PSFS News, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 13, January 1939
Page 19
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PSFS News Page 19 At one time, believe it or not, Bob actually idolized Wollheim. It had a great influence over Bob. However, since then, he has quarreled with Don and broken off all connections with him. Some of his present likes: Black Flames, Swordsman of Sarvon, Survival and the Skylark of Space; Paul, Wesso, and Dold; Keller, Weinbaum, and Williamson; ######## Some dislikes: Wollheim, Kruse, answering long letters, and getting up early in the mornings, and girls that refuse to pet. His favorite magazines vary, but at the present time they happen to be Marvel, Weird and Astounding. A not unhandsome fellow (that's what you say; look at the pan in that photo! Pooie! A reader) Bob has had considerable escapades a la femmes. (You're telling me!--Gerty.).... Many are the times that the PSFS members have sighed enviously upon hearing of Bob's latest adventures. (Yeah. We'll all such innocent little lambs. --PSFS Members.) Hohum. That's plenty.
PSFS News Page 19 At one time, believe it or not, Bob actually idolized Wollheim. It had a great influence over Bob. However, since then, he has quarreled with Don and broken off all connections with him. Some of his present likes: Black Flames, Swordsman of Sarvon, Survival and the Skylark of Space; Paul, Wesso, and Dold; Keller, Weinbaum, and Williamson; ######## Some dislikes: Wollheim, Kruse, answering long letters, and getting up early in the mornings, and girls that refuse to pet. His favorite magazines vary, but at the present time they happen to be Marvel, Weird and Astounding. A not unhandsome fellow (that's what you say; look at the pan in that photo! Pooie! A reader) Bob has had considerable escapades a la femmes. (You're telling me!--Gerty.).... Many are the times that the PSFS members have sighed enviously upon hearing of Bob's latest adventures. (Yeah. We'll all such innocent little lambs. --PSFS Members.) Hohum. That's plenty.
Hevelin Fanzines