Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 24, August 1942
Page 4
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4 VOICE OF THE [drawing of two people in a very cluttered room, signed "Turner"] "As I always say, we fans must set an example to the rest of the world - show them how to live planned, orderly lives ..." Tackett away Roy! This fan's distinction is that, unlike the likes of Tucker, (til recently) Widner, Joquel, Tigrina, & others, who live in boxes of one sort or another, "LezRoy" springs from a Fountain in El Dor--er--Colorado. Sez LezRoy: "Dear Term--I mean VoMites '' If those two bums, Fojak and Connerley, who work only 60 hours per week will step to one side I will introduce a working man--myself. Be it hereby known that I work 70 hpw. Who tops me? '' The cover of #23, like the previous fanograph was superb. All sorts of fans including the Green Fantom himself, no less. Incidentially, Acky, those specs make you look like one of these comic book supermen who wear goggles to change their appearance. "Armed with only his French 75 the Green Fantom, who is in real life FJA, man about fandom, stalks the horrible bug-eyed XZURGLPHUMGQSTYCS and puts an end to their murderous career of publishing new fanzines." '' I agree with you Art (Widner), man's mental attitude to his fellowmen has always been one of the greatest bottlenecks (battle-necks!) in the progress of civilization. Consider how racial and class hatred, or distinction, have kept many people from receiving even an elementary education. '' Is Webster kidding? Why the crusading? Go back a couple ishes, Doug. Widner gives the answer to that one in #20. A dissatisfaction with world conditions and a desire to improve those conditions. Should we 'relax and just live fairly normal lives'? Just sit back and let the rest of the world go by? Should we draw back within ourselves and fall into the rut of everyday existence? Hell no! That, chums, is complacency and complacency means decadence. If we were satisfied with our present world it would be a simple matter to go on with what we've got, making no further progress whatsoever. And that would mean retrogression for the who human race. Would you, Webster, be satisfied with what you've got if you knew you could get something better? Do you think that our descendants would be satisfied with today's world with its greed, filth, and illiteracy? Are you satisfied with it? If you are, chum, what are you doing in fandom? '' To Connerley, your four points are good, chum, and a couple are in use. Esperanto, for instance. To your list, tho, I'd like to add a fifth: racial equality. '' I am inclined to doubt that Tigrina knows as much about the Occult as she claims. If you've got something on the ball, Tige,,,,, How about tossing me some info? I'm curious, no less. (We guess U'll have to remain curious, Roy--praps even peculiar--for, as U'd've noen if U'd read the contents in order steada turning to your own letter first, tsk! tsk!, the Devil Doll is behind the 8 ball & may never emerge again, alack!) -- Dean has something when he says 'Mind is like stomach when its full it'll tell ya. Stuff it and you get indigestion.' I got indigestion. Rx: month vacation from stf and fandom. During the winter months I did nothing but concentrate on stf and fandom. I let my school work go visit with Mephistopheles. Toward the end of May it got me like a hangover. I was depressed. Too much of the cosmos, the infinite, et al. I not only lost interest in fandom but in everything else also. So I toss stf on the shelf and drag down Omar, and Halliburton. I go out on a couple of parties and get inebriated. I even go so far as to get a job. (Dyktawo?) Now I look better, my pocketbook looks better, and fandom looks best of all. I even laugh at 4e's puns. Mithiquotation: Said the 'Wolf Man' when being beat upon the skull with a silver-headed cane, 'It Claudes up and Rains all over me.'" Or, as Chaney said to the Invisible Man: "Lon time no see............"
4 VOICE OF THE [drawing of two people in a very cluttered room, signed "Turner"] "As I always say, we fans must set an example to the rest of the world - show them how to live planned, orderly lives ..." Tackett away Roy! This fan's distinction is that, unlike the likes of Tucker, (til recently) Widner, Joquel, Tigrina, & others, who live in boxes of one sort or another, "LezRoy" springs from a Fountain in El Dor--er--Colorado. Sez LezRoy: "Dear Term--I mean VoMites '' If those two bums, Fojak and Connerley, who work only 60 hours per week will step to one side I will introduce a working man--myself. Be it hereby known that I work 70 hpw. Who tops me? '' The cover of #23, like the previous fanograph was superb. All sorts of fans including the Green Fantom himself, no less. Incidentially, Acky, those specs make you look like one of these comic book supermen who wear goggles to change their appearance. "Armed with only his French 75 the Green Fantom, who is in real life FJA, man about fandom, stalks the horrible bug-eyed XZURGLPHUMGQSTYCS and puts an end to their murderous career of publishing new fanzines." '' I agree with you Art (Widner), man's mental attitude to his fellowmen has always been one of the greatest bottlenecks (battle-necks!) in the progress of civilization. Consider how racial and class hatred, or distinction, have kept many people from receiving even an elementary education. '' Is Webster kidding? Why the crusading? Go back a couple ishes, Doug. Widner gives the answer to that one in #20. A dissatisfaction with world conditions and a desire to improve those conditions. Should we 'relax and just live fairly normal lives'? Just sit back and let the rest of the world go by? Should we draw back within ourselves and fall into the rut of everyday existence? Hell no! That, chums, is complacency and complacency means decadence. If we were satisfied with our present world it would be a simple matter to go on with what we've got, making no further progress whatsoever. And that would mean retrogression for the who human race. Would you, Webster, be satisfied with what you've got if you knew you could get something better? Do you think that our descendants would be satisfied with today's world with its greed, filth, and illiteracy? Are you satisfied with it? If you are, chum, what are you doing in fandom? '' To Connerley, your four points are good, chum, and a couple are in use. Esperanto, for instance. To your list, tho, I'd like to add a fifth: racial equality. '' I am inclined to doubt that Tigrina knows as much about the Occult as she claims. If you've got something on the ball, Tige,,,,, How about tossing me some info? I'm curious, no less. (We guess U'll have to remain curious, Roy--praps even peculiar--for, as U'd've noen if U'd read the contents in order steada turning to your own letter first, tsk! tsk!, the Devil Doll is behind the 8 ball & may never emerge again, alack!) -- Dean has something when he says 'Mind is like stomach when its full it'll tell ya. Stuff it and you get indigestion.' I got indigestion. Rx: month vacation from stf and fandom. During the winter months I did nothing but concentrate on stf and fandom. I let my school work go visit with Mephistopheles. Toward the end of May it got me like a hangover. I was depressed. Too much of the cosmos, the infinite, et al. I not only lost interest in fandom but in everything else also. So I toss stf on the shelf and drag down Omar, and Halliburton. I go out on a couple of parties and get inebriated. I even go so far as to get a job. (Dyktawo?) Now I look better, my pocketbook looks better, and fandom looks best of all. I even laugh at 4e's puns. Mithiquotation: Said the 'Wolf Man' when being beat upon the skull with a silver-headed cane, 'It Claudes up and Rains all over me.'" Or, as Chaney said to the Invisible Man: "Lon time no see............"
Hevelin Fanzines