United Campus Ministry papers, 1970-1972
1972-03-20 'You Are Invited to A Public Meeting' - Back
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CHILD CARE: WHAT IS IT? Child care needs in Johnson County are many and varied. Health care, day care, social services, recreation, household help for sick mothers, after school care -- all of these are part of the child care picture. WHO NEEDS CHILD CARE? Needs apply at all levels. Low income families may need special assistance, especially for mothers who must work. But middle class families may have compelling needs for such things as emergency care, for example. WHAT CAN BE DONE? All of these needs can be examined by a local 4-C's committee now being organized by a number of groups in Johnson Country. The 4-C's committee, wich will be affiliated with the regional 4-C's organization through the Hoover Health Council, will eventually, it is hoped, provide leadership in all areas of child care in the community. The committee's role would be to encourage cooperation and expansion of existing services for children, and in some cases, to spark new programs. The committee could insure maintenance of high standards for child care programs . The possibilities are limitless. Perhaps the Recreation Commission and the School Board could worl together to expand recreational programs and facilities for children of all ages, for example by using school buildings every day after school. Perhaps local churches could set up drop-in-cooperatives, such as the one now operating at Trinity Episcopal Church. Perhaps employers and new apartment complexes could be encouraged to provide child-care facilities. A 4-C's committee could encourage the development of more licensed day care facilities and homes. A committee could help families be more aware of services avaiable to provide health care (including mental health) and other support needed; and to encourage the expansion or addition of services as needed. A committee could keep current on possibilities for governmental and foundation funding, could encourage public and private funding at the local level, and could work for legislative action when necessary. A committee could provide a central clearing house for information about day care homes, the 11 existing day care centers, and the 9 pre-schools. (Current licensed facilities provide about 550 full time day care slots. Some 2,000 children under six need day care, according to a survey done in 1964). WHAT CAN I DO? Attend the public meeting announced on the reverse side of this sheet. The group needs broad citizen support in order to be successful. And it needs input from citizens regarding needs and priorities.
CHILD CARE: WHAT IS IT? Child care needs in Johnson County are many and varied. Health care, day care, social services, recreation, household help for sick mothers, after school care -- all of these are part of the child care picture. WHO NEEDS CHILD CARE? Needs apply at all levels. Low income families may need special assistance, especially for mothers who must work. But middle class families may have compelling needs for such things as emergency care, for example. WHAT CAN BE DONE? All of these needs can be examined by a local 4-C's committee now being organized by a number of groups in Johnson Country. The 4-C's committee, wich will be affiliated with the regional 4-C's organization through the Hoover Health Council, will eventually, it is hoped, provide leadership in all areas of child care in the community. The committee's role would be to encourage cooperation and expansion of existing services for children, and in some cases, to spark new programs. The committee could insure maintenance of high standards for child care programs . The possibilities are limitless. Perhaps the Recreation Commission and the School Board could worl together to expand recreational programs and facilities for children of all ages, for example by using school buildings every day after school. Perhaps local churches could set up drop-in-cooperatives, such as the one now operating at Trinity Episcopal Church. Perhaps employers and new apartment complexes could be encouraged to provide child-care facilities. A 4-C's committee could encourage the development of more licensed day care facilities and homes. A committee could help families be more aware of services avaiable to provide health care (including mental health) and other support needed; and to encourage the expansion or addition of services as needed. A committee could keep current on possibilities for governmental and foundation funding, could encourage public and private funding at the local level, and could work for legislative action when necessary. A committee could provide a central clearing house for information about day care homes, the 11 existing day care centers, and the 9 pre-schools. (Current licensed facilities provide about 550 full time day care slots. Some 2,000 children under six need day care, according to a survey done in 1964). WHAT CAN I DO? Attend the public meeting announced on the reverse side of this sheet. The group needs broad citizen support in order to be successful. And it needs input from citizens regarding needs and priorities.
Campus Culture