Burlington Commission on Human Rights, 1968
Human Rights Commission - Page 30
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-30- Section 307. Proceedings upon failure to conciliate. If after attempts to conciliate the person or persons directed to conciliate shall find that they are unable to conciliate the matter, they shall report the same in writing to the Commission. The person or persons charged with conciliation shall make a full report to the Commission of the facts and circumstances of the charge, as the same are known to them. The Commission may then take such further steps toward conciliation as it may deem appropriate, including the issuance of an invitation to the party charged to meet with the full Commission or with a committee thereof in a private session. If the Commission shall determine that further efforts at conciliation appear hopeless, the Commission shall report the case to the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission. The Commission shall also make a special report to the City Council, indicating that it has been unable to secure compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. (Comment. This section deals with the case in which the Commission is unable to secure compliance with the law through the preliminary conciliatory proceedings. Since the "Form B" Commission has only highly restricted enforcement powers, it cannot hold a public hearing. The ordinance therefor directs further efforts at conciliation, including meetings with the full commission. It also permits the commission to engage in a fact-finding study of the complaint. While the facts thus found would not be binding upon the charged party (since he is not properly represented in their establishment), a statement of the events surrounding the complaint in a less partial form than that frequently found in complaints might assist in securing settlement of the dispute.)
-30- Section 307. Proceedings upon failure to conciliate. If after attempts to conciliate the person or persons directed to conciliate shall find that they are unable to conciliate the matter, they shall report the same in writing to the Commission. The person or persons charged with conciliation shall make a full report to the Commission of the facts and circumstances of the charge, as the same are known to them. The Commission may then take such further steps toward conciliation as it may deem appropriate, including the issuance of an invitation to the party charged to meet with the full Commission or with a committee thereof in a private session. If the Commission shall determine that further efforts at conciliation appear hopeless, the Commission shall report the case to the Iowa State Civil Rights Commission. The Commission shall also make a special report to the City Council, indicating that it has been unable to secure compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. (Comment. This section deals with the case in which the Commission is unable to secure compliance with the law through the preliminary conciliatory proceedings. Since the "Form B" Commission has only highly restricted enforcement powers, it cannot hold a public hearing. The ordinance therefor directs further efforts at conciliation, including meetings with the full commission. It also permits the commission to engage in a fact-finding study of the complaint. While the facts thus found would not be binding upon the charged party (since he is not properly represented in their establishment), a statement of the events surrounding the complaint in a less partial form than that frequently found in complaints might assist in securing settlement of the dispute.)
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