Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, March-July, 1945
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II picture taken by a fellow on the street and I'm sticking one in this letter for you. It isn't much good, but it will at least remind you what I look like. What a horrible memory that must be. Anyway you can see I'm not very skinny. Spring sort of slipped back a peg or two for it has been rather chilly and damp. Oh well, shouldn't complain I guess. Glad you got through that business of graduation ok. Bet your folks are strutting around now and you sure can't blame them Needless to say, the news is really looking wonderful. It makes you wonder just what happens next though.
II picture taken by a fellow on the street and I'm sticking one in this letter for you. It isn't much good, but it will at least remind you what I look like. What a horrible memory that must be. Anyway you can see I'm not very skinny. Spring sort of slipped back a peg or two for it has been rather chilly and damp. Oh well, shouldn't complain I guess. Glad you got through that business of graduation ok. Bet your folks are strutting around now and you sure can't blame them Needless to say, the news is really looking wonderful. It makes you wonder just what happens next though.
World War II Diaries and Letters