Fan-Atic, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 4, July 1941
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FAN-ATIC 9 THE SCIENTIFUN WAY TO ESPERANTO Class conducted by Fojak. Leciono Numero Du Lesson #2 Saluton, studantoj! Which is the Universalanguage way to say "Greeting, students!" What's that U say? O, U think U've caut the editor making a typografical error? U learnd lastime that pluraloj always ends in "j", so shouldnt "Greetings" be "Salutojn"? Rite U are! But while it is the American Way to be lavish with out greetings, congratulations, etc; in international usage (& Esperanto is for world-wide communication, U must remember) it is standard to give only one greeting at a time, extend a congratulation. So, tho U may translate it in English as congratulations, in Esperanto it is singular: gratulon. U have noticed "saluton" & "gratulon" ending in n. This is the sign of the accusative case. In other words, when U simply say congratulations or greetings, the frase "I wish U" or "I give U" is implyd. In the sentence "I give (to) U (a) greeting", greeting is in the accusative case. This is indicated by an n at the end of the noun. Adjectives agreeing with nouns, a sincere greeting woud be sinceran saluton. Let's see; the foregoing all came about because U thot U'd caut a typografical eraro. Well, yed did make one in my first column which should be corrected tuj! (That's a lil word meaning immediately.) The word for conventions (of the annual stf sort) is KUNVENOJ. Would be well to turn to pg 10 of last ish & change that convenuoj. And since I've turnd to pg 10 myself, I see I promist U I'd teach U how to count. All x; get out your fingrojn (fingers) & let's go! Those numbers should look fairly familiar. We see them in only slitely altered form in Unit...duet...triangle...kvartet...kvintuplets...sestet...september...oktober...nauvember...dekember. For 11, 12, 13, etc, U just do a little addition. Dek unu (ten plus one), is eleven; dek du, twelve; dek tri, thirteen. When U hit the Roaring Twentys, U multiply. Then it's dudek (2 times 10); tridek, thirty; kvardeck, forty; kvindek, fifty; ktp (etc). 77? Sepdek sep. 99? Naudek nau. When we hit 100, it's cent. Allsame centennial. 1000 is mil; millenium. Millieno k billieno. (A couple of other eraroj just noted in CAB's copying of my last clumn: Interplanada shoud be interplaneda; mirikla, mirakla.) Now, to make lil ones & BIG ones..."Et" is the suffic of the diminutive. In English we have kitchen, kitchenette; dining-room; dinette; so in Esperanto, stelo (star), steleto (small star); monstro (monster), monsteto (minor monster); bona (good), boneta (fair). To make a thing BIG, add an "eg" to it! Thusly: Planedego, a giant planet; miraklega, supermiraculous; bonega, xlnt. Here are koloroj: see how many U can identify; Purpura, viola, blua, verda, flava, orangkolora, ruga, blanka, nigra, bruna. Flava is the only one I'm going to excuse U for not guessing; it's yellow! Quick now--how would U say pink? Rite: rugeta. Doktoro Keller's "Feminine Metamorphosis" told of a man's becoming a woman. This is accomplisht easily in Esperanto. U all're familiar with chorines, actorines, etc (figuratively speaking, that is; or am I getting into hotter akvo?). Anyhoo, taking the "in" out of "chorine" U see what I mean about suffixing it: Viro (man) becomes virino (woman); frato (brother), fratino (sister); ktp. -- Gis la revido! ############### If the word "expired" appears to the left, than an excellent guess would be that that's just what your subscription has done, buddy. We won't have a single objection if you want to renew it. FAN-ATIC is 5c or 6 for a quarter. Either coin, check (made out to Charles Beling), money order, or 1 1/2 & 3 cent stamps will be taking willingly. If there is a check to the left, then this is a sample copy. It would be very polite if we received a letter from you enclosing a subscription; very polite. The rates are just above this, friend. See them?
FAN-ATIC 9 THE SCIENTIFUN WAY TO ESPERANTO Class conducted by Fojak. Leciono Numero Du Lesson #2 Saluton, studantoj! Which is the Universalanguage way to say "Greeting, students!" What's that U say? O, U think U've caut the editor making a typografical error? U learnd lastime that pluraloj always ends in "j", so shouldnt "Greetings" be "Salutojn"? Rite U are! But while it is the American Way to be lavish with out greetings, congratulations, etc; in international usage (& Esperanto is for world-wide communication, U must remember) it is standard to give only one greeting at a time, extend a congratulation. So, tho U may translate it in English as congratulations, in Esperanto it is singular: gratulon. U have noticed "saluton" & "gratulon" ending in n. This is the sign of the accusative case. In other words, when U simply say congratulations or greetings, the frase "I wish U" or "I give U" is implyd. In the sentence "I give (to) U (a) greeting", greeting is in the accusative case. This is indicated by an n at the end of the noun. Adjectives agreeing with nouns, a sincere greeting woud be sinceran saluton. Let's see; the foregoing all came about because U thot U'd caut a typografical eraro. Well, yed did make one in my first column which should be corrected tuj! (That's a lil word meaning immediately.) The word for conventions (of the annual stf sort) is KUNVENOJ. Would be well to turn to pg 10 of last ish & change that convenuoj. And since I've turnd to pg 10 myself, I see I promist U I'd teach U how to count. All x; get out your fingrojn (fingers) & let's go! Those numbers should look fairly familiar. We see them in only slitely altered form in Unit...duet...triangle...kvartet...kvintuplets...sestet...september...oktober...nauvember...dekember. For 11, 12, 13, etc, U just do a little addition. Dek unu (ten plus one), is eleven; dek du, twelve; dek tri, thirteen. When U hit the Roaring Twentys, U multiply. Then it's dudek (2 times 10); tridek, thirty; kvardeck, forty; kvindek, fifty; ktp (etc). 77? Sepdek sep. 99? Naudek nau. When we hit 100, it's cent. Allsame centennial. 1000 is mil; millenium. Millieno k billieno. (A couple of other eraroj just noted in CAB's copying of my last clumn: Interplanada shoud be interplaneda; mirikla, mirakla.) Now, to make lil ones & BIG ones..."Et" is the suffic of the diminutive. In English we have kitchen, kitchenette; dining-room; dinette; so in Esperanto, stelo (star), steleto (small star); monstro (monster), monsteto (minor monster); bona (good), boneta (fair). To make a thing BIG, add an "eg" to it! Thusly: Planedego, a giant planet; miraklega, supermiraculous; bonega, xlnt. Here are koloroj: see how many U can identify; Purpura, viola, blua, verda, flava, orangkolora, ruga, blanka, nigra, bruna. Flava is the only one I'm going to excuse U for not guessing; it's yellow! Quick now--how would U say pink? Rite: rugeta. Doktoro Keller's "Feminine Metamorphosis" told of a man's becoming a woman. This is accomplisht easily in Esperanto. U all're familiar with chorines, actorines, etc (figuratively speaking, that is; or am I getting into hotter akvo?). Anyhoo, taking the "in" out of "chorine" U see what I mean about suffixing it: Viro (man) becomes virino (woman); frato (brother), fratino (sister); ktp. -- Gis la revido! ############### If the word "expired" appears to the left, than an excellent guess would be that that's just what your subscription has done, buddy. We won't have a single objection if you want to renew it. FAN-ATIC is 5c or 6 for a quarter. Either coin, check (made out to Charles Beling), money order, or 1 1/2 & 3 cent stamps will be taking willingly. If there is a check to the left, then this is a sample copy. It would be very polite if we received a letter from you enclosing a subscription; very polite. The rates are just above this, friend. See them?
Hevelin Fanzines