A Tale of the 'Evans, v. 1, issue 2, June 1942
Page 6
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6. But the balance of Fandom, in spite of repeated requests for any further ideas on the subject, have been all too quiet. Of course, the members of several fan clubs who have a member who is a member of the Plancom (that makes three members) have talked these matters over in their clubs, and have given the committee member the benefit of their advice and assistance in working out the ideas he has sent in. But I know there are individual fans throughout the country who MUST have ideas of things that we could discuss, who have not taken the energy,initiative or time to write us their views and suggestions upon these matters. PLEASE, FELLOWS, FOR THE GOOD OF FANDOM, DO THIS AT ONCE. The committee is, of course, YOUR committee. We are working for YOUR interests with all of our abilities. But we must have more ideas; more plans for bettering Fandom, if we are to succeed. We want the committee's work to be YOUR work as well as that of the individuals who are members. We want to know HOW you think Fandom can be advanced. We want your IDEAS of what needs to be done, and how you think it can best be accomplished. HOW'S ABOUT IT, GANG? AIN'T SCIENCE WONDERFUL DEPT. Man couldn't figure out how to raise the windows in a railroad car, so he air-conditions the whole train!! THAT SLANVENTION AT BLOOMINGTON. Ah, the original of this lettle article, mt friends,was written on the famous Tucker Typer, itself. Oh, happy, happy me, to have seen and used that most famous of all machines. yes, I made a little trip one recent week-end down to the great metropolis of Bloomington, to gaze upon the Number Two Face. (That was my excuse. What I really went for was to see Janey again. She is the beautiful and gracious lady who is Tuck's wife.) While there I also had the very great pleasure of meeting for the first time, Ed. Connor, of Peoria, who came down Saturday afternoon for a few hours of fan-gab. Also, Walt Liebscher, the Liebchen, was there part of the time. 'Twas a rare treat I had that week-end. Arrived Friday about 9:30 p.m., and was met by the sweet Jane at the station, and driven in their car to the theatre where the Great Chinee works (!?) There, even before he said "Hello", The Tuck just had to show me a pre-view copy of the new cover of Future,that had the cover-picture of his new story on it. He was so proud -- and who can blame him. Then we sat and gabbed until about midnight when his stint was over;thence to his home, where we were filled with delicious pancakes and coffee. (And those swell people remembered back to last November's Michiconference
6. But the balance of Fandom, in spite of repeated requests for any further ideas on the subject, have been all too quiet. Of course, the members of several fan clubs who have a member who is a member of the Plancom (that makes three members) have talked these matters over in their clubs, and have given the committee member the benefit of their advice and assistance in working out the ideas he has sent in. But I know there are individual fans throughout the country who MUST have ideas of things that we could discuss, who have not taken the energy,initiative or time to write us their views and suggestions upon these matters. PLEASE, FELLOWS, FOR THE GOOD OF FANDOM, DO THIS AT ONCE. The committee is, of course, YOUR committee. We are working for YOUR interests with all of our abilities. But we must have more ideas; more plans for bettering Fandom, if we are to succeed. We want the committee's work to be YOUR work as well as that of the individuals who are members. We want to know HOW you think Fandom can be advanced. We want your IDEAS of what needs to be done, and how you think it can best be accomplished. HOW'S ABOUT IT, GANG? AIN'T SCIENCE WONDERFUL DEPT. Man couldn't figure out how to raise the windows in a railroad car, so he air-conditions the whole train!! THAT SLANVENTION AT BLOOMINGTON. Ah, the original of this lettle article, mt friends,was written on the famous Tucker Typer, itself. Oh, happy, happy me, to have seen and used that most famous of all machines. yes, I made a little trip one recent week-end down to the great metropolis of Bloomington, to gaze upon the Number Two Face. (That was my excuse. What I really went for was to see Janey again. She is the beautiful and gracious lady who is Tuck's wife.) While there I also had the very great pleasure of meeting for the first time, Ed. Connor, of Peoria, who came down Saturday afternoon for a few hours of fan-gab. Also, Walt Liebscher, the Liebchen, was there part of the time. 'Twas a rare treat I had that week-end. Arrived Friday about 9:30 p.m., and was met by the sweet Jane at the station, and driven in their car to the theatre where the Great Chinee works (!?) There, even before he said "Hello", The Tuck just had to show me a pre-view copy of the new cover of Future,that had the cover-picture of his new story on it. He was so proud -- and who can blame him. Then we sat and gabbed until about midnight when his stint was over;thence to his home, where we were filled with delicious pancakes and coffee. (And those swell people remembered back to last November's Michiconference
Hevelin Fanzines