Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, March-July, 1945
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start in life on. Was on until 9:30. Came back then and took a little nap. Wrote the folks and Ken that afternoon. Guess I read a little list after that. Went to bed early as I was still tired. Today, well, I didn't do one darned thing, but lay on my bed. That is the kind of army work I like. We did have to get up to eat though. Too bad about us isn't it. This evening we had a practice ball game. Got beat 2-0, but it doesn't count as far as the league is concerned. Just got back from taking a shower before starting this. Boy was that water cold. Open air job. Guess that just about brings us up to date honey. Not very exciting is it?
start in life on. Was on until 9:30. Came back then and took a little nap. Wrote the folks and Ken that afternoon. Guess I read a little list after that. Went to bed early as I was still tired. Today, well, I didn't do one darned thing, but lay on my bed. That is the kind of army work I like. We did have to get up to eat though. Too bad about us isn't it. This evening we had a practice ball game. Got beat 2-0, but it doesn't count as far as the league is concerned. Just got back from taking a shower before starting this. Boy was that water cold. Open air job. Guess that just about brings us up to date honey. Not very exciting is it?
World War II Diaries and Letters