Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1971-04-02 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 9
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Medicine for the people [insert]Women in Revolt special on women's liberation in the March issue of international socialist review monthly analysis of today's central political struggles ENCLOSED IS $1.00 FOR SPECIAL THREE MONTH INTRODUCTORY OFFER ENCLOSED IS $5.00 FOR ONE YEAR (11 ISSUES) ENCLOSED IS $.50 FOR A SINGLE ISSUE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW 14 CHARLES LANE NEW YORK NY 10014 There will be a meeting to plan for a Women's Center for Iowa City on Friday April 9, 1971 at 1108 Finkbine Park at 8:00 pm. All women welcome! BOSTON WOMEN UNITED is in the throes of putting out a new Feminist magazine, The Digging Stick. It will be a comprehensive magazine, wide in scope in its treatment of historical, political and theoretical issues and open to contributions from all our sisters. In order to make The Digging Stick a reality, we desperately need donations. For $10.00 we would be happy to give a line of acknowledgement and for $25.00 a block (an 1/8 of a page) . Send checks to Boston Women United, 651 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 The National Conference of Women Law Students will hold its second annual conference on April 2,3,4, 1971 at the Univ of Chicago Law School, 1111 E. 60th St., Chicago, Ill. The topic of the conference will be "Women and the Legal System" and will include discussions of the problems of women in the legal profession and the relation of law women to the women's movement. Speakers and workshops will deal with problems of job discrimination, abortion, prisons, divorce and other legal areas which are of concern to women. Call : (312) 752-7522. Association of Women Sociologists announces the existence of Sex Role Materials. .... If you need materials on sex roles for formulating new courses or supplementing existent courses on related courses, CONTACT: Shari Etzkowitz, AWS National Coordinator of Sex Role Curricula, Box 1113, Department of Sociology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 63130. Please send $2.00 if you are ordering materials. if you have class outlines, bibliographies, syllabi, or other teaching materials, please share them with those formulating new courses in this area. On April 24th, there will be a MARCH ON WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO against the War. There will be a United Women's Contingent and a Gay Liberation Contingent. For more information: United Women's Contingent, 1029 Vermont Ave, NW, 8th floor, Washington, DC 20005 or phone: (202) 638-6601. There's a FREE MEDICAL CLINIC on the 2nd floor of the River City Free Trade Zone at 1221 E. College in down town Iowa City. It is open one evening a week, Friday from 7:00-11:00. It seems well staffed with qualified people -- probably some doctors and nurses and some students. You can get free pelvics and pap smears. Also they have drugs availible free and some available at cost. They seem to be pretty thorough, from what little I know. They didn't fool around and just seemed to ask the necessary questions and do the necessary things. They were pretty friendly and the nurse was nice. You are asked to fill our a form with your name and address and a relative's name and address. [hand drawing of man] A WOMEN'S POETRY READING Thursday, April 29 at 8:00 Shambaugh Auditorium All women welcome to read their poetry Sponsored by 20th Century Women Writers An Action Studies Course. [insert] "That man over there say that a woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helped me into carriages, or over mud puddles or gives me a best place... And ain't I a woman? Look at me. Look at my arm ! I have plowed and planted ad gathered into barns and no man could head me.. And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man when I could get it and bear the lash as well.... And ain't I a woman? I have borned thirteen children and seen them most all sold off into slavery. And when I cried out with a mothers grief none but Jesus heard.. And ain't I a woman Ain't I A Woman is published every three weeks by the Angry Independent Amazon Women P.O. Box 1169, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 We are a collective of eight women functioning as a world wide conspiracy of Radical Lesbians. If your group wants to receive bundles of AIN'T I A WOMAN?, you can send 15c per copy (minimum bundle: 20 copies) in advance. [insert] AIN'T I A WOMAN? sub. $4.00 inst. $15.00 P.o. box 1169 iowa city, ia. 52240 [insert] THE LADDER is 14 years old and is happy to salute the rising consciousness of women everywhere, beginning with the August/September 1970 issue. [photos of 5 women's faces] THE LADDER is a 48-page bi-monthly magazine containing fiction, poetry, non-fiction, book reviews, letters and a comprehensive news column. THE LADDER P.O. BOX 5025 Washington Station Reno, Nevada 89503 A MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY LESBIANS FOR LESBIANS AND FOR ALL WOMEN CONCERNED WITH FULL HUMAN RIGHTS... [female sign] Sample copy, $1.25 $750 per year a Woman? April 2, 1971 PagE NinE
Medicine for the people [insert]Women in Revolt special on women's liberation in the March issue of international socialist review monthly analysis of today's central political struggles ENCLOSED IS $1.00 FOR SPECIAL THREE MONTH INTRODUCTORY OFFER ENCLOSED IS $5.00 FOR ONE YEAR (11 ISSUES) ENCLOSED IS $.50 FOR A SINGLE ISSUE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW 14 CHARLES LANE NEW YORK NY 10014 There will be a meeting to plan for a Women's Center for Iowa City on Friday April 9, 1971 at 1108 Finkbine Park at 8:00 pm. All women welcome! BOSTON WOMEN UNITED is in the throes of putting out a new Feminist magazine, The Digging Stick. It will be a comprehensive magazine, wide in scope in its treatment of historical, political and theoretical issues and open to contributions from all our sisters. In order to make The Digging Stick a reality, we desperately need donations. For $10.00 we would be happy to give a line of acknowledgement and for $25.00 a block (an 1/8 of a page) . Send checks to Boston Women United, 651 Concord Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 The National Conference of Women Law Students will hold its second annual conference on April 2,3,4, 1971 at the Univ of Chicago Law School, 1111 E. 60th St., Chicago, Ill. The topic of the conference will be "Women and the Legal System" and will include discussions of the problems of women in the legal profession and the relation of law women to the women's movement. Speakers and workshops will deal with problems of job discrimination, abortion, prisons, divorce and other legal areas which are of concern to women. Call : (312) 752-7522. Association of Women Sociologists announces the existence of Sex Role Materials. .... If you need materials on sex roles for formulating new courses or supplementing existent courses on related courses, CONTACT: Shari Etzkowitz, AWS National Coordinator of Sex Role Curricula, Box 1113, Department of Sociology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. 63130. Please send $2.00 if you are ordering materials. if you have class outlines, bibliographies, syllabi, or other teaching materials, please share them with those formulating new courses in this area. On April 24th, there will be a MARCH ON WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO against the War. There will be a United Women's Contingent and a Gay Liberation Contingent. For more information: United Women's Contingent, 1029 Vermont Ave, NW, 8th floor, Washington, DC 20005 or phone: (202) 638-6601. There's a FREE MEDICAL CLINIC on the 2nd floor of the River City Free Trade Zone at 1221 E. College in down town Iowa City. It is open one evening a week, Friday from 7:00-11:00. It seems well staffed with qualified people -- probably some doctors and nurses and some students. You can get free pelvics and pap smears. Also they have drugs availible free and some available at cost. They seem to be pretty thorough, from what little I know. They didn't fool around and just seemed to ask the necessary questions and do the necessary things. They were pretty friendly and the nurse was nice. You are asked to fill our a form with your name and address and a relative's name and address. [hand drawing of man] A WOMEN'S POETRY READING Thursday, April 29 at 8:00 Shambaugh Auditorium All women welcome to read their poetry Sponsored by 20th Century Women Writers An Action Studies Course. [insert] "That man over there say that a woman needs to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helped me into carriages, or over mud puddles or gives me a best place... And ain't I a woman? Look at me. Look at my arm ! I have plowed and planted ad gathered into barns and no man could head me.. And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man when I could get it and bear the lash as well.... And ain't I a woman? I have borned thirteen children and seen them most all sold off into slavery. And when I cried out with a mothers grief none but Jesus heard.. And ain't I a woman Ain't I A Woman is published every three weeks by the Angry Independent Amazon Women P.O. Box 1169, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 We are a collective of eight women functioning as a world wide conspiracy of Radical Lesbians. If your group wants to receive bundles of AIN'T I A WOMAN?, you can send 15c per copy (minimum bundle: 20 copies) in advance. [insert] AIN'T I A WOMAN? sub. $4.00 inst. $15.00 P.o. box 1169 iowa city, ia. 52240 [insert] THE LADDER is 14 years old and is happy to salute the rising consciousness of women everywhere, beginning with the August/September 1970 issue. [photos of 5 women's faces] THE LADDER is a 48-page bi-monthly magazine containing fiction, poetry, non-fiction, book reviews, letters and a comprehensive news column. THE LADDER P.O. BOX 5025 Washington Station Reno, Nevada 89503 A MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY LESBIANS FOR LESBIANS AND FOR ALL WOMEN CONCERNED WITH FULL HUMAN RIGHTS... [female sign] Sample copy, $1.25 $750 per year a Woman? April 2, 1971 PagE NinE
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