Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, July - December, 1944
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Nov 7, 1944 Dearest Evelyn, Well, they haven't gotten rid of me completely just yet so I'm able to write letters from the U.S. for awhile yet. Couldn't tell you how long I'll be here even if I knew. The restrictions cover everything you usually write about so there isn't a great deal I can say. Its new to me and that makes it worse. I suppose I'll get used to it in due time. Things have been pretty nice for me since arriving on the coast. The food is good, the work easy and civilization better than Ala. I even managed to see a small amount of New York the other day. I spent most of my time looking over Broadway and Times Square. What a place that New York is. The address has a couple minor changes so don't forget the next time you write. They changed their mind about the [cut out] being included. That change of address card surprised alot of people I guess.
Nov 7, 1944 Dearest Evelyn, Well, they haven't gotten rid of me completely just yet so I'm able to write letters from the U.S. for awhile yet. Couldn't tell you how long I'll be here even if I knew. The restrictions cover everything you usually write about so there isn't a great deal I can say. Its new to me and that makes it worse. I suppose I'll get used to it in due time. Things have been pretty nice for me since arriving on the coast. The food is good, the work easy and civilization better than Ala. I even managed to see a small amount of New York the other day. I spent most of my time looking over Broadway and Times Square. What a place that New York is. The address has a couple minor changes so don't forget the next time you write. They changed their mind about the [cut out] being included. That change of address card surprised alot of people I guess.
World War II Diaries and Letters