Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 3, Summer 1942
Page 9
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LEPRECHAUN 9 'Lep' presents:- PURELY PERSONAL by Leonard Marlow -a new column. It seems that we have no one to blame for this except ourselves. We told Larry we'd do a column for him, and we intend to do it if it kills us ( We shudder at the thought of dying so young! ) . Such things as articles and columns we have always looked upon with horror --- pardon our grammar --- and now we have to do a thing like this. Assuming that we do hold up under the strain, however, you will probably see us every other month for awhile, Editor Shaw permitting. And now that the bad news is over with, we come to ------- Assorted Droolings No. 1 Object of our Affection this month is A. H. Norton, ye ed remarkable of SUPER SCIENCE and ASTONISHING. WWe gaze with rapt expression --- our joy in fact is so great that we stutter a trifle with excitement, as you no doubt noticed --- we gaze with rapt expression at those beautiful Wesso, Finlay, and Rogers' covers, the marvellous new departments, those wonderful stories by Gilbert Smith and Binder, not to mention all the others, and our joy knows no bounds. Editor Norton, you are our boy! Next on our list is the latest issue of ASTOUNDING, which we believe has pulled up out of the rut the last few issues were in. We note, among other items, a better cover than Rogers has been turning out lately, backed up by exceptionally good stories from Asimov, Williams, del Rey, and Arthur. Coule of newcomers, too. After considering the matter for awhile, tho, we have come to the conclusion that AST will never regain the heights it once reached until that distinctive something of a few years back is regained. Psychological reaction? We don't think so, 'cause we read a lot of 'em again recently, and they still impress us as better. In passing we drool briefly over the rejuvenated FUTURE combined with SCIENCE FICTION ( The absurd continuation of such a needlessly unweildy title makes us consider mayhem ) and the likewise pepped up FFM. Current Nonsense We hear ( Via the first ish of Ed Connor's FAPA pub, THE STF ECHO ) that Carl Jacobi proposes the compilation of a HANDBOOK OF SCIENCE FICTION. This volume would be more or less an "Accepted" geography of the future, listing planets, cities, etc. We assume that a complete future history would be attempted in connection with this, but no mention is made of it. The good part is this; it seems that the HANDBOOK is to be shoved in the faces of all pro eds, with the warning that their mags will be boycotted if future stories do not conform. May the great Klono preserve us! They actually seem to think that they could seriously affect a mags circulation by doing so! For enlightenment I refer Mr. Jacobi and following to "Problem of Orientation", by John W . Campbell, Jr., in the latest NOVA. We might say, in connection with this, that in our opinion science fiction would be a lot better if the individual writers built up and maintained a logical and consistent background for their stories. Heinlein is the outstanding example of one who has done this to advantage ( Of course he also proves, as Anson Mac Donald, that one doesn't have to do so to be a howling success). Science Dept. Palmer has just made the greatest discovery of the century; jet- propulsion ships are not rocket ships --- he says. That puzzles us, because we had always thought that a rocket --- to quote JWC --- "Takes a mass of gases, heats
LEPRECHAUN 9 'Lep' presents:- PURELY PERSONAL by Leonard Marlow -a new column. It seems that we have no one to blame for this except ourselves. We told Larry we'd do a column for him, and we intend to do it if it kills us ( We shudder at the thought of dying so young! ) . Such things as articles and columns we have always looked upon with horror --- pardon our grammar --- and now we have to do a thing like this. Assuming that we do hold up under the strain, however, you will probably see us every other month for awhile, Editor Shaw permitting. And now that the bad news is over with, we come to ------- Assorted Droolings No. 1 Object of our Affection this month is A. H. Norton, ye ed remarkable of SUPER SCIENCE and ASTONISHING. WWe gaze with rapt expression --- our joy in fact is so great that we stutter a trifle with excitement, as you no doubt noticed --- we gaze with rapt expression at those beautiful Wesso, Finlay, and Rogers' covers, the marvellous new departments, those wonderful stories by Gilbert Smith and Binder, not to mention all the others, and our joy knows no bounds. Editor Norton, you are our boy! Next on our list is the latest issue of ASTOUNDING, which we believe has pulled up out of the rut the last few issues were in. We note, among other items, a better cover than Rogers has been turning out lately, backed up by exceptionally good stories from Asimov, Williams, del Rey, and Arthur. Coule of newcomers, too. After considering the matter for awhile, tho, we have come to the conclusion that AST will never regain the heights it once reached until that distinctive something of a few years back is regained. Psychological reaction? We don't think so, 'cause we read a lot of 'em again recently, and they still impress us as better. In passing we drool briefly over the rejuvenated FUTURE combined with SCIENCE FICTION ( The absurd continuation of such a needlessly unweildy title makes us consider mayhem ) and the likewise pepped up FFM. Current Nonsense We hear ( Via the first ish of Ed Connor's FAPA pub, THE STF ECHO ) that Carl Jacobi proposes the compilation of a HANDBOOK OF SCIENCE FICTION. This volume would be more or less an "Accepted" geography of the future, listing planets, cities, etc. We assume that a complete future history would be attempted in connection with this, but no mention is made of it. The good part is this; it seems that the HANDBOOK is to be shoved in the faces of all pro eds, with the warning that their mags will be boycotted if future stories do not conform. May the great Klono preserve us! They actually seem to think that they could seriously affect a mags circulation by doing so! For enlightenment I refer Mr. Jacobi and following to "Problem of Orientation", by John W . Campbell, Jr., in the latest NOVA. We might say, in connection with this, that in our opinion science fiction would be a lot better if the individual writers built up and maintained a logical and consistent background for their stories. Heinlein is the outstanding example of one who has done this to advantage ( Of course he also proves, as Anson Mac Donald, that one doesn't have to do so to be a howling success). Science Dept. Palmer has just made the greatest discovery of the century; jet- propulsion ships are not rocket ships --- he says. That puzzles us, because we had always thought that a rocket --- to quote JWC --- "Takes a mass of gases, heats
Hevelin Fanzines