Alchemist, v. 1, issue 4, December 1940
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2 ALCHEMIST ARTICLES CONTINUED The Martian Classics C. R. Rothmund Page 26 VERSE Clamours Bess Foster Smith 29 DEPARTMENTS Collector's Corner Eugene Maxsom 30 In the Realm of Fantasy Literature Steve Takacs 36 Old Fanmag Reprint Donald A. Wollheim 39 PICTURE Star Spawn Roy Hunt 18-19 ILLUSTRATIONS: Knight -- pg. 38. Bok -- 28. Rest Hunt. @@@@@@@@@@ STAFF Lewis B. Martin Co-Editor Charles Ford Hanen Co-Editor Roy V. Hunt Staff Artist & Co-Editor C. H. Schwartz Staff Photographer @@@@@@@@@@@ ALCHEMIST is published monthly at 1258 Race St. for $1.00. Sample copies at 10c. 1 1/2c and 3c stamps accepted. Contributors receive free copy containing their material. Exchanges welcomed. All of our for all of yours. Exchange ads word for word. Rates: 1/4c per word, 30c per half page, 50c for full. No larger than full page accepted. @@@@@@@@@@@
2 ALCHEMIST ARTICLES CONTINUED The Martian Classics C. R. Rothmund Page 26 VERSE Clamours Bess Foster Smith 29 DEPARTMENTS Collector's Corner Eugene Maxsom 30 In the Realm of Fantasy Literature Steve Takacs 36 Old Fanmag Reprint Donald A. Wollheim 39 PICTURE Star Spawn Roy Hunt 18-19 ILLUSTRATIONS: Knight -- pg. 38. Bok -- 28. Rest Hunt. @@@@@@@@@@ STAFF Lewis B. Martin Co-Editor Charles Ford Hanen Co-Editor Roy V. Hunt Staff Artist & Co-Editor C. H. Schwartz Staff Photographer @@@@@@@@@@@ ALCHEMIST is published monthly at 1258 Race St. for $1.00. Sample copies at 10c. 1 1/2c and 3c stamps accepted. Contributors receive free copy containing their material. Exchanges welcomed. All of our for all of yours. Exchange ads word for word. Rates: 1/4c per word, 30c per half page, 50c for full. No larger than full page accepted. @@@@@@@@@@@
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