Carroll Steinbeck letters to his parents, January - May, 1946
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Feb 17, 1946 Dear Folks, Strange as it may seem, I'm still up here on top of this mountain. We were supposed to go back to Vienna last Thursday, but we had a bit of luck and we are still here. I'll tell you about the luck we had. At the foot of this mountain there is a large lake and it was choosen for the site of a big skating show. The boy in charge was an old 505 M.P. and he is living here with us. We got friendly with him and told him how much we liked it up here. So he said he'd call our CO.'s and
Feb 17, 1946 Dear Folks, Strange as it may seem, I'm still up here on top of this mountain. We were supposed to go back to Vienna last Thursday, but we had a bit of luck and we are still here. I'll tell you about the luck we had. At the foot of this mountain there is a large lake and it was choosen for the site of a big skating show. The boy in charge was an old 505 M.P. and he is living here with us. We got friendly with him and told him how much we liked it up here. So he said he'd call our CO.'s and
World War II Diaries and Letters