Fan-Atic, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 4, July 1941
Page 16
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FAN-ATIC 16 Continued. COMPLIMENTS AND OTHERWISE by You D. B. Thompson. 213 Lakeview, Pineville, Louisana. Hiya Cabbie: I'm not writing any specific comments on the last issue of FAN-ATIC such as may be used in the letter section, simply because I haven't time. ((That's what you think, Don!)) But four items merit specific mention, anyway -- Tucker's piece, the material of which interests me not at all, but the style of which intrigues me greatly, as is usually the case with Pong's stuff; the straight shooting by Archer Cusp; Ackerman's entertaining and enlightening Esperanto Lesson; and Warner's HELL'S CORNER contribution. Oh, yes, one more; the Quiz. I made no attempt to answer, again because of lack of time; but as a source of information, it is tops. You aren't expected to compete with ten cent mags. Right now, FTC is superior to most of the 5 centers, and comparable to almost all of them. Also, it definitely beats several dime mags I know of, both in size and interest. Approximately 16 pages is a good size for a nickel mag. ((Fanny will probably be this size regularly.)) I suggest that you plug Cunningham's British SF Aid Society in the forthcoming issue. For general information on it, see the letter section in the current AMAZING. Of course, the information there applies to all mags, not just Palmer's. Unger or one of the Furturians can give you further information on it, if needed; it was unanimously approved at the Denvention. ((We lack information on it, so can't plug it.)) Joseph Gilbert. 1100 Bryan St., Columbia, South Carolina. Dear Charlie, FAN-ATIC arrived this morning, and I'm taking time out from stencilling the STAR ((p 14)) to congratulate you heartily on a swell job. Excellent mimeoing, excellent material, and several very intriguing features, all for a nickel. Wonderful. It's really disgusting the way these new magazines are improving each issue. ((The SOUTHERN STAR for instance)) Another coupla months, and Jenkins and I will have to discard the "To Complete Your Files", and "Good Enuf" sections of "Hams and Pros" in FANTASITE, and use the "Must" classification exclusively. Really, old boy, you did a darned swell job on this number. I enjoyed it a lot. Tops were Tucker, Tiger & Feldman, and Thompson. Old motion pictures, and obscure films are my absorbing passion. I started out to be a projectionist, but got stuck; so, as usual, it's all explained by a childhood frustration. Or, if it isn't, I don't want to hear what it is explained by. Boy, some of those Freudian psychologists can really go to town on a thing like that! The Quiz was, to me, especially interesting, because it revealed several pseudonyms I had not previously known. But in the second classification Speer is listed as an 'author'. I never knew Juffus had sold stuff professionally. If he hasn't, tho, he could if he tried. That lad really can write. ((When the Quiz was written, quite a while ago, Tucker wasn't a 'pro' either, as listed in Question 3.)) And Asimov is not the youngest writer, if, as someone claimed recently, Kornbluth is only 17. Something hard to believe, and I don't know how true it is. (("__ Ackerman I didn't finish. Not his fault, I just can't stand to read about grammar, any kind of grammar. ((We too)) Thompson I liked very much; a most interesting column that should be lengthed. "Magic" was dull, obvious stuff; and HELL'S CORNER is a nice idea, to which I may contribute eventually. ((Send it in now)) The Ultimate made me sick at my stomach when I read it. Such tripe! ((See Pogo's lettr)) Who is Cusp? He appeared in NEPENTHE, and is either Singleton or Widner, probably the latter. I second heartily, incidentally, everything Thompson said about the latter individual in his column. ((See editorial for information about Cusp.)) ((((We want letters from many more people than last time, we only received 5.))))
FAN-ATIC 16 Continued. COMPLIMENTS AND OTHERWISE by You D. B. Thompson. 213 Lakeview, Pineville, Louisana. Hiya Cabbie: I'm not writing any specific comments on the last issue of FAN-ATIC such as may be used in the letter section, simply because I haven't time. ((That's what you think, Don!)) But four items merit specific mention, anyway -- Tucker's piece, the material of which interests me not at all, but the style of which intrigues me greatly, as is usually the case with Pong's stuff; the straight shooting by Archer Cusp; Ackerman's entertaining and enlightening Esperanto Lesson; and Warner's HELL'S CORNER contribution. Oh, yes, one more; the Quiz. I made no attempt to answer, again because of lack of time; but as a source of information, it is tops. You aren't expected to compete with ten cent mags. Right now, FTC is superior to most of the 5 centers, and comparable to almost all of them. Also, it definitely beats several dime mags I know of, both in size and interest. Approximately 16 pages is a good size for a nickel mag. ((Fanny will probably be this size regularly.)) I suggest that you plug Cunningham's British SF Aid Society in the forthcoming issue. For general information on it, see the letter section in the current AMAZING. Of course, the information there applies to all mags, not just Palmer's. Unger or one of the Furturians can give you further information on it, if needed; it was unanimously approved at the Denvention. ((We lack information on it, so can't plug it.)) Joseph Gilbert. 1100 Bryan St., Columbia, South Carolina. Dear Charlie, FAN-ATIC arrived this morning, and I'm taking time out from stencilling the STAR ((p 14)) to congratulate you heartily on a swell job. Excellent mimeoing, excellent material, and several very intriguing features, all for a nickel. Wonderful. It's really disgusting the way these new magazines are improving each issue. ((The SOUTHERN STAR for instance)) Another coupla months, and Jenkins and I will have to discard the "To Complete Your Files", and "Good Enuf" sections of "Hams and Pros" in FANTASITE, and use the "Must" classification exclusively. Really, old boy, you did a darned swell job on this number. I enjoyed it a lot. Tops were Tucker, Tiger & Feldman, and Thompson. Old motion pictures, and obscure films are my absorbing passion. I started out to be a projectionist, but got stuck; so, as usual, it's all explained by a childhood frustration. Or, if it isn't, I don't want to hear what it is explained by. Boy, some of those Freudian psychologists can really go to town on a thing like that! The Quiz was, to me, especially interesting, because it revealed several pseudonyms I had not previously known. But in the second classification Speer is listed as an 'author'. I never knew Juffus had sold stuff professionally. If he hasn't, tho, he could if he tried. That lad really can write. ((When the Quiz was written, quite a while ago, Tucker wasn't a 'pro' either, as listed in Question 3.)) And Asimov is not the youngest writer, if, as someone claimed recently, Kornbluth is only 17. Something hard to believe, and I don't know how true it is. (("__ Ackerman I didn't finish. Not his fault, I just can't stand to read about grammar, any kind of grammar. ((We too)) Thompson I liked very much; a most interesting column that should be lengthed. "Magic" was dull, obvious stuff; and HELL'S CORNER is a nice idea, to which I may contribute eventually. ((Send it in now)) The Ultimate made me sick at my stomach when I read it. Such tripe! ((See Pogo's lettr)) Who is Cusp? He appeared in NEPENTHE, and is either Singleton or Widner, probably the latter. I second heartily, incidentally, everything Thompson said about the latter individual in his column. ((See editorial for information about Cusp.)) ((((We want letters from many more people than last time, we only received 5.))))
Hevelin Fanzines