Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, July - December, 1944
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We have tanks training with us now. They are quite a machine. We had a mock battle the other day with all our weapons and shot up $18,000 in an hour. You could probably guess that we blew the very devil out of things. I was standing by my fox hole watching the show until a piece of an artillery shell almost hit me in the head. It didn't take me long to get out of sight. Honestly, I just can't get my mind off this moon. I think it would be a fine night for a picnic. As usual, I doubt if we would have any food. There are a few candy bars here in a box though. I see where Richland lost there first game and tied the next. I was hoping they would get off to a little better start than that, but maybe they will be all right once they get started. I don't suppose your dad went, just like mine didn't? I can't help laughing when I picture those guys in my mind going to the old games.
We have tanks training with us now. They are quite a machine. We had a mock battle the other day with all our weapons and shot up $18,000 in an hour. You could probably guess that we blew the very devil out of things. I was standing by my fox hole watching the show until a piece of an artillery shell almost hit me in the head. It didn't take me long to get out of sight. Honestly, I just can't get my mind off this moon. I think it would be a fine night for a picnic. As usual, I doubt if we would have any food. There are a few candy bars here in a box though. I see where Richland lost there first game and tied the next. I was hoping they would get off to a little better start than that, but maybe they will be all right once they get started. I don't suppose your dad went, just like mine didn't? I can't help laughing when I picture those guys in my mind going to the old games.
World War II Diaries and Letters