Leprechaun, v. 1, issue 3, Summer 1942
Page 13
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LEPRECHAUN 13 DAVE ELDER 736 Franklin Ave Wilkinsburg, Pa who crackt up while wrestling, scrawls: 'Scuse poor penmanship, 'count of busted collar-bone, but I couldn't wait to tell you how much I enjoyed 2nd Lep. ... Looks as tho you have sumpin there, bud -- ... I like your idea ((mine?--ed)) of the insertion of editorial comments in articles. They clarify certain points that may be confusing to some readers. ... Ratings: (note "cigarette" form of rating -- "Mental Struggle" aside from a personal dislike of small children in Stf, -- Well -- Let's say English Ovals ... Oh! Oh! Almost passed up "Ed Blarney" Hmm -- Rates as -- Say -- Philip Morris ... "Argosy 1941" Camels -- I don't like 'em personally, but others do -- same for article. ... "Blastings from Bloomington" give Tucker a 50c cigar! ... Crowdie -- Chesterfields, because they both being with the letter "C" ... Poetry -- "B. of Ed S." -- Raleighs (The profanity is somewhat childish, but aside from that --- ... "By Moonlight" Pall Mall -- My favorite brand. ... "Exquisite Hour" Avalon. 'Nuff said. ((All we can say is: Cigarette life if you don't weaken!--ed)) D. W. BOGGS 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis, Minn. another of the Minneapolis, digs in: Glancing over #2: First the poems pass in review. "By Moonlight" by Marlow -- by golly! -- takes 7 points (Warnerian rating) with some rather striking phrases (many of them scarcely original, tho). Dislike that horrible "E'en" in 5th line. I abhor such outmoded constructions and will continue to abhor them as long as modern-day poets use them. ... "Excursion in Fantasy" -- 5. Much as "Sinister Barrier" bored me -- as Sam Johnson did too (I tried to wade through "Rasselas" once) -- I discern something intriguing here. ... Tucker is less amusing than usual. 6 points. "Blarney" -- 5 points only, due to the goshawful excerpts from Harris Schmarje's missives. "The Crowdie" -- unique title -- 7 points. ... Here comes the adverse criticism: I thot the general layout and format was rotten. The cover is bad -- especially the lettering -- and that foto isn't any dilly, either. Too, it's about falling off on my copy which has been in my gentle care only about ten hours. ((Sorry, pal. Anyone else have that trouble?--ed)) How about a contents page? ((Is it worth the space it would take?--ed)) GRAPH WALDEYER 435-19th Avenue San Francisco chirps: Second issue was surprisingly good, with a great improvement in legibility. I liked best the "Mental Struggle" of Raymond Washington, Jr. The dry humor of it was delightful. This kind of humor is hard to get. The casual way in which Raym describes the Race of Glouty produced many a chuckle. ... The poetry by Selma Green Leonard Marlow was really good. Everything was good. The brevity of all the pieces is commendable. -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- Do your part by helping me supply S-F magazines to the Foreign Fighting forces of Democracy; Enlist UR small contribution today in this cause. Unused USA postage stamps needed (any denomination) also copies of Astounding Science Fiction, & Unknown (& Unknown Worlds). (No Amazing Stories or FA-PLEASE!) Send UR contribution to: John M. Cunningham, 2050 Gilbert Street, Beaumont, Texas. -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- Watch for the 1941 YEARBOOK OF SCIENCE, WEIRD, AND FANTASY FICTION, an ElectriCity Publication; 20c from 1301 State Street, Schenectady, N.Y. A real "must" for every fantasy fan, reader, or collector.
LEPRECHAUN 13 DAVE ELDER 736 Franklin Ave Wilkinsburg, Pa who crackt up while wrestling, scrawls: 'Scuse poor penmanship, 'count of busted collar-bone, but I couldn't wait to tell you how much I enjoyed 2nd Lep. ... Looks as tho you have sumpin there, bud -- ... I like your idea ((mine?--ed)) of the insertion of editorial comments in articles. They clarify certain points that may be confusing to some readers. ... Ratings: (note "cigarette" form of rating -- "Mental Struggle" aside from a personal dislike of small children in Stf, -- Well -- Let's say English Ovals ... Oh! Oh! Almost passed up "Ed Blarney" Hmm -- Rates as -- Say -- Philip Morris ... "Argosy 1941" Camels -- I don't like 'em personally, but others do -- same for article. ... "Blastings from Bloomington" give Tucker a 50c cigar! ... Crowdie -- Chesterfields, because they both being with the letter "C" ... Poetry -- "B. of Ed S." -- Raleighs (The profanity is somewhat childish, but aside from that --- ... "By Moonlight" Pall Mall -- My favorite brand. ... "Exquisite Hour" Avalon. 'Nuff said. ((All we can say is: Cigarette life if you don't weaken!--ed)) D. W. BOGGS 2215 Benjamin St NE Minneapolis, Minn. another of the Minneapolis, digs in: Glancing over #2: First the poems pass in review. "By Moonlight" by Marlow -- by golly! -- takes 7 points (Warnerian rating) with some rather striking phrases (many of them scarcely original, tho). Dislike that horrible "E'en" in 5th line. I abhor such outmoded constructions and will continue to abhor them as long as modern-day poets use them. ... "Excursion in Fantasy" -- 5. Much as "Sinister Barrier" bored me -- as Sam Johnson did too (I tried to wade through "Rasselas" once) -- I discern something intriguing here. ... Tucker is less amusing than usual. 6 points. "Blarney" -- 5 points only, due to the goshawful excerpts from Harris Schmarje's missives. "The Crowdie" -- unique title -- 7 points. ... Here comes the adverse criticism: I thot the general layout and format was rotten. The cover is bad -- especially the lettering -- and that foto isn't any dilly, either. Too, it's about falling off on my copy which has been in my gentle care only about ten hours. ((Sorry, pal. Anyone else have that trouble?--ed)) How about a contents page? ((Is it worth the space it would take?--ed)) GRAPH WALDEYER 435-19th Avenue San Francisco chirps: Second issue was surprisingly good, with a great improvement in legibility. I liked best the "Mental Struggle" of Raymond Washington, Jr. The dry humor of it was delightful. This kind of humor is hard to get. The casual way in which Raym describes the Race of Glouty produced many a chuckle. ... The poetry by Selma Green Leonard Marlow was really good. Everything was good. The brevity of all the pieces is commendable. -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- Do your part by helping me supply S-F magazines to the Foreign Fighting forces of Democracy; Enlist UR small contribution today in this cause. Unused USA postage stamps needed (any denomination) also copies of Astounding Science Fiction, & Unknown (& Unknown Worlds). (No Amazing Stories or FA-PLEASE!) Send UR contribution to: John M. Cunningham, 2050 Gilbert Street, Beaumont, Texas. -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- : -- Watch for the 1941 YEARBOOK OF SCIENCE, WEIRD, AND FANTASY FICTION, an ElectriCity Publication; 20c from 1301 State Street, Schenectady, N.Y. A real "must" for every fantasy fan, reader, or collector.
Hevelin Fanzines