Burlington Commission on Human Rights, 1968
Human Rights Commission - Page 11
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Alternative A. (Comment. This is the version which gives the local Commission law enforcement powers. The attached ''flow chart'' shows how a charge filed under this ordinance would be processed. Start at the top of the page with the filing of the charge. Each stage of the proceedings is indicated. At various stages of the proceedings, the Commission or the investigating committee must make certain determinations. The results of the various possible decisions are indicated separately. The numbers on the chart are section numbers, to which reference may be made for exact detais.)
Alternative A. (Comment. This is the version which gives the local Commission law enforcement powers. The attached ''flow chart'' shows how a charge filed under this ordinance would be processed. Start at the top of the page with the filing of the charge. Each stage of the proceedings is indicated. At various stages of the proceedings, the Commission or the investigating committee must make certain determinations. The results of the various possible decisions are indicated separately. The numbers on the chart are section numbers, to which reference may be made for exact detais.)
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