Fantasia, v. 1, issue 1, January 1941
Page 20
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20 FANTASIA Where We Stand WE FULLY REALIZE the fact that there is nothing unique about another fan-mag in a field already crammed to the gills with publications ranging in merit from slop and trash to the few excellent amateur publications. So we're not expecting to set a world afire. WE THINK THAT "FANTASIA" can stand on its own feet, and will compare favorably with the general run of amateur fantasy efforts. For this reason, we are presenting this first issue without ballyhoo or fanfare. And, in future numbers, we have no intention of making exaggerated claims, of getting punchy with our own enthusiasm. STATED SIMPLY, our policy is and will continue to be one of publishing as good a magazine in all respects as we possibly can. BEFORE ASKING YOU to lend your financial support to "FANTASIA", let us make it quite clear that if you think this magazine stinks, then you are quite welcome to file it away as a "horrible example", and no obligations. That is to say, our immediate objective in this campaign is your respect. If "FANTASIA" earns your respect, we are confident your financial support will be forthcoming; if it does not merit your respect, you would be foolish to pay for it, and we would be debasing ourselves to expect you to do so. If enough people share your opinion -- one way or the other -- "FANTASIA" will either plummet swiftly to oblivion or survive and improve with age. So there we leave the matter in your hands. WE HAVE TRIED to do a good job on this first issue. As far as makeup is concerned "FANTASIA" departs from the traditional style in a few respects. We think it represents a forward step, and hope you concur. THE CONTENT MATERIAL is, of course, "first-issue material", and possibly weaker in spots than it normally would be, but it too, like the magazine as a whole, should be able to stand on its own merits. 150 COPIES OF THIS first issue have been run off. Of these, 100 are being distributed by mail outside of San Francisco. Some are being held in reserve, others sold locally. We would fall short of meeting our expenses even were we to succeed in disposing of all 100 at 10c each, but we are rather optimistic over the outlook for "FANTASIA", and very hopeful. There is no reason to suspect that our circulation will be a cause for shame. Therefore, we plan to publish accurate figures in every forthcoming number. ANOTHER THING WE MUST NOT FORGET to mention is the possibility that "FANTASIA" will appear at more frequent intervals. If the reader-reaction to this issue is sufficiently favorable, we will go bi-monthly with our second number. At any rate, if we survive these first critical months, we will go bi-monthly eventually. And beyond that -- only the future can decide whether monthly publication will be feasible. OF ALL OF YOU, whether you like "FANTASIA" or not -- whether you buy it or not, we ask one favor. PLEASE WRITE US AND GIVE US YOUR FRANK OPINIONS. A note or letter as short or long as you like, will be received with gratitude. Our public is the fan public, and you may be certain that we will try to fashion "FANTASIA" by way of your opinions. And we do not ask your comments merely because it is the conventional thing to do. We would appreciate analytical letters, with specific mentions to the various poems, stories, articles and features we are running. AND ONE MORE REMINDER! We know that you have ideas. We know that many of you are capable of turning out first-class material. We are on the level when we say that we would like to see what you have. If you will send it, we will consider it carefully, and will publish the best we can obtain. So let us hear from you soon. We hope for your subscription, urgently request your literary contributions, and demand your comments and criticisms. THE STAFF
20 FANTASIA Where We Stand WE FULLY REALIZE the fact that there is nothing unique about another fan-mag in a field already crammed to the gills with publications ranging in merit from slop and trash to the few excellent amateur publications. So we're not expecting to set a world afire. WE THINK THAT "FANTASIA" can stand on its own feet, and will compare favorably with the general run of amateur fantasy efforts. For this reason, we are presenting this first issue without ballyhoo or fanfare. And, in future numbers, we have no intention of making exaggerated claims, of getting punchy with our own enthusiasm. STATED SIMPLY, our policy is and will continue to be one of publishing as good a magazine in all respects as we possibly can. BEFORE ASKING YOU to lend your financial support to "FANTASIA", let us make it quite clear that if you think this magazine stinks, then you are quite welcome to file it away as a "horrible example", and no obligations. That is to say, our immediate objective in this campaign is your respect. If "FANTASIA" earns your respect, we are confident your financial support will be forthcoming; if it does not merit your respect, you would be foolish to pay for it, and we would be debasing ourselves to expect you to do so. If enough people share your opinion -- one way or the other -- "FANTASIA" will either plummet swiftly to oblivion or survive and improve with age. So there we leave the matter in your hands. WE HAVE TRIED to do a good job on this first issue. As far as makeup is concerned "FANTASIA" departs from the traditional style in a few respects. We think it represents a forward step, and hope you concur. THE CONTENT MATERIAL is, of course, "first-issue material", and possibly weaker in spots than it normally would be, but it too, like the magazine as a whole, should be able to stand on its own merits. 150 COPIES OF THIS first issue have been run off. Of these, 100 are being distributed by mail outside of San Francisco. Some are being held in reserve, others sold locally. We would fall short of meeting our expenses even were we to succeed in disposing of all 100 at 10c each, but we are rather optimistic over the outlook for "FANTASIA", and very hopeful. There is no reason to suspect that our circulation will be a cause for shame. Therefore, we plan to publish accurate figures in every forthcoming number. ANOTHER THING WE MUST NOT FORGET to mention is the possibility that "FANTASIA" will appear at more frequent intervals. If the reader-reaction to this issue is sufficiently favorable, we will go bi-monthly with our second number. At any rate, if we survive these first critical months, we will go bi-monthly eventually. And beyond that -- only the future can decide whether monthly publication will be feasible. OF ALL OF YOU, whether you like "FANTASIA" or not -- whether you buy it or not, we ask one favor. PLEASE WRITE US AND GIVE US YOUR FRANK OPINIONS. A note or letter as short or long as you like, will be received with gratitude. Our public is the fan public, and you may be certain that we will try to fashion "FANTASIA" by way of your opinions. And we do not ask your comments merely because it is the conventional thing to do. We would appreciate analytical letters, with specific mentions to the various poems, stories, articles and features we are running. AND ONE MORE REMINDER! We know that you have ideas. We know that many of you are capable of turning out first-class material. We are on the level when we say that we would like to see what you have. If you will send it, we will consider it carefully, and will publish the best we can obtain. So let us hear from you soon. We hope for your subscription, urgently request your literary contributions, and demand your comments and criticisms. THE STAFF
Hevelin Fanzines