Bay Area News, issue 4, June 15, 1946
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are ready, willing, and able to do the job. Remember them, huh? REVIEWS GROTESQUE Vol. 1 No. 4 pubbed by Ron Christensen, 1870 East 33rd St. Brooklyn-10 N.Y., and seems to be free if he likes you or are willing to trade. Cover by Rick Sneary (he should sue Alex Raymond for copying his style). Stuff by Charles Burbee, Jack Speer, JOKE, Boob Tucker, Boff Perry, Ron Maddox, Telis Streiff, and it isn't at all bad. Guess he'd prefer material, or fanzine trade to any cast for the thing. Has a juicy rumor in it about Startling becoming an "UNK" type of 'zine. NFFan, the official organ. A bit overdue, and containing the usual appointments, a list of Our Projects, that I recall seeing in print for a long, long time. Disappointingly short and containing nothing that could warrant such a long delay, illness or no illness, somebody else could have done it, we'd venture to say. THE THING, Burton Crane and Helen Wesson, address Mrs. Sheldon Wesson ESS TEXTILES GHQ SCAP TOKYO APO 300 San Francisco. Pretty neat job, linoleum cuts for some of the headings. Fiction by Duane Rimel, Burton Crane, and good stuff too. Filled with snide remarks. Somebody is always making cracks at the fans grammar (who said we made A's in English at school?). Through the whole things are remarks of various sorts. My impression is Helen Wesson is married to Sheldon Wesson, but she and Burton Crane seem very, very friendly, and things, odd situation, best I can do for you, dear readers. AAAGH! Take it away! It's another WITHOUT GLEE! No. 3 from Raj Rehm, address John Cockroft, 4 Winship Ave. San Francisco, Calif. Artwork by Norman Wegemer, Herman Meader, Raj Rehm, Rick Speary, and John Cockroft. Tis but a nickel, and Raj claims he has 15 subscribers, so it can't be too bad despite all comments, they are probably jealous, Raj is only 15 anyway. It is dittoed on the Cockroft machine and a very neat printing job too, best of the 3 if anyone wants my opinion. Rumor only, or rather fiction soon to be Fact, John Cockroft, address above, is ditto-ing Stellarite No. 3. Gonna be a super-duper issue, 40 pages of legal-regal (take your choice) size paper. He has some excellent stuff promised for it, and most in his capable hands already, cleaims it is only a 10c (don't see how he can do it.) SoifIwere you I'd send him a dime right away. FANTASY THINGS, Sam Moskowitz, 446 Jellif Ave. Newark, New Jersey. Vol. 1 No. 12 10 cents a copy, 3 for a quarter. Filled with accounts of events at the First Post War Stf Convention, held in Neward March 1st '46. Reprint of Langley Searles talk on "Is Science Overtaking Science-Fiction". Worth the dough. page 2
are ready, willing, and able to do the job. Remember them, huh? REVIEWS GROTESQUE Vol. 1 No. 4 pubbed by Ron Christensen, 1870 East 33rd St. Brooklyn-10 N.Y., and seems to be free if he likes you or are willing to trade. Cover by Rick Sneary (he should sue Alex Raymond for copying his style). Stuff by Charles Burbee, Jack Speer, JOKE, Boob Tucker, Boff Perry, Ron Maddox, Telis Streiff, and it isn't at all bad. Guess he'd prefer material, or fanzine trade to any cast for the thing. Has a juicy rumor in it about Startling becoming an "UNK" type of 'zine. NFFan, the official organ. A bit overdue, and containing the usual appointments, a list of Our Projects, that I recall seeing in print for a long, long time. Disappointingly short and containing nothing that could warrant such a long delay, illness or no illness, somebody else could have done it, we'd venture to say. THE THING, Burton Crane and Helen Wesson, address Mrs. Sheldon Wesson ESS TEXTILES GHQ SCAP TOKYO APO 300 San Francisco. Pretty neat job, linoleum cuts for some of the headings. Fiction by Duane Rimel, Burton Crane, and good stuff too. Filled with snide remarks. Somebody is always making cracks at the fans grammar (who said we made A's in English at school?). Through the whole things are remarks of various sorts. My impression is Helen Wesson is married to Sheldon Wesson, but she and Burton Crane seem very, very friendly, and things, odd situation, best I can do for you, dear readers. AAAGH! Take it away! It's another WITHOUT GLEE! No. 3 from Raj Rehm, address John Cockroft, 4 Winship Ave. San Francisco, Calif. Artwork by Norman Wegemer, Herman Meader, Raj Rehm, Rick Speary, and John Cockroft. Tis but a nickel, and Raj claims he has 15 subscribers, so it can't be too bad despite all comments, they are probably jealous, Raj is only 15 anyway. It is dittoed on the Cockroft machine and a very neat printing job too, best of the 3 if anyone wants my opinion. Rumor only, or rather fiction soon to be Fact, John Cockroft, address above, is ditto-ing Stellarite No. 3. Gonna be a super-duper issue, 40 pages of legal-regal (take your choice) size paper. He has some excellent stuff promised for it, and most in his capable hands already, cleaims it is only a 10c (don't see how he can do it.) SoifIwere you I'd send him a dime right away. FANTASY THINGS, Sam Moskowitz, 446 Jellif Ave. Newark, New Jersey. Vol. 1 No. 12 10 cents a copy, 3 for a quarter. Filled with accounts of events at the First Post War Stf Convention, held in Neward March 1st '46. Reprint of Langley Searles talk on "Is Science Overtaking Science-Fiction". Worth the dough. page 2
Hevelin Fanzines