Civil rights and race relations materials, 1957-1964
Anti-Degamation League of B'nai B'rith Page 37
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[U?]PI A146 WA BULLETIN WASHINGTON, JUNE 24 (UPI)--THE SUPREME COURT RULED TODAY THAT DAILY RECITAL OF AN OFFICIAL STATE PRAYER IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, EVEN THOUGH NON-COMPULSORY, OFFENDS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM GUARANTEES IN THE CONSTITUTION. MORE PA1158AES [U?]PI A150 WA URGENT 2ND ADD PRAYER WASHINGTON (A146) X X X THE COUNTRY. JUSTICE HUGO L. BLACK WROTE THE COURT'S DECISION. THE DISSENTER WAS JUSTICE POTTER STEWART. JUSTICES FELIX FRANKFURTER AND BYRON [?]. WHITE DID NOT PARTICIPATE. BLACK SAID "IT HAS BEEN ARGUED THAT TO APPLY THE CONSTITUTION IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PROHIBIT STATE LAWS RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS TO INDICATE A HOSTILITY TOWA[RD] RELIGION OR TOWARD PRAYER." "NOTHING, OF COURSE, COULD BE MORE WRONG," HE SAID. BUT HE ADDED: "IT IS NEITHER SACRILEGIOUS NOR ANTI-RELIGIOUS TO SAY THAT EACH SEPARATE GOVERNMENT IN THIS COUNTRY SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF WRITING OR SANCTIONING OFFICIAL PRAYERS AND LEAVE THAT PURELY RELIGIOUS FUNCTION TO THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES AND TO THOSE THE PEOPLE CHOOSE TO LOOK TO FOR RELIGIOUS GUIDANCE." [caption] COURTESY, UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Church and State "Religious ideas, institutions and traditions should be freely studied as a normal and essential part of good education in the public schools, but religious ceremony is not the proper function of a public school. Religious ceremonies have their proper meaning only within a congregation which holds in common the faith which the ceremonies express." From "Religious Spokesmen in Support of the Supreme Court Decision on Prayer in the Public Schools." G 404--EDITORIAL COMMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION IN THE N.Y. REGENTS' PRAYER CASE. 10c. A collection of significant statements from key newspapers throughout the country. G 405--RELIGIOUS SPOKESMEN IN SUPPORT OF THE SUPREME COURT DECISION ON PRAYER IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 10c. Forthright statements of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders. R 149--U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION: NEW YORK REGENTS' PRAYER CASE. 15c. The full text of the decision in the New Hyde Park prayer case (Engle v. Vitale), with the dissenting opinion. R 152--TRUE PIETY AND THE REGENTS' PRAYER. Edward O. Miller. (From The Christian Century.) 10c. The author's thesis is that publicly sponsored prayer is more likely to lead to a secularization of American society than the Supreme Court decision. 37
[U?]PI A146 WA BULLETIN WASHINGTON, JUNE 24 (UPI)--THE SUPREME COURT RULED TODAY THAT DAILY RECITAL OF AN OFFICIAL STATE PRAYER IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, EVEN THOUGH NON-COMPULSORY, OFFENDS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM GUARANTEES IN THE CONSTITUTION. MORE PA1158AES [U?]PI A150 WA URGENT 2ND ADD PRAYER WASHINGTON (A146) X X X THE COUNTRY. JUSTICE HUGO L. BLACK WROTE THE COURT'S DECISION. THE DISSENTER WAS JUSTICE POTTER STEWART. JUSTICES FELIX FRANKFURTER AND BYRON [?]. WHITE DID NOT PARTICIPATE. BLACK SAID "IT HAS BEEN ARGUED THAT TO APPLY THE CONSTITUTION IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PROHIBIT STATE LAWS RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS TO INDICATE A HOSTILITY TOWA[RD] RELIGION OR TOWARD PRAYER." "NOTHING, OF COURSE, COULD BE MORE WRONG," HE SAID. BUT HE ADDED: "IT IS NEITHER SACRILEGIOUS NOR ANTI-RELIGIOUS TO SAY THAT EACH SEPARATE GOVERNMENT IN THIS COUNTRY SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF WRITING OR SANCTIONING OFFICIAL PRAYERS AND LEAVE THAT PURELY RELIGIOUS FUNCTION TO THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES AND TO THOSE THE PEOPLE CHOOSE TO LOOK TO FOR RELIGIOUS GUIDANCE." [caption] COURTESY, UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Church and State "Religious ideas, institutions and traditions should be freely studied as a normal and essential part of good education in the public schools, but religious ceremony is not the proper function of a public school. Religious ceremonies have their proper meaning only within a congregation which holds in common the faith which the ceremonies express." From "Religious Spokesmen in Support of the Supreme Court Decision on Prayer in the Public Schools." G 404--EDITORIAL COMMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION IN THE N.Y. REGENTS' PRAYER CASE. 10c. A collection of significant statements from key newspapers throughout the country. G 405--RELIGIOUS SPOKESMEN IN SUPPORT OF THE SUPREME COURT DECISION ON PRAYER IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 10c. Forthright statements of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders. R 149--U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION: NEW YORK REGENTS' PRAYER CASE. 15c. The full text of the decision in the New Hyde Park prayer case (Engle v. Vitale), with the dissenting opinion. R 152--TRUE PIETY AND THE REGENTS' PRAYER. Edward O. Miller. (From The Christian Century.) 10c. The author's thesis is that publicly sponsored prayer is more likely to lead to a secularization of American society than the Supreme Court decision. 37
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