Carroll Steinbeck miscellaneous correspondence, 1943-1947
Thomas Vigil to Vira Steinbeck Page 1
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Letterhead United States Army Camp Hood, Texas August 29, 1945 Dear friends: Well I received your welcome letter about couple days ago, and I was surprize to hear from you folks. I thought I had a wrong address of your folks, because I lost the address but I'm glad that you received it alright. Well on my part I am still in the same ___(?) here and doing nothing but sitting around in the daytime. I hope when this letter reach you folks will find you and the whole family in good condition. I just don't have no news from here and still hot here in Camp Hood. But we had a rain here today & yesterday and it was very good. It cool was off here, because it was very hot everyday. Well there isn't much news from this camp, but I am just think of a news thing every day. (next)
Letterhead United States Army Camp Hood, Texas August 29, 1945 Dear friends: Well I received your welcome letter about couple days ago, and I was surprize to hear from you folks. I thought I had a wrong address of your folks, because I lost the address but I'm glad that you received it alright. Well on my part I am still in the same ___(?) here and doing nothing but sitting around in the daytime. I hope when this letter reach you folks will find you and the whole family in good condition. I just don't have no news from here and still hot here in Camp Hood. But we had a rain here today & yesterday and it was very good. It cool was off here, because it was very hot everyday. Well there isn't much news from this camp, but I am just think of a news thing every day. (next)
World War II Diaries and Letters