United Campus Ministry papers, 1970-1972
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-2- 16. Health Council: teach-in on "Health Care: Today & Tomorow" via Johnson CO. Health Council. Neraly 100 persons from University and community joined panel in exploring such issues as : HMO; right of health care, national health insurance, consumer role in health, team health concepts. Roger was elected President of Johnson Co. Health Council. 17. Drug Abuse Authority: helped organize District X, under Governor's Office. Numerous meetings and conferences involved. Roger on Bd. of Directors. For co-ordination, education, review and comment on drug drug abuse programs. 18. Symposium: Health Care & Human values, study VD as a paradigm of social-medical problem. Sixty registrants for all day workshop, with basic expenses and planning by Christian Ed. Comm, S.E. Presbytery. 19. Clergy Consultation on Problem Pregnancies: on-going counseling with persons suffering social-medical-personal frustations. 20. Panels, discussions in area of moral, legal, and medical aspects of abortion. 21. 4-C's: Community Coordinated Child Care group organized in Iowa City bringing together town-university people to deal with issues and plan for expanded services. Sally Smith on organizing committee. 22. Breakfast discussions: getting campus ministers and clergy together for thinking about "Future of the Church". Roger & Jim Davidson cO-chmn. 23. Citizen's Committee on Alcoholism: working to establish half-way house, relate to helping institutions and agencies. Roger on Board. 24. "Days of Disgust" and war-opposition rallies: sharing in concerns and efforts of students and others for appropriate peaceful protest to continuation of war. 25. University Interpretation Task Force: teams of Board members going out to Churches in E. Iowa to discuss the University and Campus Ministry. Seven contacts this year, with 14 last year. 26. Periodic sharing of articles, literature with some key persons in University. 27. Interfaith Programming Comm: with other campus ministry groups, long-range planning for analysis of major Universities - social-personal issues to be dealt with by all University functions. Currently: projecting major programs on work, vocations, and life values for Fall of '72. 28. "Drug-Use-Abuse" Workshop: three day workshop for nurses, by Pearl Zemlicka and College of Nursing. Roger on Planning Comm and shared in this program. 29. Coffee Club for Alcoholics, Problem Drinkers, this continues in basement of 707, with Bill Conner as host. 30. Society for Health and Human Values Conference in Wash. D.C. with American Assn. for Medical Colleges. Roger attended. Major report mimeographed and available upon request. Some vital, long range health care plans revealed. 31. Minister in Medical Education, new publication, March, '72, of 39 styles of ministry in Med. Ed. by pearsons who created them. Roger included. Pub: Society for Health and Human Values. Ref. MEDICAL EDUCATION, Dec. '71. 32. RELATING TO OTHER PROGRAMS: in the wide range of involvements on-going communications include a) Religious Leaders, b) local churches, c) crisis center, d) Women's Center, Free Med Center, e) F) civic areas of responsability, g) Mental Health-pgm. 33.ECUMENICAL: campus ministry of UCCM is becoming more fully integrated at the planning and execution stages with other campus ministries and increasingly, with the local churches.
-2- 16. Health Council: teach-in on "Health Care: Today & Tomorow" via Johnson CO. Health Council. Neraly 100 persons from University and community joined panel in exploring such issues as : HMO; right of health care, national health insurance, consumer role in health, team health concepts. Roger was elected President of Johnson Co. Health Council. 17. Drug Abuse Authority: helped organize District X, under Governor's Office. Numerous meetings and conferences involved. Roger on Bd. of Directors. For co-ordination, education, review and comment on drug drug abuse programs. 18. Symposium: Health Care & Human values, study VD as a paradigm of social-medical problem. Sixty registrants for all day workshop, with basic expenses and planning by Christian Ed. Comm, S.E. Presbytery. 19. Clergy Consultation on Problem Pregnancies: on-going counseling with persons suffering social-medical-personal frustations. 20. Panels, discussions in area of moral, legal, and medical aspects of abortion. 21. 4-C's: Community Coordinated Child Care group organized in Iowa City bringing together town-university people to deal with issues and plan for expanded services. Sally Smith on organizing committee. 22. Breakfast discussions: getting campus ministers and clergy together for thinking about "Future of the Church". Roger & Jim Davidson cO-chmn. 23. Citizen's Committee on Alcoholism: working to establish half-way house, relate to helping institutions and agencies. Roger on Board. 24. "Days of Disgust" and war-opposition rallies: sharing in concerns and efforts of students and others for appropriate peaceful protest to continuation of war. 25. University Interpretation Task Force: teams of Board members going out to Churches in E. Iowa to discuss the University and Campus Ministry. Seven contacts this year, with 14 last year. 26. Periodic sharing of articles, literature with some key persons in University. 27. Interfaith Programming Comm: with other campus ministry groups, long-range planning for analysis of major Universities - social-personal issues to be dealt with by all University functions. Currently: projecting major programs on work, vocations, and life values for Fall of '72. 28. "Drug-Use-Abuse" Workshop: three day workshop for nurses, by Pearl Zemlicka and College of Nursing. Roger on Planning Comm and shared in this program. 29. Coffee Club for Alcoholics, Problem Drinkers, this continues in basement of 707, with Bill Conner as host. 30. Society for Health and Human Values Conference in Wash. D.C. with American Assn. for Medical Colleges. Roger attended. Major report mimeographed and available upon request. Some vital, long range health care plans revealed. 31. Minister in Medical Education, new publication, March, '72, of 39 styles of ministry in Med. Ed. by pearsons who created them. Roger included. Pub: Society for Health and Human Values. Ref. MEDICAL EDUCATION, Dec. '71. 32. RELATING TO OTHER PROGRAMS: in the wide range of involvements on-going communications include a) Religious Leaders, b) local churches, c) crisis center, d) Women's Center, Free Med Center, e) F) civic areas of responsability, g) Mental Health-pgm. 33.ECUMENICAL: campus ministry of UCCM is becoming more fully integrated at the planning and execution stages with other campus ministries and increasingly, with the local churches.
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