Fan-Atic, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 4, July 1941
Page 14
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FAN-ATIC 14 "AS I'M A SINNER!" by Archer Cusp I often vow I will be good, / And make INDUSTRIOUS my motta, / But still don't read the books I should / Nor con my lessons as I otta. Temptations press me round about / And find me feek and weeble; / I read my valued eyesight out / On mags for Kwazy Peeble. Oh, Shakespeare, groan, and Homer weep / Tears to your long white beard... / UNKNOWN is out on all the stands! / ASTOUNDING! COSMIC!! WEIRD!!! ############### advertisement advertisement DAM' YANKEE --- --- is not one word! And we'all can prove it! Or at any rate, that's what the SOUTHERN STAR and the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION are devoted to -- uniting the South into an active front capable of co-operating and furthering Northern Fandom as well as its own. The STAR, you know, is the organ of the DFF -- as well as a member of the "Dixie Press", fandom's fastest growing press association -- and the biggest bargain in the fanzine line as well. If we weren't so stinking modest, we'd tell you that not only does it give you forty pages for a dime, but the finest line-up of material and features in any fanzine; four color mimeoing; lithographed interiors and covers; the longest letter section in fandom; a New York news department; a swap column; and, oh, oodles of junk like that. But we're too modest, so we won't even tell you that we have America's number one column, Fred W. Fischer's "From the Starport"; Panurge's sensational series on the Munsey fantasies, "The Munsey Panorama"; Bob Tucker's hilarious column, "Mumblings"; and a department featuring analyses of fan handwriting. Naturally, we won't be brash enough to even mention that the third issue has a mimicrayoned cover by Phil Shumann; a grimly, timely, and fascinating article by George Fenton and Fred Fischer, "Life Everlasting"; Jack Speer's humorous MUTANT article, "The Preposterous Prophesying of Tim P. O'Nautisshan"; more humor by Klingbiel; and -- uh, uhm, -- more humor by Klingbeil. Be a jolly good ghoul and send in your two bits for three to: send now to: JOSEPH GILBERT Editor, Southern Star, UFM, Sound Off! Secretary, Dixie Fantasy Federation 1100 Bryan St. Columbia, So. Car. Think of how many million people will follow a similar procedure somewhere -- and there's one born every minute, you know! ((As we stencil this ad we haven't yet seen the third STAR, but if it is as good as the first two (and it sounds even better) you would be a sucker not to get it as quickly as you can do so.)) ((And, Joe; "damnyankee" is only one word; it would be silly to waste more than one word on these damnyankees up here; they ain't wuth it, the varmints!)) ((Anyhow, don't forget to get the SOUTHERN STAR right now)) JOIN THE NFFF
FAN-ATIC 14 "AS I'M A SINNER!" by Archer Cusp I often vow I will be good, / And make INDUSTRIOUS my motta, / But still don't read the books I should / Nor con my lessons as I otta. Temptations press me round about / And find me feek and weeble; / I read my valued eyesight out / On mags for Kwazy Peeble. Oh, Shakespeare, groan, and Homer weep / Tears to your long white beard... / UNKNOWN is out on all the stands! / ASTOUNDING! COSMIC!! WEIRD!!! ############### advertisement advertisement DAM' YANKEE --- --- is not one word! And we'all can prove it! Or at any rate, that's what the SOUTHERN STAR and the DIXIE FANTASY FEDERATION are devoted to -- uniting the South into an active front capable of co-operating and furthering Northern Fandom as well as its own. The STAR, you know, is the organ of the DFF -- as well as a member of the "Dixie Press", fandom's fastest growing press association -- and the biggest bargain in the fanzine line as well. If we weren't so stinking modest, we'd tell you that not only does it give you forty pages for a dime, but the finest line-up of material and features in any fanzine; four color mimeoing; lithographed interiors and covers; the longest letter section in fandom; a New York news department; a swap column; and, oh, oodles of junk like that. But we're too modest, so we won't even tell you that we have America's number one column, Fred W. Fischer's "From the Starport"; Panurge's sensational series on the Munsey fantasies, "The Munsey Panorama"; Bob Tucker's hilarious column, "Mumblings"; and a department featuring analyses of fan handwriting. Naturally, we won't be brash enough to even mention that the third issue has a mimicrayoned cover by Phil Shumann; a grimly, timely, and fascinating article by George Fenton and Fred Fischer, "Life Everlasting"; Jack Speer's humorous MUTANT article, "The Preposterous Prophesying of Tim P. O'Nautisshan"; more humor by Klingbiel; and -- uh, uhm, -- more humor by Klingbeil. Be a jolly good ghoul and send in your two bits for three to: send now to: JOSEPH GILBERT Editor, Southern Star, UFM, Sound Off! Secretary, Dixie Fantasy Federation 1100 Bryan St. Columbia, So. Car. Think of how many million people will follow a similar procedure somewhere -- and there's one born every minute, you know! ((As we stencil this ad we haven't yet seen the third STAR, but if it is as good as the first two (and it sounds even better) you would be a sucker not to get it as quickly as you can do so.)) ((And, Joe; "damnyankee" is only one word; it would be silly to waste more than one word on these damnyankees up here; they ain't wuth it, the varmints!)) ((Anyhow, don't forget to get the SOUTHERN STAR right now)) JOIN THE NFFF
Hevelin Fanzines