Pogorus, v. 1, issue 1, 1942
Page 4
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THE EDITORS THINK * * * * Science fiction is degenerating into action-plus stories with only a modicum of scientific background, or none at all. Science fiction has too much science and not enough fiction. Science fiction is too much on the funny-book, Superman, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, side. Science fiction is getting too highbrow. This and other opinions of the same ilk I have eard ever since, as a mere infant -- a college freshman, no less -- in 1925, I saw science fiction become a separate and distinct type of literature. AMAZING STORIES had just been born and a few of us twerps in Stout Hall used to sit around chewing the fat about the stuff Gernsback fed us, and comparing it, not always favorably, with the pseudo-science stories running in ARGOSY, BLUEBOOK, and other popular magazines of the type. I have reread many of those same old stories we used to praise and deride in the fine fantasy reprint magazine FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, and I find no great difference in quality between the yarns of yesteryear and those of last month. There are good, bad, and indifferent stories among them all. The level of quality would seem to be the same. In fact, if you take only ASTOUNDING of the present day, and the best of the oldies, there is no comparison at all. The old-timers smell to high heaven by contrast. But ah, the nostalgia that the old timers bring ---------BOSH! ************** GOODJAPSAREDEADJAPSLETSMAKEGOODJAPSAREDEADJA ***************
THE EDITORS THINK * * * * Science fiction is degenerating into action-plus stories with only a modicum of scientific background, or none at all. Science fiction has too much science and not enough fiction. Science fiction is too much on the funny-book, Superman, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, side. Science fiction is getting too highbrow. This and other opinions of the same ilk I have eard ever since, as a mere infant -- a college freshman, no less -- in 1925, I saw science fiction become a separate and distinct type of literature. AMAZING STORIES had just been born and a few of us twerps in Stout Hall used to sit around chewing the fat about the stuff Gernsback fed us, and comparing it, not always favorably, with the pseudo-science stories running in ARGOSY, BLUEBOOK, and other popular magazines of the type. I have reread many of those same old stories we used to praise and deride in the fine fantasy reprint magazine FAMOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES, and I find no great difference in quality between the yarns of yesteryear and those of last month. There are good, bad, and indifferent stories among them all. The level of quality would seem to be the same. In fact, if you take only ASTOUNDING of the present day, and the best of the oldies, there is no comparison at all. The old-timers smell to high heaven by contrast. But ah, the nostalgia that the old timers bring ---------BOSH! ************** GOODJAPSAREDEADJAPSLETSMAKEGOODJAPSAREDEADJA ***************
Hevelin Fanzines