Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 3, Summer 1942
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L E P R E C H A U N is published bi-monthly by Larry Shaw, 1 3 0 1 State Street, Schenectady, New York. 5[[cent symbol]] a copy - 25[[cent symbol]] a year; subscriptions traded with other fanzines. Lep is amateur and non-profit, and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the editor. Material of all kinds is needed. Letters of criticism are very welcome. An Electricity Publication. "LepreSHAWn the rag --" This is being composed directly on the stencil. Nuf sed? We are very busy the last month of school, and had hardly any time for correspondence, reading, or Lep. Therefore, when school closed late in June, we were faced with the prospect of issuing this number of Lep with very little time in which to do it. No need to bother you will all the details, but other things came up requiring our time, and Lep got shoved aside. To top it off, we went and got a job. So Lep is late, as so many good fanzines have been before. We almost said, " many other good fanzines." Can you forgive us, too? This seems to be more or less of a poetry issue. The reason for it is very simple; we just received more poetry than any other type of material. Seeing the lack of articles, we asked Harry Schmarje to do one for us. After he obliged, we discovered that there wasn't enough room for it. Sorry, Harry. It was a swell article, too. Harry is sure-enough improving. The front cover this time was drawn and stenciled by John L.Gergen. Gergen, who insists that our title is notLeprechaun, but leprechaun, also did some swell department headings for us. The only one we could use this time appears over "The Crowdie". By the way, if you haven't seen Gergen's new mag TYCHO yet, drop him a nickel for it. The back cover is by Ed Chamberlain. The foto was contributed by Forrest J. Ackerman. Our new poet, Roscoe E. Wright, was "discovered" by D. B. Thompson. How do you like "The conquest"? Rosco, it seems, is also a very good artist, and you'll be seeing some of his work here in the future. Leonard Marlow helped out a lot by sending in this column already stenciled. It arrived special delivery one Sunday morning, just when we were wondering whether to send him a special delivery asking for it. The next issue will almost certainly be a little late, also. But --- it will also --- almost certainly --- be quite a bit bigger than this one. You can expect an issue of twenty pages or more. You'll have to co-operate with us, tho, by sending in the material to fill up those pages. There is nothing on hand except some art, so send in an article, story or poem soon. It would also be a big help if you tried to get us some new subscribers. To all our correspondents: we're very sorry that you haven't been hearing from us, but we'll catch up soon. We thought that this was something that happened to other fans! Thanks to all of you who have dropped post-cards asking us why we were silent; we'll try to explain more fully to each of you. FLASH! Sun Spots has been suspended once more. Rod Gaetz has moved away from Westwood, and Gerry de la Ree cannot carry it on by himself. We're very sorry to see it go, and think that most of you will be, too. This issue of Leprechaun is dedicated to Al McKeel, a grand fan who died last November. The tragedy occurred, ironically enough, on our birthday. Paul Spencer's new address is 675 Yale Station, new Have, Connec-icut. This postdates the one given on the letter page. We hope to foofoo we've said everything we intended to! . . . . . . . . . LS
L E P R E C H A U N is published bi-monthly by Larry Shaw, 1 3 0 1 State Street, Schenectady, New York. 5[[cent symbol]] a copy - 25[[cent symbol]] a year; subscriptions traded with other fanzines. Lep is amateur and non-profit, and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the editor. Material of all kinds is needed. Letters of criticism are very welcome. An Electricity Publication. "LepreSHAWn the rag --" This is being composed directly on the stencil. Nuf sed? We are very busy the last month of school, and had hardly any time for correspondence, reading, or Lep. Therefore, when school closed late in June, we were faced with the prospect of issuing this number of Lep with very little time in which to do it. No need to bother you will all the details, but other things came up requiring our time, and Lep got shoved aside. To top it off, we went and got a job. So Lep is late, as so many good fanzines have been before. We almost said, " many other good fanzines." Can you forgive us, too? This seems to be more or less of a poetry issue. The reason for it is very simple; we just received more poetry than any other type of material. Seeing the lack of articles, we asked Harry Schmarje to do one for us. After he obliged, we discovered that there wasn't enough room for it. Sorry, Harry. It was a swell article, too. Harry is sure-enough improving. The front cover this time was drawn and stenciled by John L.Gergen. Gergen, who insists that our title is notLeprechaun, but leprechaun, also did some swell department headings for us. The only one we could use this time appears over "The Crowdie". By the way, if you haven't seen Gergen's new mag TYCHO yet, drop him a nickel for it. The back cover is by Ed Chamberlain. The foto was contributed by Forrest J. Ackerman. Our new poet, Roscoe E. Wright, was "discovered" by D. B. Thompson. How do you like "The conquest"? Rosco, it seems, is also a very good artist, and you'll be seeing some of his work here in the future. Leonard Marlow helped out a lot by sending in this column already stenciled. It arrived special delivery one Sunday morning, just when we were wondering whether to send him a special delivery asking for it. The next issue will almost certainly be a little late, also. But --- it will also --- almost certainly --- be quite a bit bigger than this one. You can expect an issue of twenty pages or more. You'll have to co-operate with us, tho, by sending in the material to fill up those pages. There is nothing on hand except some art, so send in an article, story or poem soon. It would also be a big help if you tried to get us some new subscribers. To all our correspondents: we're very sorry that you haven't been hearing from us, but we'll catch up soon. We thought that this was something that happened to other fans! Thanks to all of you who have dropped post-cards asking us why we were silent; we'll try to explain more fully to each of you. FLASH! Sun Spots has been suspended once more. Rod Gaetz has moved away from Westwood, and Gerry de la Ree cannot carry it on by himself. We're very sorry to see it go, and think that most of you will be, too. This issue of Leprechaun is dedicated to Al McKeel, a grand fan who died last November. The tragedy occurred, ironically enough, on our birthday. Paul Spencer's new address is 675 Yale Station, new Have, Connec-icut. This postdates the one given on the letter page. We hope to foofoo we've said everything we intended to! . . . . . . . . . LS
Hevelin Fanzines