Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, March-July, 1945
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married or just what? Its going to shock somebody regardless. Sounds silly to say we are going steady for how can that be when we are four thousand miles apart. Maybe we'd better break them in gradually or they will all think we are nuts coming out of a blue sky with something like that. What do you want to do; anything you think is well by me? There are so many things I want to say to you Evelyn, but they can only be told with my eyes and lips. It would be impossible to put on paper what I feel tonight. Someday I shall tell them to you, but for now let me keep them. Good gosh, I've been day dreaming through this letter and here it is nearly midnight. Sleep would have been hard to find before I wrote this anyway so I have lost nothing and gained much.
married or just what? Its going to shock somebody regardless. Sounds silly to say we are going steady for how can that be when we are four thousand miles apart. Maybe we'd better break them in gradually or they will all think we are nuts coming out of a blue sky with something like that. What do you want to do; anything you think is well by me? There are so many things I want to say to you Evelyn, but they can only be told with my eyes and lips. It would be impossible to put on paper what I feel tonight. Someday I shall tell them to you, but for now let me keep them. Good gosh, I've been day dreaming through this letter and here it is nearly midnight. Sleep would have been hard to find before I wrote this anyway so I have lost nothing and gained much.
World War II Diaries and Letters