Civil rights and race relations materials, 1957-1964
H.R. 7152 Page 23
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23 1 and assignment for reasons other than race, color, religion, or 2 national origin. 3 TITLE V-COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS 4 SEC. 501. Section 102 of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 5 (42 U.S.C. 1975a; 71 Stat. 634) is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 "RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE COMMISSION HEARINGS 8 "SEC. 102. (a) At least thirty days prior to the com- 9 mencement of any hearing, the Commission shall cause to be 10 published in the Federal Register notice of the date on which 11 such hearing is to commence, the place at which it is to be 12 held and the subject of the hearing. The Chairman, or one 13 designated by him to act as Chairman at a hearing of the 14 Commission, shall announce in an opening statement the 15 subject of the hearing. 16 "(b) A copy of the Commission's rules shall be made 17 available to any witness before the Commission, and a wit- 18 ness compelled to appear before the Commission or required 19 to produce written or other matter shall be served with a copy 20 of the Commission's rules at the time of service of the sub- 21 pena. 22 "(c) Any person compelled to appear in person before 23 the Commission shall be accorded the right to be accom- 24 panied and advised by counsel, who shall have the right to
23 1 and assignment for reasons other than race, color, religion, or 2 national origin. 3 TITLE V-COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS 4 SEC. 501. Section 102 of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 5 (42 U.S.C. 1975a; 71 Stat. 634) is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 "RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE COMMISSION HEARINGS 8 "SEC. 102. (a) At least thirty days prior to the com- 9 mencement of any hearing, the Commission shall cause to be 10 published in the Federal Register notice of the date on which 11 such hearing is to commence, the place at which it is to be 12 held and the subject of the hearing. The Chairman, or one 13 designated by him to act as Chairman at a hearing of the 14 Commission, shall announce in an opening statement the 15 subject of the hearing. 16 "(b) A copy of the Commission's rules shall be made 17 available to any witness before the Commission, and a wit- 18 ness compelled to appear before the Commission or required 19 to produce written or other matter shall be served with a copy 20 of the Commission's rules at the time of service of the sub- 21 pena. 22 "(c) Any person compelled to appear in person before 23 the Commission shall be accorded the right to be accom- 24 panied and advised by counsel, who shall have the right to
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