Bay Area News, issue 3, April 31, 1946
Page 2
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p.2 One fellow with good intentions says, "All kidding aside; Perhaps the G.G.F.S. was not forgotten intentionally. In fact I'm sure of it. ((this next sentence was the one that got me)) And next year you guys can try for the top jobs and see how much fun and work there is, to it." Further down he says "I belong to a number of secret organizations of the older fellows and even they have their troubles and fights" ((Let's play cops and robbers)) EEEvans says it's quite a job being President, "I know, for I held it for two years." He goes on to say "For a hobby, which is supposed to bring pleasure and relaxation, the position carries with it the most back-breaking, physically and financially, load, with the most criticism and the least praise or thanks, of any job I know....Dunk is doing -- takes an average of MORE THAN TWO HOURS PER DAY -- EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK; the personal outlay of close to FIVE DOLLARS per week -- and gets one very little ego-boo, which is what all fans want most." And winding up the letter with "PLEASE GIVE HIM CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM that will help him to do better. Yours, for greater tolerance." ((If he incurs that much expenses on NFFF business and isn't reimbursed, he is a sucker. Further, if NFFF would cause these endless Committee's he wouldn't have so much to do, and if it is too much work, that must be the reason.)) The first letter received from Dunkelberger went on in this vein. "Gentlemen: Your Open Letter to the NFFF rec'd today. Thank you. I am indeed sorry that you were slighted in the circulation of the questionnaire to fan clubs...Please accept my most abject apologies for this oversight...The NFFF is a service organization...we desire to give the best service...Your serious consideration is earnest solicited." I'm extremely sorry myself, that I don't have the prize letter of them all. I do remember that John Cunningham called us "silly, childish," and even "Un-American"!!! I enclosed it in a letter and sent it to Dunkelberger, thought he would get a laff. I do have two cards on hand from JMCunningham, and here are excerpts. "I still say Fortier is bad influence -- that guy INVITES trouble, he don't wait till it reaches him...Course, if U like fan feuds aw-right, but don't pick on my friends -- Dunk is one of em…" The other says "Nevertheless fandom is too grown up as a whole to "Dig" to such levels as it displayed. Childish, moronish activity as that -- gets one nowhere, much less popularity. Fie to the rubble -- anyway no hard feelings mehopes." The letter I sent to Dunkelberger from Cunningham must have given him heart for Dunkelberger says in his second letter;;;;"I'm afraid that the "open letter" didn't seem as humorous as it was intended. Particularly in view of the fact that just a short time before Joe ((Fortier)) wrote a similar letter to me stating that he was representing several fans and signed their names. Some of them weren't members of the NFFF (just as in your open letter). I wrote to some of the individuals asking that they join NFFF and add their energies to the rest of us in FFF. Those who replied said that they knew nothing of the communication from Fortier and that he wasn't authorized to speak for them. Cunningham was one of these individuals. In the light of this previous communication in the same vein and with several signatures of parties not members of the NFFF and hence in no position to talk as they did. The whole thing seems rather un-
p.2 One fellow with good intentions says, "All kidding aside; Perhaps the G.G.F.S. was not forgotten intentionally. In fact I'm sure of it. ((this next sentence was the one that got me)) And next year you guys can try for the top jobs and see how much fun and work there is, to it." Further down he says "I belong to a number of secret organizations of the older fellows and even they have their troubles and fights" ((Let's play cops and robbers)) EEEvans says it's quite a job being President, "I know, for I held it for two years." He goes on to say "For a hobby, which is supposed to bring pleasure and relaxation, the position carries with it the most back-breaking, physically and financially, load, with the most criticism and the least praise or thanks, of any job I know....Dunk is doing -- takes an average of MORE THAN TWO HOURS PER DAY -- EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK; the personal outlay of close to FIVE DOLLARS per week -- and gets one very little ego-boo, which is what all fans want most." And winding up the letter with "PLEASE GIVE HIM CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM that will help him to do better. Yours, for greater tolerance." ((If he incurs that much expenses on NFFF business and isn't reimbursed, he is a sucker. Further, if NFFF would cause these endless Committee's he wouldn't have so much to do, and if it is too much work, that must be the reason.)) The first letter received from Dunkelberger went on in this vein. "Gentlemen: Your Open Letter to the NFFF rec'd today. Thank you. I am indeed sorry that you were slighted in the circulation of the questionnaire to fan clubs...Please accept my most abject apologies for this oversight...The NFFF is a service organization...we desire to give the best service...Your serious consideration is earnest solicited." I'm extremely sorry myself, that I don't have the prize letter of them all. I do remember that John Cunningham called us "silly, childish," and even "Un-American"!!! I enclosed it in a letter and sent it to Dunkelberger, thought he would get a laff. I do have two cards on hand from JMCunningham, and here are excerpts. "I still say Fortier is bad influence -- that guy INVITES trouble, he don't wait till it reaches him...Course, if U like fan feuds aw-right, but don't pick on my friends -- Dunk is one of em…" The other says "Nevertheless fandom is too grown up as a whole to "Dig" to such levels as it displayed. Childish, moronish activity as that -- gets one nowhere, much less popularity. Fie to the rubble -- anyway no hard feelings mehopes." The letter I sent to Dunkelberger from Cunningham must have given him heart for Dunkelberger says in his second letter;;;;"I'm afraid that the "open letter" didn't seem as humorous as it was intended. Particularly in view of the fact that just a short time before Joe ((Fortier)) wrote a similar letter to me stating that he was representing several fans and signed their names. Some of them weren't members of the NFFF (just as in your open letter). I wrote to some of the individuals asking that they join NFFF and add their energies to the rest of us in FFF. Those who replied said that they knew nothing of the communication from Fortier and that he wasn't authorized to speak for them. Cunningham was one of these individuals. In the light of this previous communication in the same vein and with several signatures of parties not members of the NFFF and hence in no position to talk as they did. The whole thing seems rather un-
Hevelin Fanzines