United Campus Ministry papers, 1970-1972
1971-10-30 Summary Report from Roger Simpson Page 5
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-5- IV. AGENDA: Society of Health & Human Values (Meetings were from Sunday noon through Monday noon) A) Preparatory Reading: "PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE: a mixed marriage" K Danner Clouser, Dept. Humanities, College of Medicine, Hershey Med. College, University of Pennsylvania, Hershey, Pa. Generally, this lengthy paper discussed the role of the humanities in the Med. Schl. It urged more inclusion of humanities and proposed a study of the philosophy of medicine. Some problems in medical ethics are included. (Paper on file in my study) B) Ed. Pellegrino, Lorraine Hunt: report on "INSTITUTE OF HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE" Under Nat. grant from National Endowment for Humanities Purpose is to introduce the role of values to medicine and vice-versa Method: via specific institutions, distill out the specific issues. Preliminary summary of 1st institute is in process.' Want this to be a continuing series. Need deeper involvement of Med. Colleges. in area of values, must deal with present. C) Campus Ministers Section: Ken Spielman reporting. Journal of Medical Ed., Dec. '71, issue, article describing a "New breed of Campus Ministers. About 40 persons report profiles of work in Med. Schls, Health Plan Councils, Comp. Health Plan., Cncls, etc. At inter-face between institutions and humanities. D) Section of Women in Med.: formed out of Ron McNeur's Office Wilma Scott Hiding, Pres. Women, Health & Human Values TO seek to humanize the practice of medicine. New consciousness of our responsibility for ourselves and our bodies. Issues: philosophy, vocations, social controls. Past: women channeled into nursing, para-professionals, Women penalized for "tenderness"; seen as a negative value Need; conscientious enlarging sessions; non sexsist counseling; re-study meaning of mental health; study masculine mystique. E) John Gibson, MD, Dir. Med Ed., Group Health Cooperative. "Human Experimentation and Med Education:" (The Group H. Coop: like Farmers Union Coop: prepaid, group coop.) "Experimentation: an activity deliberately undertaken to generate new knowledge" Of 101 research projects, '69-'70, U. Washington Ethical Comm. rejected 2. Review procedures too time consuming, laborious. Only peer review. Problem of educating the educated. How reach person through course content. What of inter-face when philosophy meets reality? Guidelines for human experimentation. HEW criteria of '71. Comm. often over-zealous in being too restrictive. Some points of absurdity: what of use of urine, waste? Problem of distinguishing experiment from routine. Research accounting and jurisdiction are major issues. F) E.A. Murphy, MD, Prof. of Mathematical Genetics, John Hopkins University "Genetic Counseling: Medical & Social Implications" Focus is on man and the environment. Adapt man to environment via education or preventive medicine. Some genetic manipulation possible. choice of spouse; identify defective chromosomes; management of off-spring (Succeed in keeping "unfit" alive & increase burden of unfit for future) Impact of Genetic Counseling: there is the question of effectiveness of communication among patients about effects of problems. Genetic system is conservative. Population should be fixed: can't expand indefinitely. Mutations copy errors: if positive will reproduce and stay. Yet to improve, must mutate and will have some genetic disease. Eugenic dream: create race of supermen, free of genetic taint. Yet 99% of persons have some harmful genes. (CONT. OVERLEAF)
-5- IV. AGENDA: Society of Health & Human Values (Meetings were from Sunday noon through Monday noon) A) Preparatory Reading: "PHILOSOPHY AND MEDICINE: a mixed marriage" K Danner Clouser, Dept. Humanities, College of Medicine, Hershey Med. College, University of Pennsylvania, Hershey, Pa. Generally, this lengthy paper discussed the role of the humanities in the Med. Schl. It urged more inclusion of humanities and proposed a study of the philosophy of medicine. Some problems in medical ethics are included. (Paper on file in my study) B) Ed. Pellegrino, Lorraine Hunt: report on "INSTITUTE OF HUMAN VALUES IN MEDICINE" Under Nat. grant from National Endowment for Humanities Purpose is to introduce the role of values to medicine and vice-versa Method: via specific institutions, distill out the specific issues. Preliminary summary of 1st institute is in process.' Want this to be a continuing series. Need deeper involvement of Med. Colleges. in area of values, must deal with present. C) Campus Ministers Section: Ken Spielman reporting. Journal of Medical Ed., Dec. '71, issue, article describing a "New breed of Campus Ministers. About 40 persons report profiles of work in Med. Schls, Health Plan Councils, Comp. Health Plan., Cncls, etc. At inter-face between institutions and humanities. D) Section of Women in Med.: formed out of Ron McNeur's Office Wilma Scott Hiding, Pres. Women, Health & Human Values TO seek to humanize the practice of medicine. New consciousness of our responsibility for ourselves and our bodies. Issues: philosophy, vocations, social controls. Past: women channeled into nursing, para-professionals, Women penalized for "tenderness"; seen as a negative value Need; conscientious enlarging sessions; non sexsist counseling; re-study meaning of mental health; study masculine mystique. E) John Gibson, MD, Dir. Med Ed., Group Health Cooperative. "Human Experimentation and Med Education:" (The Group H. Coop: like Farmers Union Coop: prepaid, group coop.) "Experimentation: an activity deliberately undertaken to generate new knowledge" Of 101 research projects, '69-'70, U. Washington Ethical Comm. rejected 2. Review procedures too time consuming, laborious. Only peer review. Problem of educating the educated. How reach person through course content. What of inter-face when philosophy meets reality? Guidelines for human experimentation. HEW criteria of '71. Comm. often over-zealous in being too restrictive. Some points of absurdity: what of use of urine, waste? Problem of distinguishing experiment from routine. Research accounting and jurisdiction are major issues. F) E.A. Murphy, MD, Prof. of Mathematical Genetics, John Hopkins University "Genetic Counseling: Medical & Social Implications" Focus is on man and the environment. Adapt man to environment via education or preventive medicine. Some genetic manipulation possible. choice of spouse; identify defective chromosomes; management of off-spring (Succeed in keeping "unfit" alive & increase burden of unfit for future) Impact of Genetic Counseling: there is the question of effectiveness of communication among patients about effects of problems. Genetic system is conservative. Population should be fixed: can't expand indefinitely. Mutations copy errors: if positive will reproduce and stay. Yet to improve, must mutate and will have some genetic disease. Eugenic dream: create race of supermen, free of genetic taint. Yet 99% of persons have some harmful genes. (CONT. OVERLEAF)
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