Middle Earth various issues, 1967-1968
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RIOT CONTROL [hand drawing of military tank] The New Grotesque, or: Is there a post-realistic fiction? ORDNANCE: Systems for national defense riot control equipment stop the riot before it gets out of hand. The new Baur Ordnancearmoured car will stop 30-06 refle bullets at point blank range. It has a 360 degree turret that will mount a machinegun riotgun watercannon flamethrower grenade launcher. Protected is the body by high voltage electricity Protected against molotov cocktails, and carries sufficient water and foam-making agents to put out gasoline fires. Can be used to control riots or merely to patrol the tough districts. Plenty of room in the back for stretchers unruly prisioners Designed by the same people who gave you the XM 706 now being used to successfully in Vietnam. MARK THE TROUBLEMAKERS WITH DYES BREAK UP CROWDS WITH SMOKE CLEANSE THE STREETS WITH FIRE PROTECT THE LIVES OF YOUR POLICE PUT OUT THE SMALL FIRES WITH OUR NACHT UND NEBEL WERFE KEEP THE CROWDS AWAY GAIN AESTHETIC DISTANCE WITH ELECTRICITY DRIVE SNIPERS OUT OF HIDING WITH TEARGAS. Sol Yurick (& OrdnanceMagazine) PREFACE TO THE BALLICAL LYRIOS Lao Tzu tells like it is: Confucius is live: KungFuTzu - early nineteenth century englishman i. e. first fascist ibid etcetera reznikoff: our basho poetry: now:me; good poetry: THE now: THE mee..... ... upon a summer morn while overlooking the valley of our desolation poetry: DAVID SMITH...JOHN COLTRANE...CHILDREN OF MORE THAN THE UNIVERSE... tingaling dingDong (W. W. at the age of fifteen may have read Ist engish r trams trans. of Bhagavad Gita: contributing to his misinterpretation of universals & commonalities through expression of his nearsightedness i. e. wordsworth was a lousy imitation hindu WHY SETTLE FOR THE REAL THING WHEN WE CAN FIND OURSELVES A TENCENT SUBSTITUE SUBSTITUTE? poetry: THE REAL THING vs. IT CONTINUED
RIOT CONTROL [hand drawing of military tank] The New Grotesque, or: Is there a post-realistic fiction? ORDNANCE: Systems for national defense riot control equipment stop the riot before it gets out of hand. The new Baur Ordnancearmoured car will stop 30-06 refle bullets at point blank range. It has a 360 degree turret that will mount a machinegun riotgun watercannon flamethrower grenade launcher. Protected is the body by high voltage electricity Protected against molotov cocktails, and carries sufficient water and foam-making agents to put out gasoline fires. Can be used to control riots or merely to patrol the tough districts. Plenty of room in the back for stretchers unruly prisioners Designed by the same people who gave you the XM 706 now being used to successfully in Vietnam. MARK THE TROUBLEMAKERS WITH DYES BREAK UP CROWDS WITH SMOKE CLEANSE THE STREETS WITH FIRE PROTECT THE LIVES OF YOUR POLICE PUT OUT THE SMALL FIRES WITH OUR NACHT UND NEBEL WERFE KEEP THE CROWDS AWAY GAIN AESTHETIC DISTANCE WITH ELECTRICITY DRIVE SNIPERS OUT OF HIDING WITH TEARGAS. Sol Yurick (& OrdnanceMagazine) PREFACE TO THE BALLICAL LYRIOS Lao Tzu tells like it is: Confucius is live: KungFuTzu - early nineteenth century englishman i. e. first fascist ibid etcetera reznikoff: our basho poetry: now:me; good poetry: THE now: THE mee..... ... upon a summer morn while overlooking the valley of our desolation poetry: DAVID SMITH...JOHN COLTRANE...CHILDREN OF MORE THAN THE UNIVERSE... tingaling dingDong (W. W. at the age of fifteen may have read Ist engish r trams trans. of Bhagavad Gita: contributing to his misinterpretation of universals & commonalities through expression of his nearsightedness i. e. wordsworth was a lousy imitation hindu WHY SETTLE FOR THE REAL THING WHEN WE CAN FIND OURSELVES A TENCENT SUBSTITUE SUBSTITUTE? poetry: THE REAL THING vs. IT CONTINUED
Campus Culture