Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, July - December, 1944
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Yes, Rose is out home with the folks now. I guess they really had a fine time in Chicago. Mom went to the "Blackhawk" night club and I got a big kick out of that. There are just so darned many things I want to do for them and tell them now that I can fully realize what they have given me in the past. I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to get home while Ken is there. They have canceled all furlough here for the time being. Sure nice of them isn't it? I guess it was just too much to hope for. That apt. idea of you girls sounds plenty ok. That would be more fun than a barrel of monkey's children. After all, K.P. for four shouldn't be so bad if we do it for two hundred a day.
Yes, Rose is out home with the folks now. I guess they really had a fine time in Chicago. Mom went to the "Blackhawk" night club and I got a big kick out of that. There are just so darned many things I want to do for them and tell them now that I can fully realize what they have given me in the past. I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to get home while Ken is there. They have canceled all furlough here for the time being. Sure nice of them isn't it? I guess it was just too much to hope for. That apt. idea of you girls sounds plenty ok. That would be more fun than a barrel of monkey's children. After all, K.P. for four shouldn't be so bad if we do it for two hundred a day.
World War II Diaries and Letters