Fan-Atic, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 4, July 1941
Page 6
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FAN-ANTIC 6 VISITATIONS TO BLOOMINGTON by Bob Tucker. Continued. Hence the enunciation. However, we had some delightful book-chats; he, like myself, is not widely read, but we treasure what we have. Of all the fans who have visited here, and touched on the general topic of books, I believe he is the only one who has seen eye to eye with me on their appeal and wealth. At least none of his predecessors displayed such an interest in them and talked so much on mine in particular and all in general as Elmer Perdue. ------------------------- And finally to wind up the year three members of the Literature, Science, and Hobbies Club from Decker, Indiana visited. They came one Sunday in December (1940), and we had a rollicking time with a model railroad outfit. In the party were Marvis Manning and his very perrty wife Faye, plus Maurice Paul (alias 'SleepY'). Paul, I now understand, is about to be inducted into the Army, and has already been preceded by Vincent Manning. At least, such as the rumors as I write this. ----------------------- And so, I have met fandom...a slice of it. Ain't fans the berries?! ############## HELL'S CORNER This installment by Doc Lowndes. I nominate for a corner in Hell all those various and sundry writers of epistles to editors who babble on the like of this: "Well, Mr. Editor, this issue was pretty good. Yes, out of nine stories, eight interested me." (Follows remarks about art-work and such and with a final admonition to keep up the good work). Or this: "Yugglethrub of Vombistown" rated a lavender star, while "We, the Glubatsch" was good for a turquoise star, and "Return of the Granistow" rated a purple star because I like deep purple.' (Follows remark about anything in general.) Or finally this: "I liked 'Stinkweeds of Mercury' better than 'Mandrakes of Mongo' but not as much as 'O Joi Tsan, Mercurian Privateer'". These unmentionable species of letter-writers are about the lowest form of animal life in the stf field. How the hell do they expect us to read their low-energy minds and figure out (as in the first example) which story they didn't car for, or (second example) how their color schemes run, or finally unravel tangles like the third example. Fanzine editors, too, are beplagued by such. I hereby suggest that a Fan Vigilante Committee be formed to mail cholera germs to, or take some similar form of action again, this menace to all editors. Long, far too long, have we suffered. The worm turns! ############## CAN CUSP CAN CONS? by Archer Cusp "The tumult and the shouting dies," / The Science-Fiction Fans depart. / Denvention's Time flies! / Soon enough Lacon will start. Perhaps, I'm un-convention minded / I like to con the Cons, / Fling bitter japes and sour grapes / Until we can the Cons! (more Cusp on p 14)
FAN-ANTIC 6 VISITATIONS TO BLOOMINGTON by Bob Tucker. Continued. Hence the enunciation. However, we had some delightful book-chats; he, like myself, is not widely read, but we treasure what we have. Of all the fans who have visited here, and touched on the general topic of books, I believe he is the only one who has seen eye to eye with me on their appeal and wealth. At least none of his predecessors displayed such an interest in them and talked so much on mine in particular and all in general as Elmer Perdue. ------------------------- And finally to wind up the year three members of the Literature, Science, and Hobbies Club from Decker, Indiana visited. They came one Sunday in December (1940), and we had a rollicking time with a model railroad outfit. In the party were Marvis Manning and his very perrty wife Faye, plus Maurice Paul (alias 'SleepY'). Paul, I now understand, is about to be inducted into the Army, and has already been preceded by Vincent Manning. At least, such as the rumors as I write this. ----------------------- And so, I have met fandom...a slice of it. Ain't fans the berries?! ############## HELL'S CORNER This installment by Doc Lowndes. I nominate for a corner in Hell all those various and sundry writers of epistles to editors who babble on the like of this: "Well, Mr. Editor, this issue was pretty good. Yes, out of nine stories, eight interested me." (Follows remarks about art-work and such and with a final admonition to keep up the good work). Or this: "Yugglethrub of Vombistown" rated a lavender star, while "We, the Glubatsch" was good for a turquoise star, and "Return of the Granistow" rated a purple star because I like deep purple.' (Follows remark about anything in general.) Or finally this: "I liked 'Stinkweeds of Mercury' better than 'Mandrakes of Mongo' but not as much as 'O Joi Tsan, Mercurian Privateer'". These unmentionable species of letter-writers are about the lowest form of animal life in the stf field. How the hell do they expect us to read their low-energy minds and figure out (as in the first example) which story they didn't car for, or (second example) how their color schemes run, or finally unravel tangles like the third example. Fanzine editors, too, are beplagued by such. I hereby suggest that a Fan Vigilante Committee be formed to mail cholera germs to, or take some similar form of action again, this menace to all editors. Long, far too long, have we suffered. The worm turns! ############## CAN CUSP CAN CONS? by Archer Cusp "The tumult and the shouting dies," / The Science-Fiction Fans depart. / Denvention's Time flies! / Soon enough Lacon will start. Perhaps, I'm un-convention minded / I like to con the Cons, / Fling bitter japes and sour grapes / Until we can the Cons! (more Cusp on p 14)
Hevelin Fanzines