Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 3, Summer 1942
Page 11
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LEPRECHAUN 11 THE CROWDIE by -- THE READERS PAUL H. SPENCER 259 Yale Station New Haven, Conn. with welcome words of wisdom: As I expected, the second Leprechaun is a considerable improvement over the first. Every time in it is interesting, which is something quite unusual in a fanzine (or any magazine, for that matter). Lack of colored covers doesn't bother me at all; the present arrangement is nifty...Your editorial is good, and I was delighted to see Schmarje taken down a peg. I have disliked that nut ever since I read a letter from him in AMAZING (a couple of years ago, I hasten to add), which he ended with the polite comment, "PRINT THIS!" My esteem for him has not increased since then...Ray Washington's story is amusing and well written. It is noticeable that fans write much better when they're kidding than when they're in earnest. Warner's appraisal of Argosy is interesting; it is tragic how Argosy has slipped lately -- its story is suggestive of the career of AMAZING. Tucker came through as usual, and I was tickled pink to see Schmarje raked over the coals again...Leonard Marlow's little tale is original in no sense whatever, but it was better written than most serious fan-fiction, which rates it a cheer. Farsaci's quote from Johnson is delightful. ... And the letters (avaunt, Schmarje!) are of course welcome...Oh, yes! The poetry! It was good; I enjoyed it. And that, my boy, is high praise when The Spence speaks of poetry. ... General comments: magazine as a whole highly satisfactory, mimeoing good, no kick except that it's too short. (It's not a question of what I expect for a nickel; it's what I want.) ... In short, then: keep up the good work! ((Okay. -- ed.)) HARRY WARNER, JR 303 Bryan Place Hagerstown, Md from whose nice, long letter I excerpt: Mimeoing and format are greatly improved in this second Lep, I'm glad to report. Some sort of colored paper for the cover would have been nice, since you had a colored last page, but that's a very small matter. The picture is nice and clear; a jacket and hands-in-the-pocket in balmy ((How do you mean that "balmy"?--ed)) Florida? Liked best: the editorial, Tucker's bit, and the letters. I'm quite amused over the Schmarje business. I can't offhand thing of anything less worth fighting over than use of a column by Harry Schmarje, but don't think you should "ban" him from Leprechaun's pages; that smells too much like the late lamented action of Wiggins back in 1938 which raised such a stink. ((See the following letter.--ed)) I am highly insulted at Tucker's implying that I don't cut letters in Spaceways' readers' pages. Of course, there are two sorts of cutting; I almost never publish every word of comments on an issue of S from any one person, which is what he probably is complaining about. I don't very often cut hunks out of a criticism or remarks on a certain item or subject, though, unless said criticism or remarks are too redundant or long-winded. I think it goes without saying that
LEPRECHAUN 11 THE CROWDIE by -- THE READERS PAUL H. SPENCER 259 Yale Station New Haven, Conn. with welcome words of wisdom: As I expected, the second Leprechaun is a considerable improvement over the first. Every time in it is interesting, which is something quite unusual in a fanzine (or any magazine, for that matter). Lack of colored covers doesn't bother me at all; the present arrangement is nifty...Your editorial is good, and I was delighted to see Schmarje taken down a peg. I have disliked that nut ever since I read a letter from him in AMAZING (a couple of years ago, I hasten to add), which he ended with the polite comment, "PRINT THIS!" My esteem for him has not increased since then...Ray Washington's story is amusing and well written. It is noticeable that fans write much better when they're kidding than when they're in earnest. Warner's appraisal of Argosy is interesting; it is tragic how Argosy has slipped lately -- its story is suggestive of the career of AMAZING. Tucker came through as usual, and I was tickled pink to see Schmarje raked over the coals again...Leonard Marlow's little tale is original in no sense whatever, but it was better written than most serious fan-fiction, which rates it a cheer. Farsaci's quote from Johnson is delightful. ... And the letters (avaunt, Schmarje!) are of course welcome...Oh, yes! The poetry! It was good; I enjoyed it. And that, my boy, is high praise when The Spence speaks of poetry. ... General comments: magazine as a whole highly satisfactory, mimeoing good, no kick except that it's too short. (It's not a question of what I expect for a nickel; it's what I want.) ... In short, then: keep up the good work! ((Okay. -- ed.)) HARRY WARNER, JR 303 Bryan Place Hagerstown, Md from whose nice, long letter I excerpt: Mimeoing and format are greatly improved in this second Lep, I'm glad to report. Some sort of colored paper for the cover would have been nice, since you had a colored last page, but that's a very small matter. The picture is nice and clear; a jacket and hands-in-the-pocket in balmy ((How do you mean that "balmy"?--ed)) Florida? Liked best: the editorial, Tucker's bit, and the letters. I'm quite amused over the Schmarje business. I can't offhand thing of anything less worth fighting over than use of a column by Harry Schmarje, but don't think you should "ban" him from Leprechaun's pages; that smells too much like the late lamented action of Wiggins back in 1938 which raised such a stink. ((See the following letter.--ed)) I am highly insulted at Tucker's implying that I don't cut letters in Spaceways' readers' pages. Of course, there are two sorts of cutting; I almost never publish every word of comments on an issue of S from any one person, which is what he probably is complaining about. I don't very often cut hunks out of a criticism or remarks on a certain item or subject, though, unless said criticism or remarks are too redundant or long-winded. I think it goes without saying that
Hevelin Fanzines