Burlington Commission on Human Rights, 1968
Human Rights Commission - Page 31
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-31- ARTICLE FOUR. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 401. Definitions. When used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Commission" means the _________ Human Rights Commission. 2. "Complainant means a person who has filed a charge as provided by section 301 of this ordinance. 3. "Family" means any individual and his spouse, and the lineal ascendants and descendants of either who live in the same household. 4. "Person" means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, receivers, and the city of __________ or any board, commission, department or agency thereof. 5. "Person charged" means a person who is alleged to have committed an act prohibited by Article Two of this ordinance, against whom a charge or complaint has been filed, as provided in Article Three of this ordinance. (Comment. These definitions are merely technical. The only substantive matter contained here is the definition of "family" in subsection 3. This defines a family in the sense usually used in ordinary language, including a man and wife and their children and also their parents, provided that the children or parents are living with them. Section 402. Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. (Comment. This is a general repealer. If the city has partial civil rights ordinances, it would be well to repeal them explicitly, so that there can be no question about conflicts.) Section 403. Short Title. This ordinance may be cited as the"__________ Human Rights Ordinance." (Comment. This merely gives the ordinance a short title.) Section 404. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. (Comment. This is merely a technical provision.)
-31- ARTICLE FOUR. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Section 401. Definitions. When used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Commission" means the _________ Human Rights Commission. 2. "Complainant means a person who has filed a charge as provided by section 301 of this ordinance. 3. "Family" means any individual and his spouse, and the lineal ascendants and descendants of either who live in the same household. 4. "Person" means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, receivers, and the city of __________ or any board, commission, department or agency thereof. 5. "Person charged" means a person who is alleged to have committed an act prohibited by Article Two of this ordinance, against whom a charge or complaint has been filed, as provided in Article Three of this ordinance. (Comment. These definitions are merely technical. The only substantive matter contained here is the definition of "family" in subsection 3. This defines a family in the sense usually used in ordinary language, including a man and wife and their children and also their parents, provided that the children or parents are living with them. Section 402. Repealer. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. (Comment. This is a general repealer. If the city has partial civil rights ordinances, it would be well to repeal them explicitly, so that there can be no question about conflicts.) Section 403. Short Title. This ordinance may be cited as the"__________ Human Rights Ordinance." (Comment. This merely gives the ordinance a short title.) Section 404. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. (Comment. This is merely a technical provision.)
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