Ain't I A Woman? newspapers, June 1970-July 1971
1971-06-04 "Ain't I a Woman?" Page 11
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Taking Care of our Own Artificial Respiration Artificial respiration is a method of getting air in and out of a person's lungs until she can breathe on her own. Most people can live only about six minutes after they stop breathing. Artificial respiration must begin as soon as possible after natural breathing stops. It must also be used when natural breathing is so irregular or shallow that it is ineffective. Breathing may stop as a result of gas or drug poisoning, electric shock, choking, drowning, suffocation, injuries to the head or neck, poliomyelitis, or convulsions. The mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose) method of artificial respiration is the simplest and most effective. The back -pressure arm lift method is the second most desirable. It should be used only when injuries to the head or face prevent the use of mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose). Here is how you do mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose): 1. Place the person who has stopped breathing on her back. If there is another person with you they should call an ambulance or rescue squad immediately. If you are alone you should begin artificial respiration immediately. 2. Before you start any type of artificial respiration be sure the mouth and throat are clear of mucus and foreign objects. You may turn the patients head to the side and use your fingers. You may cover your fingers with a piece of cloth to help remove mucus and slippery objects. The patient may vomit during the application of artificial respiration. This is something they don't tell you in most life-saving courses. She may vomit soon after you begin artificial respiration or especially in the case of drowning she may vomit after she begins to breathe on her own. You should be ready for this anytime. When it occurs you should turn the patient on her side immediately so that she doesn't choke, clear out her mouth when she is finished vomiting. Resume application of artificial respiration immediately. Don't worry about a little excess vomit on the patient's face, every minute counts. 3. Tip the head back so that her chin points upward and lift her lower jaw from beneath and behind so that it juts out. This moves the base of the tongue away from the back of the throat, so it does not block the passage of air to the lungs. You will have to hold the jaw in place by cupping your hand under her chin. It helps to keep the head in the correct position if you place something like a folded jacket or towel or similar thing under the back of the neck in addition to holding her head in position. 4. You can blow into a person's lungs through either her mouth or nose. Open your mouth wide and place it tightly over the person's mouth. Air can be blown through an unconscious person's teeth even though they are clenched. Pinch her nostrils shut. Or close her mouth and place your mouth over her nose. This should be used when an obstruction is in the mouth that can't be removed or when there is a severe mouth injury that prevents proper contact. At this point the procedure for application of artificial respiration to children changes. The difference between application to adults and children is very important to the life of the child. This procedure is explained elsewhere on this page by this*. 5. Blow into the mouth or nose, continuing to hold the unconscious person's lower jaw so that it juts out to keep the air passage open. 5. Remove your mouth from the patient's, turn your head to the side and listen for the out flow of air returning from the lungs. If you hear it you will know that an exchange of air has occured. You may also watch for the rising and falling movement of the chest. If the sound is only slightly audible or the movement of the chest is slight you may not be exhaling enough air into the patient's lungs. 7. You should continue and repeat the process. Blow into her mouth or nose about 12 times a minute. An adult at rest breathes about 18 times a minute, taking in about a pint of air with each breath. Don't blow to hard, but listen for the sound of the air leaving the lungs and watch for the rising and falling of the chest. For an adult inhale more than usual before exhaling into the patient's lungs. Although there is not as much oxygen in the air you exhale as in that you inhale there is enough to be very helpful to someone who is unable to breathe on her own. 8. If you are not getting an exchange of air, turn the patient on her side and strike her sharply between the shoulder blades. This should help dislodge any object in the air passages. Place the patient on her back again. Check the position of the head and jaw and check the mouth to make sure there is not foreign matter in it. Normal breathing may start up again after 15 minutes of artificial respiration. but if it doesn't you should continue the procedure until you are positive life is gone. It is very tiring to apply artificial respiration; you should alternate with other people if possible. This helps to maintain a continuous adequate flow of air to the unconscious person's lungs. Cases of electric shock, and drug or carbon monoxide poisoning may require artificial respiration for long periods. One of the first signs of restored breathing may be a sigh. Breathing may be irregular at first. Artificial respiration should be continued until regular breathing occurs. When normal breathing resumes the person usually recovers rapidly. You should check carefully for other injuries. If there are none she should rest for several hours and then she may return to normal activities. If you suspect other injuries exists, the patient should be taken to a hospital. *The procedure for children is the same except for two very important points. The first is that your mouth should be placed over both mouth and nose, unless it is not possible because of injury to either the mouth or nose. The second is very important. The lung capacity of a child is of course not as great as that of an adult. You should blow into a child's mouth less vigorously than you would an adult's, using shallow breaths about 20 times a minute. If you blow too vigorously there is anger of bursting the child's lungs. Listen for the sound of an exchange of air and watch for the rising and falling movement of the chest. In order to be able to use this procedure successfully to help out sisters it is very important to practice it many times on a dummy or another sister. [hand drawn diagrams of what to do attached to following instructions] Clear the mouth and throat of mucus and foreign objects. Tip the head back and lift her lower jaw from beneath and behind so the jaw juts out. Open the patient's mouth wide and pinch her nostrils shut. Blow into the patient's mouth, continuing to hold the lower jaw so that it juts out to keep the air passage open. Turn your head to the side and listen for the out flow of air returning from the lungs. If you hear it you will know an exchange of air has occured. If not you should check for obstructions again. a woman? June 4, 1971 11.
Taking Care of our Own Artificial Respiration Artificial respiration is a method of getting air in and out of a person's lungs until she can breathe on her own. Most people can live only about six minutes after they stop breathing. Artificial respiration must begin as soon as possible after natural breathing stops. It must also be used when natural breathing is so irregular or shallow that it is ineffective. Breathing may stop as a result of gas or drug poisoning, electric shock, choking, drowning, suffocation, injuries to the head or neck, poliomyelitis, or convulsions. The mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose) method of artificial respiration is the simplest and most effective. The back -pressure arm lift method is the second most desirable. It should be used only when injuries to the head or face prevent the use of mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose). Here is how you do mouth-to-mouth (or mouth-to-nose): 1. Place the person who has stopped breathing on her back. If there is another person with you they should call an ambulance or rescue squad immediately. If you are alone you should begin artificial respiration immediately. 2. Before you start any type of artificial respiration be sure the mouth and throat are clear of mucus and foreign objects. You may turn the patients head to the side and use your fingers. You may cover your fingers with a piece of cloth to help remove mucus and slippery objects. The patient may vomit during the application of artificial respiration. This is something they don't tell you in most life-saving courses. She may vomit soon after you begin artificial respiration or especially in the case of drowning she may vomit after she begins to breathe on her own. You should be ready for this anytime. When it occurs you should turn the patient on her side immediately so that she doesn't choke, clear out her mouth when she is finished vomiting. Resume application of artificial respiration immediately. Don't worry about a little excess vomit on the patient's face, every minute counts. 3. Tip the head back so that her chin points upward and lift her lower jaw from beneath and behind so that it juts out. This moves the base of the tongue away from the back of the throat, so it does not block the passage of air to the lungs. You will have to hold the jaw in place by cupping your hand under her chin. It helps to keep the head in the correct position if you place something like a folded jacket or towel or similar thing under the back of the neck in addition to holding her head in position. 4. You can blow into a person's lungs through either her mouth or nose. Open your mouth wide and place it tightly over the person's mouth. Air can be blown through an unconscious person's teeth even though they are clenched. Pinch her nostrils shut. Or close her mouth and place your mouth over her nose. This should be used when an obstruction is in the mouth that can't be removed or when there is a severe mouth injury that prevents proper contact. At this point the procedure for application of artificial respiration to children changes. The difference between application to adults and children is very important to the life of the child. This procedure is explained elsewhere on this page by this*. 5. Blow into the mouth or nose, continuing to hold the unconscious person's lower jaw so that it juts out to keep the air passage open. 5. Remove your mouth from the patient's, turn your head to the side and listen for the out flow of air returning from the lungs. If you hear it you will know that an exchange of air has occured. You may also watch for the rising and falling movement of the chest. If the sound is only slightly audible or the movement of the chest is slight you may not be exhaling enough air into the patient's lungs. 7. You should continue and repeat the process. Blow into her mouth or nose about 12 times a minute. An adult at rest breathes about 18 times a minute, taking in about a pint of air with each breath. Don't blow to hard, but listen for the sound of the air leaving the lungs and watch for the rising and falling of the chest. For an adult inhale more than usual before exhaling into the patient's lungs. Although there is not as much oxygen in the air you exhale as in that you inhale there is enough to be very helpful to someone who is unable to breathe on her own. 8. If you are not getting an exchange of air, turn the patient on her side and strike her sharply between the shoulder blades. This should help dislodge any object in the air passages. Place the patient on her back again. Check the position of the head and jaw and check the mouth to make sure there is not foreign matter in it. Normal breathing may start up again after 15 minutes of artificial respiration. but if it doesn't you should continue the procedure until you are positive life is gone. It is very tiring to apply artificial respiration; you should alternate with other people if possible. This helps to maintain a continuous adequate flow of air to the unconscious person's lungs. Cases of electric shock, and drug or carbon monoxide poisoning may require artificial respiration for long periods. One of the first signs of restored breathing may be a sigh. Breathing may be irregular at first. Artificial respiration should be continued until regular breathing occurs. When normal breathing resumes the person usually recovers rapidly. You should check carefully for other injuries. If there are none she should rest for several hours and then she may return to normal activities. If you suspect other injuries exists, the patient should be taken to a hospital. *The procedure for children is the same except for two very important points. The first is that your mouth should be placed over both mouth and nose, unless it is not possible because of injury to either the mouth or nose. The second is very important. The lung capacity of a child is of course not as great as that of an adult. You should blow into a child's mouth less vigorously than you would an adult's, using shallow breaths about 20 times a minute. If you blow too vigorously there is anger of bursting the child's lungs. Listen for the sound of an exchange of air and watch for the rising and falling movement of the chest. In order to be able to use this procedure successfully to help out sisters it is very important to practice it many times on a dummy or another sister. [hand drawn diagrams of what to do attached to following instructions] Clear the mouth and throat of mucus and foreign objects. Tip the head back and lift her lower jaw from beneath and behind so the jaw juts out. Open the patient's mouth wide and pinch her nostrils shut. Blow into the patient's mouth, continuing to hold the lower jaw so that it juts out to keep the air passage open. Turn your head to the side and listen for the out flow of air returning from the lungs. If you hear it you will know an exchange of air has occured. If not you should check for obstructions again. a woman? June 4, 1971 11.
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