Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 3, Summer 1942
Page 8
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8 LEPRECHAUN the Creation by LOUIS de GENESTE I Void -- Darkness The Bleakness of Eternal Light Is yet unscathed by Time's swift flight. Sans Love, Hate -- Sans Good or Evil. Sans Right, Sans Wrong -- No God -- or Devil. Sans All -- Virginal Starkness. II Nebulous Being -- Dawn. Dust motes form, appear in Space. They gather -- To a Vortex race. They form a globe of glowing gases Which hurls from it inferior masses -- Flaming Light -- The Night has Gone. III Thus were formed the planets -- Earth, The Solar System, whence man had source, From a puny Blob, strayed from its course -- A minute molten sphere of Light Did with another star Unite -- Result: Explosion -- Celestial Birth. bOOK rEVIEW by A. L. SCHWARTZ THIRTEEN MEN, by TIFFANY THAYER, published by Sun Dial Press, $. 79 (that's what I paid, anyway), 250+ pages, illustrated by wood cuts. The author says of this book, "It's the damndest book you ever read." And it is. The book isn't STF, detective, fantasy or mystery (tho it could fall in three of the four classifications). It's just "the damndest book you ever read". There are fourteen chapters in the book. Chapter One tells of a mysterious killer, THE PHANTOM, who kills thirty-eight people (the figure is exact, the author counted the corpses), frightens the United States, and is captured by the police. All this in Chapter One. Chapter Two to Thirteen give the biographies of the twelve jurymen from babyhood until they are called for jury service at the PHANTOM's trial. The biographies are full of crap like this: (quote) "Bertha Koehlner brushed against the sleeve of an old woman in the market place in Athens. Little did she know that her father and the old woman's son would serve on the same jury at the PHANTOM's trial. Only God, or your author, could have brought them together." (unquote) And I'm sure God didn't. Chapter Fourteen gives the PHANTOM's biography; tells of his trials; tells what goes on in the jury room; and how the PHANTOM kills his thirty- ninth victim. It also has a little Fortean propaganda. The author writes in a serious tone, but the whole darn book is funny.
8 LEPRECHAUN the Creation by LOUIS de GENESTE I Void -- Darkness The Bleakness of Eternal Light Is yet unscathed by Time's swift flight. Sans Love, Hate -- Sans Good or Evil. Sans Right, Sans Wrong -- No God -- or Devil. Sans All -- Virginal Starkness. II Nebulous Being -- Dawn. Dust motes form, appear in Space. They gather -- To a Vortex race. They form a globe of glowing gases Which hurls from it inferior masses -- Flaming Light -- The Night has Gone. III Thus were formed the planets -- Earth, The Solar System, whence man had source, From a puny Blob, strayed from its course -- A minute molten sphere of Light Did with another star Unite -- Result: Explosion -- Celestial Birth. bOOK rEVIEW by A. L. SCHWARTZ THIRTEEN MEN, by TIFFANY THAYER, published by Sun Dial Press, $. 79 (that's what I paid, anyway), 250+ pages, illustrated by wood cuts. The author says of this book, "It's the damndest book you ever read." And it is. The book isn't STF, detective, fantasy or mystery (tho it could fall in three of the four classifications). It's just "the damndest book you ever read". There are fourteen chapters in the book. Chapter One tells of a mysterious killer, THE PHANTOM, who kills thirty-eight people (the figure is exact, the author counted the corpses), frightens the United States, and is captured by the police. All this in Chapter One. Chapter Two to Thirteen give the biographies of the twelve jurymen from babyhood until they are called for jury service at the PHANTOM's trial. The biographies are full of crap like this: (quote) "Bertha Koehlner brushed against the sleeve of an old woman in the market place in Athens. Little did she know that her father and the old woman's son would serve on the same jury at the PHANTOM's trial. Only God, or your author, could have brought them together." (unquote) And I'm sure God didn't. Chapter Fourteen gives the PHANTOM's biography; tells of his trials; tells what goes on in the jury room; and how the PHANTOM kills his thirty- ninth victim. It also has a little Fortean propaganda. The author writes in a serious tone, but the whole darn book is funny.
Hevelin Fanzines