Students for a Democratic Society, 1965-1972
1970-03-04 'SDS Newsletter' Page 2
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BOYCOTT RIVER ROOM CAFETERIA FRIDAY! MORE WORKERS-LOWER PRICES The committee to Ally with Campus Workers has been formed to work around issues that affect campus workers. We feel that workers are most affected by the war, racism, and male chauvinism, and are the ones who have the power to change these things. Therefore it's inportant to begin to build a fighting alliance of students and workers to work for things wich benefit both. We've been fighting to hire 2 more cooks in the River Room of the Union and to lower prices there. (SEE ENCLOSED BLUE LEAFLET) Meeting of COMMITTEE TO ALLY WITH CAMPUS WORKERS THURSDAY, 8;00p.m. KIRKWOOD ROOM, IMU Anyone who wants to work on these issue is urged to come to the meeting-they son't have to agree with SDS generally. The Comittee to Abolish ROTC has been leafleting (See enclosed leaflet) cancassing, and picketing. There's a lot of interest among people we've talked to in abolishing ROTC-especially as a way to attack the war. MEETING OF COMMITTEE TO ABOLISH ROTC, THURSDAY 7:30 p.m. IMU) WE NEED MONEY!! Ther's no more money in the treasury and we need it for paper for leaflets and pamphlets, for printing, for stamps. Nationally, SDS also needs money to get ou its newspaper, New Left Notes, to print literature, and to run the national office. If people want to help build SDS and its ideas, they should contribute to SDS. National dues are $5 per year and include a subscription to New Left Notes. Students are also encouraged to pledge a certain amount each month to the national office and to the local chapter. Call Bruce or Elaine at 351-6266 for more information or membership cards. Also we're planning a rummage sale for Satu day, March 14. Anyone who has anything to contribute (books, furniture, records, art work, etc.) call 351-6266. NEXT SDS MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 10th AT 7:30 pm in the UNION
BOYCOTT RIVER ROOM CAFETERIA FRIDAY! MORE WORKERS-LOWER PRICES The committee to Ally with Campus Workers has been formed to work around issues that affect campus workers. We feel that workers are most affected by the war, racism, and male chauvinism, and are the ones who have the power to change these things. Therefore it's inportant to begin to build a fighting alliance of students and workers to work for things wich benefit both. We've been fighting to hire 2 more cooks in the River Room of the Union and to lower prices there. (SEE ENCLOSED BLUE LEAFLET) Meeting of COMMITTEE TO ALLY WITH CAMPUS WORKERS THURSDAY, 8;00p.m. KIRKWOOD ROOM, IMU Anyone who wants to work on these issue is urged to come to the meeting-they son't have to agree with SDS generally. The Comittee to Abolish ROTC has been leafleting (See enclosed leaflet) cancassing, and picketing. There's a lot of interest among people we've talked to in abolishing ROTC-especially as a way to attack the war. MEETING OF COMMITTEE TO ABOLISH ROTC, THURSDAY 7:30 p.m. IMU) WE NEED MONEY!! Ther's no more money in the treasury and we need it for paper for leaflets and pamphlets, for printing, for stamps. Nationally, SDS also needs money to get ou its newspaper, New Left Notes, to print literature, and to run the national office. If people want to help build SDS and its ideas, they should contribute to SDS. National dues are $5 per year and include a subscription to New Left Notes. Students are also encouraged to pledge a certain amount each month to the national office and to the local chapter. Call Bruce or Elaine at 351-6266 for more information or membership cards. Also we're planning a rummage sale for Satu day, March 14. Anyone who has anything to contribute (books, furniture, records, art work, etc.) call 351-6266. NEXT SDS MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 10th AT 7:30 pm in the UNION
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