Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 19, November 1941
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FOURTH ANNIVERSARY Eward Connor of 929 Butler St., Peoria, Ill, enters the arena against Tigrina on the topic of Undress Prade: "Ha!--hanging like a pallover the entire ish seems to be the ghostly quesgiton of--the VOM-nudes!! Boy, I'd like to see a bunch of stfans arguing verbally over somethin' like that. Conventions must be painful affairs--as far as that phase of the moon is concerned. Me, I like maidens with clothes on, and the less they've got on the better. (Does that make sense? Anyhow, please understand that I am refering strictly to VOM-maidens.) " In regards to cover on October ish: if you are going to glorify the form beautiful why do it in halves? (Wartimeconomy) Seriously tho, the pic by Tom Wright does not remind me in the least of Finlay. It closely resembles some of Lou Goldstone's work, I think. " VOM read rapturously despite voluminous rumblings from the radio in the next room (over which announcer, in losing fight, describes 1st world's series game.) (Note: this actually happened; I turned away from the radio to read VOM and did not stop until I'd read the whole thing through 3 times, s'help me. " 4E's continuity of his denvention trek (O, I thot I said truck at first) is better (better written anyway, if that's possible) than what went before. The first installment I found more interesting because it dealt--for the most part--directly with the denvention. Elder's "Acel Dovrd"--the Venusian--was not as good as his Marsian of last ish. 'Twas a nice attempt, tho. (VOM--Venusian or Marsian?) " The cartoons by Daimwood & Gifford were Killers--really excellent. MILTY, 1730 P NW, Wh/DC: "Cover veddy nice, only why don't some people stop copying Finlay and develope a style of their own? Also liked pic of the ballet couple. New policy of cutting letters probably an improvement. You know how many criticisms you've received for printing a lot of drivel. " Forrie, it looks like you and me have something in common. Selection Sorrows. " It would be a cruel, cruel blow for me to be inducted, just when things are starting to go in the proper direction. It would be just like fate to stick me in the Army for the duration, just when two (two mind you, not one) swell jobs are starting to look in my direction, and hundreds of dollars worth of stories are spinning around in my bean. " Here's a problem for you, voice of experience: There was a guy who'd wanted to be a scientist and work in a laboratory all the time who was offered two jobs. One job was scientific laboratory work and paid $1620 per year. The other was work involving travelling around interviewing and paid $2300 per year, plus $5.00 per diem and 5¢ per mile while travelling. Which should he take?. . . . You're damn tootin! The $2300 job, especially since he's going to quit in a couple of years anyway and go back to school. " Gentlemen, a super-fly has just landed on my desk. Yep, it's fly mutation. Has a regular housefly head, but the thorax and abdomen are elongated beyond recognition. The wings are not correct, either. So unless it's an unfamiliar insect, we have here a fly-mutation. " That's what Lester thinks, anyway. Lester (del Rey) just walked in, and because its impolite to write letters while company is in the room (altho I've been doing it for the past fifteen minutes) I'll stop now." Rustebar rites, C/o RAM, 333 E Belgrade, Philly, Pa: "#17 Vom has the best Den-article yet (Oct 4). Cover OK but do not think it appropriate. Sure u can do betr than nudes - mebbe I'm prudish but I cud stand something stfl. To repeat - the Denvereport is - tho hardly concise - most complete & reliable I have seen. 4E must hav bin evrywhere. DE's pic OK, cartoons not so hot. Rest of mag not just what I expected, but interesting, especially the English attitude. The horror on the back cover smells. " Here's my buck for membership in our new organization (the Pacificon). Tho PSFS (Pa. SF Soc'y) has finally gotten started for the winter session and should be quite active. They seem to want a big year and hope to build up the club. Trying to arrange a club apartment for meetings and social gatherings. (Well, swell & best wishes for success from the Director of the LASFS.) " How about adding another to your correspondence list. Would like to hear from all of you. Will rite to all who rite me." CARROLL WYMACK of the Golden Gate: "Vom came in the afternoon- and first recognized Tom Wright's picture, that I had seen original. He is such a nice young man & I think he has a bright future in his high-class drawings. " What is this I read-Forry being called back for another examination? Do let us know the answer. (Well, after waiting an hr & a quarter to see the medico, I saw 2 of'em. ((Aside: What stf story does this suggest? That's ryt! PARADOX.))They said "Make a noise like you needed a Smith Bros." & patted me on the back during the process, tho why they should be congratulating me ((HI! Madie, note simPhillyfied spelling)) I can't imagine. Then they said "No" & "You may go." Silly?) -- Enjoyed Forry's "After Denvention"- especially the part about Tigrina. -- I notice quite a number mention her in their letters, and resent she does not give her address. And I understand she does not like the nude girls on covers. " Believe I agree with Tigrina about nude women on S.F. mags. They are pretty and no doubt please the English army and the older boys-but as many juveniles read these mags-think it would be more in keeping to have picture to depict one the stories in some issue I dont believe young lads appreciate a picture of a nude or partly nude woman-but do get a thrill from some fantastic picture. Nude pictures are for mags-like Look-Pic-or any sex mag. (But Carroll! Most of our Vomaidens are drawn by "juveniles"! Billy Jenkins, 14: Delder, 15; Phil Bronson, 16 or 17; damon knight only 18 or 19; & ofcorse our prize disciple of the dimpled darlings of them all, Jack Erman - age 3!) -- "Have wondered where the word Vom came from and today my noodle worked-I think-- Is it a short for Voice of i-Magination?" (Wy, mack!) SGT NICK KENEALY, Det OMC, AFCC, Hamilton Field, Cal: "Tell Tigrina to reassume skull pin. Saw double horror show at Esquire. Audience of which contained many blondes, but doubt existed in mind as to which might be which. No is fair."
FOURTH ANNIVERSARY Eward Connor of 929 Butler St., Peoria, Ill, enters the arena against Tigrina on the topic of Undress Prade: "Ha!--hanging like a pallover the entire ish seems to be the ghostly quesgiton of--the VOM-nudes!! Boy, I'd like to see a bunch of stfans arguing verbally over somethin' like that. Conventions must be painful affairs--as far as that phase of the moon is concerned. Me, I like maidens with clothes on, and the less they've got on the better. (Does that make sense? Anyhow, please understand that I am refering strictly to VOM-maidens.) " In regards to cover on October ish: if you are going to glorify the form beautiful why do it in halves? (Wartimeconomy) Seriously tho, the pic by Tom Wright does not remind me in the least of Finlay. It closely resembles some of Lou Goldstone's work, I think. " VOM read rapturously despite voluminous rumblings from the radio in the next room (over which announcer, in losing fight, describes 1st world's series game.) (Note: this actually happened; I turned away from the radio to read VOM and did not stop until I'd read the whole thing through 3 times, s'help me. " 4E's continuity of his denvention trek (O, I thot I said truck at first) is better (better written anyway, if that's possible) than what went before. The first installment I found more interesting because it dealt--for the most part--directly with the denvention. Elder's "Acel Dovrd"--the Venusian--was not as good as his Marsian of last ish. 'Twas a nice attempt, tho. (VOM--Venusian or Marsian?) " The cartoons by Daimwood & Gifford were Killers--really excellent. MILTY, 1730 P NW, Wh/DC: "Cover veddy nice, only why don't some people stop copying Finlay and develope a style of their own? Also liked pic of the ballet couple. New policy of cutting letters probably an improvement. You know how many criticisms you've received for printing a lot of drivel. " Forrie, it looks like you and me have something in common. Selection Sorrows. " It would be a cruel, cruel blow for me to be inducted, just when things are starting to go in the proper direction. It would be just like fate to stick me in the Army for the duration, just when two (two mind you, not one) swell jobs are starting to look in my direction, and hundreds of dollars worth of stories are spinning around in my bean. " Here's a problem for you, voice of experience: There was a guy who'd wanted to be a scientist and work in a laboratory all the time who was offered two jobs. One job was scientific laboratory work and paid $1620 per year. The other was work involving travelling around interviewing and paid $2300 per year, plus $5.00 per diem and 5¢ per mile while travelling. Which should he take?. . . . You're damn tootin! The $2300 job, especially since he's going to quit in a couple of years anyway and go back to school. " Gentlemen, a super-fly has just landed on my desk. Yep, it's fly mutation. Has a regular housefly head, but the thorax and abdomen are elongated beyond recognition. The wings are not correct, either. So unless it's an unfamiliar insect, we have here a fly-mutation. " That's what Lester thinks, anyway. Lester (del Rey) just walked in, and because its impolite to write letters while company is in the room (altho I've been doing it for the past fifteen minutes) I'll stop now." Rustebar rites, C/o RAM, 333 E Belgrade, Philly, Pa: "#17 Vom has the best Den-article yet (Oct 4). Cover OK but do not think it appropriate. Sure u can do betr than nudes - mebbe I'm prudish but I cud stand something stfl. To repeat - the Denvereport is - tho hardly concise - most complete & reliable I have seen. 4E must hav bin evrywhere. DE's pic OK, cartoons not so hot. Rest of mag not just what I expected, but interesting, especially the English attitude. The horror on the back cover smells. " Here's my buck for membership in our new organization (the Pacificon). Tho PSFS (Pa. SF Soc'y) has finally gotten started for the winter session and should be quite active. They seem to want a big year and hope to build up the club. Trying to arrange a club apartment for meetings and social gatherings. (Well, swell & best wishes for success from the Director of the LASFS.) " How about adding another to your correspondence list. Would like to hear from all of you. Will rite to all who rite me." CARROLL WYMACK of the Golden Gate: "Vom came in the afternoon- and first recognized Tom Wright's picture, that I had seen original. He is such a nice young man & I think he has a bright future in his high-class drawings. " What is this I read-Forry being called back for another examination? Do let us know the answer. (Well, after waiting an hr & a quarter to see the medico, I saw 2 of'em. ((Aside: What stf story does this suggest? That's ryt! PARADOX.))They said "Make a noise like you needed a Smith Bros." & patted me on the back during the process, tho why they should be congratulating me ((HI! Madie, note simPhillyfied spelling)) I can't imagine. Then they said "No" & "You may go." Silly?) -- Enjoyed Forry's "After Denvention"- especially the part about Tigrina. -- I notice quite a number mention her in their letters, and resent she does not give her address. And I understand she does not like the nude girls on covers. " Believe I agree with Tigrina about nude women on S.F. mags. They are pretty and no doubt please the English army and the older boys-but as many juveniles read these mags-think it would be more in keeping to have picture to depict one the stories in some issue I dont believe young lads appreciate a picture of a nude or partly nude woman-but do get a thrill from some fantastic picture. Nude pictures are for mags-like Look-Pic-or any sex mag. (But Carroll! Most of our Vomaidens are drawn by "juveniles"! Billy Jenkins, 14: Delder, 15; Phil Bronson, 16 or 17; damon knight only 18 or 19; & ofcorse our prize disciple of the dimpled darlings of them all, Jack Erman - age 3!) -- "Have wondered where the word Vom came from and today my noodle worked-I think-- Is it a short for Voice of i-Magination?" (Wy, mack!) SGT NICK KENEALY, Det OMC, AFCC, Hamilton Field, Cal: "Tell Tigrina to reassume skull pin. Saw double horror show at Esquire. Audience of which contained many blondes, but doubt existed in mind as to which might be which. No is fair."
Hevelin Fanzines