, mostly in duration of the various stages of excitement (plateau prior to orgasm, orgasm, and resolution), In women three main types of orgasm are common: (1) rapid excitement to orgasm with almost immediate resolution, (2) excitement to plateau stage which continues for a while then rises rapidly to orgasm with slower resolution (3) excitement to plateau with a series of "smaller" orgasms and slow resolution . If you don't seem to respond any of these ways, don't worry about it. Whatever feels good to you is good. After orgasm for men there is a refractory period (which varies with different people) during which you cannot be re-excited to orgasm. For many women, if stimulation is continued during the resolution phase of one orgasm, you can again have orgasm. Orgasm, although frequently assumed to be mainly pelvic in nature, is in both sexes total body response. Many women prefer continuation of stimulation during orgasm; many men prefer deep vaginal penetration and cessation of movement during his peak of orgasm. When a man and a woman with these preferences get together, it throws new light on the unrelieved marriage-manual glorification of "mutual orgasm" Find what's best for you; that's right for you. For women, our sensual response is, thank God, usually closely linked with our emotional response to whoever we're in bed with. If all your sexual excitement is concentrated in your pelvis and breasts, it may be because you're resisting making love with that person and should more closely explore how you're feeling about him or her and the situation you're in. Now to the common myths: Myth #1: Vaginal Orgasm. Masters and Johnson's research proved interesting on this Freudian mainstay: There ain't no such animal. The clitoris serves the express purpose of receiving and transferring sexual stimuli, regardless of whether it's applied through intercourse, masturbation, or any other means. There is no physiological difference between orgasm which results from either direct or indirect clitoral stimulation. Myth #2: Sexual excitement is concentrated mainly in the pelvic area, and the breast in women. Experimentation is beginning to show that all areas of the body are potentially equally sensitive. Also, Masters and Johnson argue that there is no physiological reason why men's breasts are not usually proclaimed to be as sensitive as women's. Remember what it was like when you were very small and enjoying your body was not so frowned upon. We all have bodies capable of good feelings. Your body is enjoyable and knowing and enjoying your own body are prerequisites to being able to give pleasure to others and enjoying them. Myth #3. Intercourse during menstruation is (choose your own) dirty, unhealthy, unsanitary, taboo. As long as people want to, there is no reason not to have sexual activity during a woman's menstrual period. Menstrual blood is as "clean as semen or vaginal lubricants. For some women who have temporary swelling of the pelvis intercourse might be uncomfortable, However, many women enjoy sexual activity then because the swelling increases pleasure and the utrerine contractions which accompany orgasm help expel the menstrual flow and relieve cramps. Myth #4: Breast and Penis size are important; there is also a "correct" penis shape. Size and shape are important only in so far as the people involved are prejudiced one way or another, There's more to making love than "correct" bodies and if two people like each other and what you're doing you'll find out how to play together happily regardless of common notions about bodies and sensuality. Myth #5: Circumcision makes a difference. Circumcised and uncircumcised men are equally sensitive and have equal ability to control orgasm. (The above section contains a very brief overview of common problems, questions, and fears. If you want more detailed information read Human Sexual Response, Wm H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson, 1966, Little, Brown & Co. or An Analysis of Human Sexual Response, Ruth & Edward Baker, eds. 1966 Signet Books, 75c in paperback.) II. Hygiene and Health (especially for women) Cystitis Cystitis is a painful, but not uncommon, infection of the urinary tract. Although most women will probably never get it, those few who find themselves prone to the inflammation can be forwarned by some advance information. The major cause of cystitis is intercourse, often long and/or frequent, but it may be connected with other factors such as extreme tiredness (low resistance), alcoholic beverages or pregnancy. Some women get it so regularly that they must take medication after intercourse; older women often contract it from unknown sources which are not necessarily connected with sexual activity. The basic problem is that the female is constructed with too many organs crammed into too small a space. Urethra, vagina and anus are all within two inches of each other, and lots of activity, like the friction of intercourse, or even the movement of an unborn child, will irritate the lower end of the urinary tract. The resultant pain may just be that of irritation or it may indeed be an infection which should not go untreated. Because the female urinary tract is only two inches or so long, such infections are not usually very serious (that is, there isn't too much of them, as compared to a similar infection in the male which is a greater problem) but will become serious if the infection is left untreated and spreads to the bladder. How to know you've got it: first, it hurts, especially when you urinate and you feel like urinating all the time. You know the pain is down there somewhere, so try to determine if it's forward of the vagina, yet behind the clitoris. Itching & burning sensations are common. If you begin to have blood in your urine, you've got it for sure. Get to a doctor. The inflammation is not bizarre and should respond readily to simple treatment: analysis of a urine specimen, some antibiotic for a week or so if you have the infection, then another analysis to make sure it's cleared up. The really painful symptoms should stop within four to eight hours after beginning medication - ending the pain will be your immediate concern at that point. Go easy on screwing till its cleared up, about ten days after you begin treatment. [hand drawing of spine, uterus, cervix, urinary bladder, clitoris, labia, vulva, vagina, rectum female pelvis normal anatomy (lateral view) ] Douching Douching is one of those very unclear and somehow mysterious activities that most women think they should be doing something about, but are not sure what to believe. Most doctors now take the stance that douching as a hygienic measure has been overemphasized to the point of sometimes causing more harm that it's supposed to prevent. 8 Vol . 1 No. 11 Ain't I
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