Fantasy Commentator, v. 1, issue 5, Winter 1944-1945
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FANTASY COMMENTATOR ...covering the field of imaginative literature... A. Langley Searles editor Associate contributors: Sam Moskowitz, Julius Unger, William H. Evans ---------------------------------- Vol. 1, No. 5 ---oOo--- Winter 1944-45 ---------------------------------- CONTENTS EDITORIAL: This-'n'-That A. Langley Searles 70 ARTICLES: Hidden Horizons Thyril L. Ladd 71 Concerning "The Country of the Blind" A. Langley Searles 74 It Might Have Been--- Sam Moskowitz 78 Forgotten Creators of Ghosts - I A. Langley Searles 80 Little Men, What Now? H. C. Koenig 85 As I See It... A. Merritt 91 Space-Time in Literary Form Margaret Curtis Walters 92 VERSE: After Death Christina G. Rossetti 97 REGULAR DEPARTMENTS: Book Reviews: Malden's Nine Ghosts A. Langley Searles 77 Barbey d'Aurevilly's Bewitched Matthew H. Onderdonk 98 Past Decades in Science-Fiction A. Langley Searles 87 Thumbing the Munsey Files William H. Evans 99 ---oOo--- Fantasy Commentator is an amateur non-profit magazine of limited circulation published at quarterly intervals; subscription rates: 20c per copy, six issues for $1. This magazine does not accept advertising, nor does it exchange subscriptions with other amateur publishers. All opinions expressed herein are the writers own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Although no fiction is needed, we welcome descriptive and critical material dealing with any phase of imaginative literature and fantasy fandom from all readers. Please send all contributions and subscriptions to A. Langley Searles, 19 East 235th Street, New York 66, N. Y. The next number of this publication will appear in April, 1945. copyright 1944 by A. Langley Searles
FANTASY COMMENTATOR ...covering the field of imaginative literature... A. Langley Searles editor Associate contributors: Sam Moskowitz, Julius Unger, William H. Evans ---------------------------------- Vol. 1, No. 5 ---oOo--- Winter 1944-45 ---------------------------------- CONTENTS EDITORIAL: This-'n'-That A. Langley Searles 70 ARTICLES: Hidden Horizons Thyril L. Ladd 71 Concerning "The Country of the Blind" A. Langley Searles 74 It Might Have Been--- Sam Moskowitz 78 Forgotten Creators of Ghosts - I A. Langley Searles 80 Little Men, What Now? H. C. Koenig 85 As I See It... A. Merritt 91 Space-Time in Literary Form Margaret Curtis Walters 92 VERSE: After Death Christina G. Rossetti 97 REGULAR DEPARTMENTS: Book Reviews: Malden's Nine Ghosts A. Langley Searles 77 Barbey d'Aurevilly's Bewitched Matthew H. Onderdonk 98 Past Decades in Science-Fiction A. Langley Searles 87 Thumbing the Munsey Files William H. Evans 99 ---oOo--- Fantasy Commentator is an amateur non-profit magazine of limited circulation published at quarterly intervals; subscription rates: 20c per copy, six issues for $1. This magazine does not accept advertising, nor does it exchange subscriptions with other amateur publishers. All opinions expressed herein are the writers own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff. Although no fiction is needed, we welcome descriptive and critical material dealing with any phase of imaginative literature and fantasy fandom from all readers. Please send all contributions and subscriptions to A. Langley Searles, 19 East 235th Street, New York 66, N. Y. The next number of this publication will appear in April, 1945. copyright 1944 by A. Langley Searles
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